Introduction : The Rev.Sankaralingam. David Samson Kingsbury, B.D, G.E.E.C was a remarkable personality, he was an orator, convincing preacher, social thinker, he strongly believed that Christianity would liberate the people from social chains, sin and spiritual ignorance, and was a great humanitarian and reformer. Though his full name was long he was commonly known as Rev. Kingsbury Rev.David Samson Kingsbury was born in a rich family but his mind was with the poor and voiceless people The physical and spiritual plight of the people specially of the marginalized poor people of his day who lived in and around Madras impacted and saddened him so much. He firmly believed that Christianity would lit light in the lives of the people who were living in physical, intellectual and spiritual darkness.He helped the people who surrounded and approached him by providing the word of God as food to their ears and meals as food to their mouths. He sacrificed his life for the total amelioration and progress of the marginalized poor people . Rev. Kingsbury was really a shining and galvanizing milestones in the social, educational, cultural and religious history of Madras and Tamil Nadu.

Rev. S.D.S. Kingsbury, B.D, G.E.E.C [London ]
Rev.. S.D. Kingsbury's Parents and Birth :. Rev Kingsbury's forefathers long ago went from the then Madras Presidency to Malaysia and settled in Phinong in Malaysia During the second half of the nineteenth century and continually during first half twentieth century, a well-to-do man by name Mr David Sankaralingam was living with his wife Ms Amithammal David Sankaralingam in Phinong in Malaysia and to this couple, Rev. .Sankaralingam David Samson Kingsbury was born on the 15th July 1905, in Phinong, Malaysia.
S.D. Kingsbury's Siblings : Mr. David Sankaralingam and Ms Amithammal D. Sankaralingam couple gave birth to five daughters and four sons, namely :[1] Mrs. Jeevarathinam, [2] Mrs. Thavamani, [3]Mr. Zaharia, [4] Mr Swamidass, [5] Mr. John. [6] Mr. Kingsbury,[7] Mrs. Nahomi, [8]Mrs. Sambooranam, and [9] Mrs. Sourna. . And out of these siblings Mr Kingsbury and Mr Swamidass chose to do God's ministry .
Rev.S.D.S Kingsbury's Marraige : : Rev..David Samson Kingsbury, G.E.E.C,[London] married a cute and modest Christian young lady by name Ms Mercy Margaret Magdaline from an illustrious Christian family from Madras on the 25th January 1937 and the wedding was conducted at St.Albans Church , Cochran, Basin Road, Washermanpet.Madras. Mrs Mercy Margaret Magdaline was a granddaughter of the famous Tamil Christian Lyricist Rev.Vethamuthu Masillamani [maternal grandpa] and Rev.John Rungaswamy [paternal grandpa] and a daughter of Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy, B.D,[ London]of Madras.

L to R ;[1] Ms. Rachel Vasanthakumari,[2]Rev.S.D. Kingsbury and [3]Mr.Eliazar G. Kingsgift.
Rev S.D Kingsbury Couple's Children and families : Rev.S.D. Kingsbury and Mrs. Mercy Kingsbury Couple gave birth to seven sons and three daughters namely ;-
[1]]Mr. Enoch David Kingslead[Served in the Indian Army], and he married Ms.Sugirtha and blessed with three sons and one daughter namely:[A] Mr. Samson Ruben and he married Ms. Sivasankari and blessed with two daughters namely:; [1] Ms.Evangeline Sonali Ruben and [2] Ms.Magadaline Simoni Ruben [9th Std], [B]Mr. Vimalanand [MRF] married Ms. Grace [Music teacher] blessed with one son by name Kevin,[C]Ms. Mercy Swournalatha [Business] married Mr Nagesh[ Business] blessed with one child by name Suraj, [D]Mr. Oliver[ Business] married Ms Sharmila [self employed] and blessed with one child by name Leo.
