Saturday 20 July 2024

Church Planter, Administrator, Former I.E.L.C. Youth Director [1989-1991] , I.E.L.C, Church Council Member and President of India Evangelical Lutheran Church [I.E.L.C ].Rev. S. Rajagambeeram.

Introduction     :  Former President of India Evangelical Lutheran Church Rev. S. Rajagambeeram is a multifaceted personality. He was a Dynamic Youth Leader , Church Planter  and has established 10  new IELC Congregations in Ambur Synod, Social Thinker , convincing Preacher, and able Administrator.  Definitely a perusal of his galvanising profile will  help to rejuvenate the conditions of the present I.E.L.C. and motivate the current I.E.L.C.  Pastors and Church Leaders  to make a self survey of their inner minds and rededicate their service for the cause of I.E.L.C and its congregational members.


                                         Former IELC President Rev.S. Rajagambeeram. .

Rev. S. Rajagambeeram's Parents and his Birth     : M.V. Kuppam is an unsung tiny village that lies near Gudiyatham, in  Vellore district and in this beautiful tiny village there lived a farmer and small Trader  by name Mr.  Samuel with his beloved wife by name Ms. Gnanapushpam and this couple gave birth to Res. Rajagambeeram on 2nd December 1954..

Rev. s. Rajagambeeram's Siblings   : Mr. Samuel and Mrs Gnanapushpam  Samuel couple gave birth to the following children namely :- [1] Ms. Ruth Sironmani and she married Mr. Sam  Padmanabhan and this couple is blessed with 2 sons and 3 daughters. Mr. Sam Padmanabhan is working in Newzealand as a Technician,[2] Ms. Vimala and she married Mr karunakaran and this couple is blessed with 4 sons, [3] Ms. Violet and she married Mr Edwin Jeyakar and this couple is blessed with the following children namely ;[ a] Ms. Sharmila  Babu and she is working in Australia, [-b ] a Son and [c ]  a son,,.[4]  Mr. Gabriel Andrew and he is working is Dubai in  I.T. field, [5] Rev. Rajagambeeram [ He is the Hero of this Article], [6] Mr. Sounderarajan and he worked and retired as Manager, Tamil Nadu Tourist Corporation and his wife Ms. Valli Gandhi is working as a Pharmacist in a Government Hospital, and this couple gave birth to the following children namely ;-[a]Dr. Sowkanth, M.D, [ Indian medicine ], and Dr. Sowkanth married Ms Shirley , B.E,[ I.T], and [b] Ms. Sowmiya , B.Sc[Nursing], and she married Mr. Carlo and he  is working in Gulf as an  I.T. Professional, [7] Mr. Martin, M.A, Ph.D [Community Development],and he is working in Philippines and he has married a Philippines lady and settled in Philippines, and this couple is   blessed with on smart son ,[8] Mr. Pravin Alexander and he  married Ms Suguna  and this couple is  blessed with one son, by name Mr. David kapil Dev, and Mr. Kpil Dev is working in Titans Jewellery in Hosur, [9]Ms. Lavanya, and [10] Ms Regina kalavathy and she married Mr Ravi, and he worked in BHEL and retired. This couple gave birth to the following children namely ;-[a] Ms. Sneha, B.E,[Civil]. and [b] Krithika and she is working in GSK. 

Educational track of Rev. S. Rajagambeeram     :  Rev. S. Rajagambeeram did his primary School Education at the R.V. Kuppam Panchayat Primary School, and did his 6th Std to 8th Std at the Concordia Middle School at Ambur as a Boarder.. He pursued his High School at the Government Board High School at Melpattinam.  After having passed his S.S.L.C,  meritoriously he pursued his P.U.C, at the famous Islamiya College at Vaniyambadi .. 

His Theological Education    :   Rev. S. Rajagambeeram joined the Concordia Theoloical Seminary at Nagercoil to do his B.Th Course. . While he was pursuing his BTh, Dr,.B.H. Jackkayya was serving as the Principal of Concordia Theological seminary, Ngercoil . Rev. S. Rajagambeeram passed his B.Th[ Senate of Serampore College] in 1981. 

                        Mrs.W. Prema Vijaya Kumari  Rajagambeeram and Rev. S. Rajagambeeram.

