Wednesday 26 June 2024

Researcher and Former Scientific Officer - F - , at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre at kalpakkam Mr. S. Paul Helfins, M. Sc [ Chem], D.I.S, P.G.D.G.T ,.

Introduction      :  Former Scientific Officer-F-,  at Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, at Kalpakkam  Mr. S. Paul Helfins , M.Sc[ Chemistry], D.I.S, P.G.D.G.T, is an intelligent person and  a remarkable Scientific Researcher and his contribution for the cause of Nation Building, National defence and Atomic Energy Research, deserves our appreciation and regards . A review of his hard work,  professional travel and the efforts taken by him  for the cause of  intellectual development and scientific research  will definitely galvanise and energise the readers and the rural youth with new passion, enthusiasm, hope and goal to become Scientists and Researchers. .

                                                Mr. Paul Helfins , M.Sc, D.I.S, P.G.D G.T ,.

Mr. Paul Helfins  and His Parents and Birth   : Kottaiyadi is a beautiful  village in Tirunelveli Distrcit near Vallioor  and there lived a gentleman by name Mr Daniel Swaminathan and he married a beautiful God fearing woman from Nagercoil by name Ms Renjitham and  Mr Swaminathan and Ms Renjitham Swaminathan couple gave birth to Mr Paul Helfins at Nagercoil on 25th July , 1961..

Mr. Paul Helfins' Siblings    :  Mr. Daniel Swaminathan Couple gave birth to the following children namely ;-[1] Mr. S. Arul Manoharan, and he married Ms N. Gnanam and he worked in an Administrative Staff and his wife Ms Gnanam Manoharan worked in the Indian Army as a Military Nurse . Mr Arul Manoharan and Ms Gnanam couple is blessed with one son by name Mr Reuben Manoharan , B.C.S, and he is the Founder of H2O Technology Pvt Ltd , it has branches in Pune and Goa. Mr Reuben Manoharan has married Ms. Freeda who worked in the Indian Army as a Military Nurse and currently Ms.Freeda is working in an International School in Pune, [2] Mr. S.Allan Henry, B.Sc[ Chemistry], he  worked in the prestigious Bhabha Atomic Research Centre Tarapur [BARC}as a Scientific Assistant for 9 years and he left this job on personal grounds. Mr. Allan Henry was married to Ms Bama and this couple gave birth to the following children namely :- [a] Mr. Vinod Jeremy Henry , B.C.A, T.C.I.L- [ P.G. Diploma in Computer Net Working ]  and he is working as an I.T.  Consultant for Start Up Companies, [b] Mr. Vivian Henry, B.C.A., and he is married and blessed with a son by name Varveen, [3] Ms.S. Daisy Pamela, M.A, B.Ed, and she worked and retired as School teacher , She married Rev. Paul Raj, B.D, M.Th and Rev Paul Raj, worked as a Professor at the Concordia Theological Seminary Nageracoil and this couple gave birth to the following children namely ;-[a]  Ms. Arthi and [b] Mr. Ajin , [4] Mr. S. Sekhar ,  and he married Ms kalaimathi and this couple gave birth to the following children namely ;-[a]Ben. Robinson, B.Com, [b] Paul Praveen ,, , [5] Mr. S. Prem kumar, and he married Ms Josphine Prem , [6] Mr. Paul Helfins [ The Hero of this Article],. and [7] Mr. S. Benny Davidson, B,. Sc, [Chemistry], M.B.A,, L.L.B, and he married his B.Sc Classmate Ms Shanthi, B.Sc [ Chemistry] . Mr. Benny Davidson joined as a Chemist at the Deepak Fertilizers and Petrochemicals Corporation Ltd  as a Chemist and afterwards he shifted to the Marketing Department in the  same Company and after having served in the Company for many years  he  retired from service.  . Now he is working as an Assistant Lawyer to a  Senior Lawyer and he is a Specialist in Civil law and labour Law . Mr. Benny Davidson and Ms Shanthi Benny Davidson  couple gave birth to the following children namely :-[a] Mr. Allan Sangeeth Benny B.Com, M.B.A, and he is working as Assistant General Manager  in a private Shipping company and he married Ms Rexchy, B.Sc, [ dietician] and [b] Mr. Shalin Nirmal, B.E, [Mechanical }, and he is working in a Private Company. as a Planning Manager

Mr. S. Paul Helifins' Educational Track    :  Mr. Paul Helfins  did his Primary School education at the Lutheran Primary School at Nagercoil and he pursued his High School education at  Concordia High School, Nagercoil . After having passed his the year 1977, he pursued his P.U.C and B.Sc[ Chemistry] at the famous Scott Christian College Nagercoil and passed his B.Sc in the year 1981, . Then he pursued his M.Sc[ Chemistry] at the Annamalai University through correspondence course and passed his M.Sc.[Chemistry] meritoriously. Then he passed his D.I.S, and P.G.D.G.T,. courses meritoriously 

                                       Mr. S. Paul Helfins with his Wife Ms. Catherin Rani 

Mr. S. Paul Helfins' Married Life  :  Mr. Paul Helfins married Ms. Catherin Rani [daughter of Maj. Manuel ], and their  son Mr Clinton  has married a cute Girl from a respectable family from Chennai .

Mr. S. Paul Helfins Professional Track   :  Mr. Paul Helfins joined the Bhabha Atomic Research Centre , Tarapur  as a Scientific Assistant on 28th June 1984 . He served as a Scientific Assistant with great sincerity and efficiency and after he passed his M.Sc {Chemistry] through Correspondence Course  meritoriously, he was promoted as Scientific Officer . On 1st January 1995  he was  transferred to Bhabha Atomic Research Centre at kalpakkam. Tamil Nadu . A Scientific Officer in BARC  holds a key role in various scientific and technical activities related to Nuclear Research Development and Applications. As a Scientific Officer Mr. Paul Helfins discharged his functions and duties with great devotion and efficacy and he was  getting his official due promotions regularly  and in the year 2018 Mr Paul Helfins was promoted as Scientific Officer- H- . After having served the BARC for many years with great enthusiasm, curiosity, scientific aptitude,  and efficacy he retired from B.A.R.C  on 31st July 2021 .

Conclusion   :  Mr. Paul Helfins is really a remarkable man and  his rise, reach and entry  into the prestigious premises of  Bhabha Atomic Rsearch Centre from an unknown small village from  Tirunelveli district ,Tamil Nadu as Scientific Officer deserves our appreciation and regards . He and his brothers are being blessed with natural flair for Chemistry and Research. . He is a hard worker  and unassuming . He is honest and is blessed with a  compassionate heart .. He loves  to visit historical and beautiful tourist places . He loved and respected  his parents. He loves his wife and son . He keeps cordial relationship with his siblings and their families.and relatives. William Shakespeare said, "Some are born great and some achieve greatness "and Mr. S. Paul Helfins  belongs to the second category. After retirement he resides with his family in his house at Perunkuzhthoor, Tambaram , Chennai. It is not possible to cover all the important chapters and accomplishments of his real life story within the space of this Article and so  I will end this Article with the following sentence, " I thank God for Mr. Paul Helfins , and  we are proud of him ".


By. P. Babu Manoharan, MA, [ All rights are reserved. This Article\ will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed ].


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