2] Mr.Eliazar Greenfield Kingsgift married Ms.Rachel Vasanthakumarai and was blessed with four sons and two daughters namely :[A]Mr. Ezekiel Kingsbury Rajan [Business] married Ms Rita Shoba [Home maker] blessed with one daughter and one son namely [1] Ms Evelyn Mercy Priyadharshini ,[2] Mr. Gideon Samson Mathew ,.; [B]Mr. Kingsbury David Suresh he married Ms. Margaret Esther Grace [working at Port Trust], blessed with 2 daughters namely [] Florence Cornelia Karishma ,[2] Ms Angelina Preethi.,[C] Ms.Gabriel Margaret Esther Malathy [Teacher]married Mr Wilfred Joseph Healy [late] blessed with two daughters namely :[1] Ms. Irene Shirley Wilfred [HR] and she married Mr. Rupesh Kumar [ Software Engineer in Hexaware ],and [2]Ms Jennifer Wilfred ,[D]Ms Ruth Magdelene Nirmala [ Home Maker]married Mr Daniel Thomas Sukumaran [Working at Avenue Nissan ] blessed with one daughter and one son namely [1] Ms Joan Fredrina Christy and[2]Mr Alan David Gabriel, [E] Mr. Solomon David Vinoth [Working in Qatar as Engineer ] married Ms Sumitha Mary Tephella [ she is also working in Qatar in Accounts department] and blessed with two daughters namely [1]Ms Jesica Rachel Nivedita and [2] Ms Benita Carmel; [F] Mr John Jacob Anand Kumar [ self employed manager].married Ms.Beulah [Home maker] blessed with two children namely: [1]Jason Premkumar and [2] Johanna Olive.
3] Mrs. Magdalene Cornelia Nesamani .was a home maker and she married Mr. Divakar Simon [ CBI, Rtd] and blessed with three daughters and two sons .
4] Ms. Rebecca Sarala [home maker ] she married Mr Daniel Ravindraraj [He worked with the Oldams Batteries Industries] and blessed with two sons and two daughters..They are actively pursuing the Lord's ministry around their residential area in Naduveerampattu
5]Mr. Angel Rophayal Kingschoice was married to Mrs.Irene and blessed with one son
6]Mr. Jesuras Kingsgrace married Ms. Augustin Vimala and blessed with two sons and two daughters namely :[A]Ms. Magdalene Hepziba [ Beautician]and she married Mr. Stanley [ Medical representative] and blessed with 2 sons namely ;[1] Christopher Samuel , and [2] Jacob Samuel .; [B]Mr. John William Rangasswamy [ Supervisor] and he married Ms Jancy [Home Maker] and blessed with one child by name [1] Jensia,; [C] .Mr Franklin Joshua [ AC Mechanic] and he married Ms.Vijayarani [ Teacher] and blessed with two children namely ;[1] Kings Augustin Vimal , and [2]Merlin, [D]Ms Sheeba Priyadharshini [ Home Maker] and she married Mr. Ganesan Joshua and blessed with one child by name [1] Aadish Franklin.
7]Mr. Willaim Berton Kingscall [ worked in the Public Service] married Ms. Saleena
8]Mr. Franklin Joseph Sankaralingam kingsglory [ He worked with the Guru Gas Agencies as a maintenance Officer] married Ms.K. Ruth Rubavathy [Home maker] and blessed with a son and a daughter namely [1] K. Mercy Madhumitha [ Doing Ph.D ]and [2] S.K. Benjamin Kings[ B.E Aeronautical Engineering]. .
9] Mr. Benjamin Kingsbury remained unmarried He worked in Rig Oil Refineries in Singapore.
Rev S.D Kingsbury's Baptism and Early Gospel Work :. Before starting his full time ministerial work Rev. Kingsbury was a business man and was in Paper Business and made enough money..However his innate inclination was for Lord's ministry and during the early years of his life he was much influenced by the Maranatha Mission . As he fully believed that the second coming of Christ will be soon, he spiritually prepared himself for baptism . As per his wish and his spiritual preparedness Rev. S D Kingsbury was baptized in a Marathana Church.. Rev Kingsbury started his gospel propagating work in 1933 . And in tune with his burning ambition. for the propagation of the Gospel , he went to many places and preached the Gospel . He once risked his life and wandered in the thick forest of Nepal and preached the gospel to the local people of Nepal But he was beaten and tortured by the Nepalese people but by the grace of God he survived As he wanted to qualify himself for the Ministerial work he studied and completed his Bachelor of Divinity [B D] and also his G.E.E.C [London].