Rev. S. Rajagambeeram's Wife and Children   :  Rev. S. Rajagambeeram married Ms W. Prema Vijaya  Kumari, M.A, B.Ed, daughter of Mr. Wilson Arul Doss [Rtd Military Clerk]  and Mrs  Ranjitham Wilson [Teacher at Lutheran Primary School Nagercoil].  from Nagercoil  and she did her Primary School studies at the Lutheran Primary School Nagercoil and then did her VI Std --VII Std  at Concordia High School Nagercoil and did her VIII Std  --XI Std  at St Joseph's Convent Nagercoil . She did her P.U.C. at the famous Scott Christian College Nagercoil, She pursued her B.A[ Economics] at Holy Cross College, Nagercoil and did her M.A [ History] , Madras University . She worked as Secondary grade Teacher at Vaniyambadi Concordia Hr. Sec School from 1998 to 2009 and Secondary  Grade Teacher at Concordia Higher secondary School Ambur [ 2009-  2013], and retired in 2013. currently since 2013  she has been  working as the Correspondent of Concordia Higher Secondary School at Amber,[2023-- 2025] .. Rev. S. Rajagambeeram and Ms Prema Vijaya Kumari couple gave birth to  the following children namely ;- [1] Mr. R.G. Navin Samson,  he did his Nursing Course at CMC and he married Ms.Annet Margaret, B.Sc[ Nursing] and both of them are working in Kuwait [ MOH], [2] Mr R.G. Pravin Ranjith, B.Tech , GSK, London , UK..

 Rev. S. Rajagambeeram's  Pastoral  Track    :  After having passed his BTh, Rev. S. Rajagambeeram was posted  to work as a probationary Lutheran Pastor at the Vellore Christ Lutheran Church and he worked in this church from 1981 to 1983 and successfully completed his probation period and then he was appointed as Lutheran[IELC] Pastor at the Alan Kuppam Pastorate and he was ordained and installed in 1984 and he worked as IELC Pastor  of the Allan Kupam Lutheran Congregation, Chantore Kuppam congregation and Vinnamangalm Congregation in the Allankuppam Pastorate for a record period of  35 years [ 1984- 2019] and retired in 2019. 

Rev. Rajagambeeram as a Church Planter  :   Rev. S. Rajagambeeeram is really a great Church Planter in IELC. He had established 10 new IELC congregations namely :- St. Luke Lutheran Church at Solur , Yesu Nathar Lutheran Church at Nachiyar Kuppam ,St Zion Lutheran Church at Sandorkuppam, etc,..He had  not only planted 10  New IELC churches[ Congregations]  but also constructed Church Buildings  for those  10 IELC  Congregations established by him in Ambur Synod.

Rev. S. Rajagambeeram's  Administrative Career in IELC   ;  Rev. S. Rajagambeeram had served IELC in various capcities such as ;- :- [1] Youth Director, Ambur Synod, [2] IELC , Youth Director [ 1989--1991] , [3] Secretary and Treasurer of Pastor's Conferences , Ambur Synod, [4] Served as IELC, Church Council Member, [5]  He was elected to serve as President of  I.E.L.C. [ 2004-- 2007] and again he was elected  as IELC President  [2017 to 2020] and Rev. S. Rajagambeeram   served as President of I.E.L.C with great devotion , dedication and Vision. 

Conclusion        : Rrev. S. Rajagambeeram served I.E.L.C. as a dedicated IELC Pastor with great vision, mission and dedication. He lovedIELC and its congregational members and he really did his best for the cause of IELC congregations and their members. He arranged educational Scholarships for many IELC boys and girls to do their  B.Sc[ Nursing] Courses. He also encouraged IELC Pastors to do their Higher Theological studies, by giving Educational Scholarships. . He had visited many foreign countries such as ;-[a]  Germany [2 times], [b] U.S.A, [5 times],[c]Hong Kong [ 2 times], [d] Bangkock,[e] Thailand, and [f]Sweeden. .By his hard work he developed his hold and command over English language . He is powerful Writer  and Preacher in Tamil.  His smiling face,  and friendly words helped him to earn many friends both within the Church and outside the Church. He is a convincing Preacher , he is compassionate and unassuming and an able  administrator. God blessed his family .It is not possible to cover all the aspects and chapters of his real life story within the space of this article and so I will end this Article with the following sentence, : "Dear Rev. S. Rajagambeeram, we thank God for you, we like your  smile and proud of you :"
by P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,. [ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later, if needed].



  1. I'm Happy see and read our Beloved IELC President Emeritus Rev. DR S. Rajagembeeram's Article.
    Our proud leader...
    Thank you for writing about him.

  2. And missing st zion Luthren chruch, sandrorkuppam

    1. Greetings. Zion Lutheran Church Sandorkuppam is included now. Thanks.

  3. So nice to read His Bio, Glory to God.

    Arun Amalraj,