Rev.Kingsbury [Standing] and Rev Jesuraj Williams.R
Ordination of Rev. S.D.Kingsbury. : Rev.S.D. Kingsbury,B.D, G.E.E.C [London ] was ordained on Saturday on the 21st January 1940 at 3.30 pm at St James Church, Sundara Mudali Street . Vyasarpadi, Madras by Rev. Dr J.C.Ryan D.D the then Bishop of North Madras[E.M.S ] in the presence of of Rev Kingsbury's father in law Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy [ Bishop's Chaplain and officiating Vicar ,E.M.S General Council . Madras]
He started his Ministry as an Ordained Pastor in EMS, Madras : He started his ministerial career as an ordained Pastor in the Evangelical Missionary Society of Madras . During his ministerial service he was also given the role to serve as the Secretary and Treasurer of the EMS. Madras.. Rev Kingsbury rendered his service along with his father-in-law Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy in the St Margaret Church , in Madras. This was a complete non Christian private area and he helped the surrounding local people by providing both ears and mouth..
He Built Kingsbury National Cathedral [The Indian Orthodox Church] at Vyasarpadi : Rev. Kingsbury had been working in and around Sunderamudali street , Vyasarpadi, Madras, area since 1938 among the poor dalits of that area for their worldly and spiritual progress. In that area he decided to build a good church for the people and accordingly the foundation stone for the The Kingsbury National Church [ The Indian Orthodox Church] a was laid on 1-10-1962 by Rev. Kingsbury's son Mr. S.K. Kingsgift and on completion of construction ,the Church was opened by the very Rev.S.D.S Kingsbury on 10-1- 1965. This Church was the first Church building constructed in Madras exclusively for the converts from downtrodden Dalit community . This Church functioned under the auspices of the Evangelical Society of Madras .The construction this Society drew the attention of the Christian Missionaries and Christians towards the need for many such Churches of the kind to facilitate the mass conversion movement in the nation .Apart from this Church Rev. Kingbury built 14 other small churches in Arakonam, Chinadi, Manali and also he built many shelter homes for the orphans , aged people in various places like Kasimedu and Vyasadpadi in Madras.
Conclusion : Rev Kingsbury was an eloquent and convincing speaker and his sermons generally revolved around the Second Coming of Christ, the Kingdom of God, Repentance.and Faith By his ardent sermons he led many towards Christ . He was very compassionate towards the needy and poor people he gave all his lands and property to the poor helpless people . Rev. Kingsbury helped the refugees from Burma and he built shelters in Vyasarpadi for them to settle down.. He built many shelters for the poor christian converts and other poor people in many places in and around Madras including Vyasarpadi and Kasimedu. During the year 1984 Rev. Kingsbury donated the "Kingsbury National Cathedral "in Vyasarpadi to the CSI Diocese of Madras during the period of Bishop Rt Rev. Sunder Clarke. This Church was renamed in his memory as the "CSI Kingsbury Memorial Church " and it is in active service till date. He was restlessly and tirelessly striving for the cause of Cross and the poor, and he was struck by a massive heart attack on the 30th January 1985, and he entered heavenly abode at his residence. His funeral service was presided by the then Bishop of CSI Madras Diocese Rt Rev. Sunder Clarke and his mortal remains were interred at the Kasimedu Cemetery, Chennai. Rev. Kingsbury was a remarkable person , he lived a meaningful life , in the smiles of the poor people he saw God's presence, he served as a committed servant of God till his death. In the Church history Madras [Chennai]some native Christians like Rev. P. Raja Gopaul, . Rev.T. John Retnam , and a few others had found a place for them, definitely like them Rev. David Samson Kingsbury also deserves a place in the Church history of Madras[Chennai]. He was kind, unassuming and feared God and loved his fellow human-beings; and he was an Egalitarian and he worked to bring equality among the people with the help of the Gospel of Christ . I salute him with respect and admiration and end this Article
By. P. Babu Manoharan, M.A, [All rights are reserved, This Article will be enlarged, modified, or corrected later if needed].

Rev. S.D.S. Kingsbury, B.D, G.E.E.C [London ]
Rev.. S.D. Kingsbury's Parents and Birth :. Rev Kingsbury's forefathers long ago went from the then Madras Presidency to Malaysia and settled in Phinong in Malaysia During the second half of the nineteenth century and continually during first half twentieth century, a well-to-do man by name Mr David Sankaralingam was living with his wife Ms Amithammal David Sankaralingam in Phinong in Malaysia and to this couple, Rev. .Sankaralingam David Samson Kingsbury was born on the 15th July 1905, in Phinong, Malaysia.
S.D. Kingsbury's Siblings : Mr. David Sankaralingam and Ms Amithammal D. Sankaralingam couple gave birth to five daughters and four sons, namely :[1] Mrs. Jeevarathinam, [2] Mrs. Thavamani, [3]Mr. Zaharia, [4] Mr Swamidass, [5] Mr. John. [6] Mr. Kingsbury,[7] Mrs. Nahomi, [8]Mrs. Sambooranam, and [9] Mrs. Sourna. . And out of these siblings Mr Kingsbury and Mr Swamidass chose to do God's ministry .
Rev.S.D.S Kingsbury's Marraige : : Rev..David Samson Kingsbury, G.E.E.C,[London] married a cute and modest Christian young lady by name Ms Mercy Margaret Magdaline from an illustrious Christian family from Madras on the 25th January 1937 and the wedding was conducted at St.Albans Church , Cochran, Basin Road, Washermanpet.Madras. Mrs Mercy Margaret Magdaline was a granddaughter of the famous Tamil Christian Lyricist Rev.Vethamuthu Masillamani [maternal grandpa] and Rev.John Rungaswamy [paternal grandpa] and a daughter of Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy, B.D,[ London]of Madras.

L to R ;[1] Ms. Rachel Vasanthakumari,[2]Rev.S.D. Kingsbury and [3]Mr.Eliazar G. Kingsgift.
Rev S.D Kingsbury Couple's Children and families : Rev.S.D. Kingsbury and Mrs. Mercy Kingsbury Couple gave birth to seven sons and three daughters namely ;-
[1]]Mr. Enoch David Kingslead[Served in the Indian Army], and he married Ms.Sugirtha and blessed with three sons and one daughter namely:[A] Mr. Samson Ruben and he married Ms. Sivasankari and blessed with two daughters namely:; [1] Ms.Evangeline Sonali Ruben and [2] Ms.Magadaline Simoni Ruben [9th Std], [B]Mr. Vimalanand [MRF] married Ms. Grace [Music teacher] blessed with one son by name Kevin,[C]Ms. Mercy Swournalatha [Business] married Mr Nagesh[ Business] blessed with one child by name Suraj, [D]Mr. Oliver[ Business] married Ms Sharmila [self employed] and blessed with one child by name Leo.
2] Mr.Eliazar Greenfield Kingsgift married Ms.Rachel Vasanthakumarai and was blessed with four sons and two daughters namely :[A]Mr. Ezekiel Kingsbury Rajan [Business] married Ms Rita Shoba [Home maker] blessed with one daughter and one son namely [1] Ms Evelyn Mercy Priyadharshini ,[2] Mr. Gideon Samson Mathew ,.; [B]Mr. Kingsbury David Suresh he married Ms. Margaret Esther Grace [working at Port Trust], blessed with 2 daughters namely [] Florence Cornelia Karishma ,[2] Ms Angelina Preethi.,[C] Ms.Gabriel Margaret Esther Malathy [Teacher]married Mr Wilfred Joseph Healy [late] blessed with two daughters namely :[1] Ms. Irene Shirley Wilfred [HR] and she married Mr. Rupesh Kumar [ Software Engineer in Hexaware ],and [2]Ms Jennifer Wilfred ,[D]Ms Ruth Magdelene Nirmala [ Home Maker]married Mr Daniel Thomas Sukumaran [Working at Avenue Nissan ] blessed with one daughter and one son namely [1] Ms Joan Fredrina Christy and[2]Mr Alan David Gabriel, [E] Mr. Solomon David Vinoth [Working in Qatar as Engineer ] married Ms Sumitha Mary Tephella [ she is also working in Qatar in Accounts department] and blessed with two daughters namely [1]Ms Jesica Rachel Nivedita and [2] Ms Benita Carmel; [F] Mr John Jacob Anand Kumar [ self employed manager].married Ms.Beulah [Home maker] blessed with two children namely: [1]Jason Premkumar and [2] Johanna Olive.
3] Mrs. Magdalene Cornelia Nesamani .was a home maker and she married Mr. Divakar Simon [ CBI, Rtd] and blessed with three daughters and two sons .
4] Ms. Rebecca Sarala [home maker ] she married Mr Daniel Ravindraraj [He worked with the Oldams Batteries Industries] and blessed with two sons and two daughters..They are actively pursuing the Lord's ministry around their residential area in Naduveerampattu
5]Mr. Angel Rophayal Kingschoice was married to Mrs.Irene and blessed with one son
6]Mr. Jesuras Kingsgrace married Ms. Augustin Vimala and blessed with two sons and two daughters namely :[A]Ms. Magdalene Hepziba [ Beautician]and she married Mr. Stanley [ Medical representative] and blessed with 2 sons namely ;[1] Christopher Samuel , and [2] Jacob Samuel .; [B]Mr. John William Rangasswamy [ Supervisor] and he married Ms Jancy [Home Maker] and blessed with one child by name [1] Jensia,; [C] .Mr Franklin Joshua [ AC Mechanic] and he married Ms.Vijayarani [ Teacher] and blessed with two children namely ;[1] Kings Augustin Vimal , and [2]Merlin, [D]Ms Sheeba Priyadharshini [ Home Maker] and she married Mr. Ganesan Joshua and blessed with one child by name [1] Aadish Franklin.
7]Mr. Willaim Berton Kingscall [ worked in the Public Service] married Ms. Saleena
8]Mr. Franklin Joseph Sankaralingam kingsglory [ He worked with the Guru Gas Agencies as a maintenance Officer] married Ms.K. Ruth Rubavathy [Home maker] and blessed with a son and a daughter namely [1] K. Mercy Madhumitha [ Doing Ph.D ]and [2] S.K. Benjamin Kings[ B.E Aeronautical Engineering]. .
9] Mr. Benjamin Kingsbury remained unmarried He worked in Rig Oil Refineries in Singapore.
Rev S.D Kingsbury's Baptism and Early Gospel Work :. Before starting his full time ministerial work Rev. Kingsbury was a business man and was in Paper Business and made enough money..However his innate inclination was for Lord's ministry and during the early years of his life he was much influenced by the Maranatha Mission . As he fully believed that the second coming of Christ will be soon, he spiritually prepared himself for baptism . As per his wish and his spiritual preparedness Rev. S D Kingsbury was baptized in a Marathana Church.. Rev Kingsbury started his gospel propagating work in 1933 . And in tune with his burning ambition. for the propagation of the Gospel , he went to many places and preached the Gospel . He once risked his life and wandered in the thick forest of Nepal and preached the gospel to the local people of Nepal But he was beaten and tortured by the Nepalese people but by the grace of God he survived As he wanted to qualify himself for the Ministerial work he studied and completed his Bachelor of Divinity [B D] and also his G.E.E.C [London].

Rev.Kingsbury [Standing] and Rev Jesuraj Williams.R
Ordination of Rev. S.D.Kingsbury. : Rev.S.D. Kingsbury,B.D, G.E.E.C [London ] was ordained on Saturday on the 21st January 1940 at 3.30 pm at St James Church, Sundara Mudali Street . Vyasarpadi, Madras by Rev. Dr J.C.Ryan D.D the then Bishop of North Madras[E.M.S ] in the presence of of Rev Kingsbury's father in law Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy [ Bishop's Chaplain and officiating Vicar ,E.M.S General Council . Madras]
He started his Ministry as an Ordained Pastor in EMS, Madras : He started his ministerial career as an ordained Pastor in the Evangelical Missionary Society of Madras . During his ministerial service he was also given the role to serve as the Secretary and Treasurer of the EMS. Madras.. Rev Kingsbury rendered his service along with his father-in-law Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy in the St Margaret Church , in Madras. This was a complete non Christian private area and he helped the surrounding local people by providing both ears and mouth..
He Built Kingsbury National Cathedral [The Indian Orthodox Church] at Vyasarpadi : Rev. Kingsbury had been working in and around Sunderamudali street , Vyasarpadi, Madras, area since 1938 among the poor dalits of that area for their worldly and spiritual progress. In that area he decided to build a good church for the people and accordingly the foundation stone for the The Kingsbury National Church [ The Indian Orthodox Church] a was laid on 1-10-1962 by Rev. Kingsbury's son Mr. S.K. Kingsgift and on completion of construction ,the Church was opened by the very Rev.S.D.S Kingsbury on 10-1- 1965. This Church was the first Church building constructed in Madras exclusively for the converts from downtrodden Dalit community . This Church functioned under the auspices of the Evangelical Society of Madras .The construction this Society drew the attention of the Christian Missionaries and Christians towards the need for many such Churches of the kind to facilitate the mass conversion movement in the nation .Apart from this Church Rev. Kingbury built 14 other small churches in Arakonam, Chinadi, Manali and also he built many shelter homes for the orphans , aged people in various places like Kasimedu and Vyasadpadi in Madras.
Conclusion : Rev Kingsbury was an eloquent and convincing speaker and his sermons generally revolved around the Second Coming of Christ, the Kingdom of God, Repentance.and Faith By his ardent sermons he led many towards Christ . He was very compassionate towards the needy and poor people he gave all his lands and property to the poor helpless people . Rev. Kingsbury helped the refugees from Burma and he built shelters in Vyasarpadi for them to settle down.. He built many shelters for the poor christian converts and other poor people in many places in and around Madras including Vyasarpadi and Kasimedu. During the year 1984 Rev. Kingsbury donated the "Kingsbury National Cathedral "in Vyasarpadi to the CSI Diocese of Madras during the period of Bishop Rt Rev. Sunder Clarke. This Church was renamed in his memory as the "CSI Kingsbury Memorial Church " and it is in active service till date. He was restlessly and tirelessly striving for the cause of Cross and the poor, and he was struck by a massive heart attack on the 30th January 1985, and he entered heavenly abode at his residence. His funeral service was presided by the then Bishop of CSI Madras Diocese Rt Rev. Sunder Clarke and his mortal remains were interred at the Kasimedu Cemetery, Chennai. Rev. Kingsbury was a remarkable person , he lived a meaningful life , in the smiles of the poor people he saw God's presence, he served as a committed servant of God till his death. In the Church history Madras [Chennai]some native Christians like Rev. P. Raja Gopaul, . Rev.T. John Retnam , and a few others had found a place for them, definitely like them Rev. David Samson Kingsbury also deserves a place in the Church history of Madras[Chennai]. He was kind, unassuming and feared God and loved his fellow human-beings; and he was an Egalitarian and he worked to bring equality among the people with the help of the Gospel of Christ . I salute him with respect and admiration and end this Article
By. P. Babu Manoharan, M.A, [All rights are reserved, This Article will be enlarged, modified, or corrected later if needed].
Super excited to have a person in India such a blessed person God has given to us GOOD GOD BLESS THEIR HEIRS
ReplyDeleteThanks for the comments. He was really a remarkable person with heart and head . He was a real Christian and Reformer. Thanks.
DeleteExcellent article.He is a great role model for us.We are proud to be his heirs
DeleteGreetings to all of you.Thanks for your inspiring endorsing comment.Yes Rev. Kingsbury was a role model You can be really proud of him He was a remarkable man of God.
DeleteDedicated missionary service The evangelist who can be rightly called as "True servant of GOD "
ReplyDeleteGreetings.Rev.Kingsbury was a great soul and was really a" Man of God". Thanks for your comments
ReplyDeleteDedicated missionary service. "True servant of GOD "
ReplyDeleteThanks for sharing.
Greetings. Thanks for your comment .Yes he was a dedicated and true servant of God
DeleteMr. Babu M. Paul is a Man of God. Blog writer, Researcher in early Christian Church development. I respect his valuable information.
ReplyDeleteThanks for your encouraging comments.