Introduction : Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy, B.D,[London] was really an unsung hero , one of the well educated Indian Priests of his times, powerful Evangelist, Social Thinker, Revival Preacher, Great Theologian and he was born and brought up in a Wesleyan Methodist family in Madras.. Historians specially Indian Church historians have failed to allot some pages to him in the Church history of South India. He was born in an illustrious Christian family and his wife was the daughter of the famous Tamil Christian Lyricist Rev.V. Masillamani . Rev.Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's life travel is definitely a glowing and guiding milestone in the religious, cultural, educational and social exodus map of Tamil Nadu and South India.

Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy, B.D, [London]
Rev. Jesuraj W.Rungaswamy's Parents and Birth : Rev.Jesuraj Williams Runguswamy was born to Rev.John Rungaswamy and Ms Rebecca Gnanamuthu.John Rungaswamy [Ms Rebecca Gnanamuthu was a sister of Pastor Joseph Israel Gnanamuthu who worked with Rev.G.M Cobban in George town, Madras ] couple at George Town in Madras on the 27th Februaray-1892. He was baptized and named," Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy" at the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Royapettah, Madras, by Rev.William Burton Sampson, B.A on the 10th April, 1892.. During this period of time the Head Quarters of the Wesleyan Methodist Mission of Madras District, was situated at Royepattah. .
Rev. Jesuraj W.Rungaswamy's Siblings : Rev. John Rungaswamy and Ms Rebecca Gnanamuthu J.Rungaswamy couple was blessed with six sons namely : {1]Mr.Jesuammal Mercy Rungaswamy,[2] Rev.J.WS.Rungaswamy, [3] Mr Jesu Retinam Ebenezer,[4]Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy [The hero of this Article ],[5] Mr Jesunesan James Rungaswamy, and[6] Mr . Jeaumuthu Thomas Rungaswamy. .

Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy and his Siblings.
Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's Education : Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's education was affected by his father Rev. John Rungaswwamy 's frequent official transfers from place to place. In 1898 he started his early Primary schooling at Branch School at ST Thomas Mount and he continued his studies in 1899 at a School in Karungali, in Thiruvallur District. During the years the year 1900-1903 he continued his studies in the Teachers Training College , Saidapet, Madras. Then in the year 1903 he joined the famous Wesleyan High School at Thiruvallur . In the year1904 he joined the Church of Scotland Mission College in George Town [this College was shifted to Thambaram in 1937and was called. "Madras Christian College".Tambaram ].. Finally he studied Theology and got his B D[London }degree. .
Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's Marriage : Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy married Ms M. Nesamani Masillamani d/o the great Tamil Christian Lyricist Rev. Vethamuthu Masillamani on Wednesday the 22nd August 1917, at Danish Mission Church at Panruti. In December 1917 he left the Adventist Mission and joined Danish Mission. wherein his father-in-law Rev V. Masillamani was working as a Minister
Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's Children and Grandchildren : After having given birth to five daughters Ms Nesamani J.W. Rungaswamy passed away from this world at an early age The five daughters were as follows: [A]Ms. Clara Theodicia Rebecca Thomas,[B] Ms.Mercy Kingsbury, [C]Ms Rachel Nightingale Jessamal,[D] Ms. Meshobra Manoharam Easthr Joy Raju, and [E] Ms Bethen Wilson The family details of each daughter is dealt with concisely in the following paragraphs..
[A] Ms. Clara Theodesia Rebecca and she was born on 26 May 1918,and she married MrThomas Kanagaretnam Neelamegam Pillai from Thanjavur and blessed with 4 sons and 2 daughters. Mr.Thomas kanagarathinam Neelamegam Pillai borm in 1905at Thanjavur and died in1947 and he was with Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's Gospel Ministry before his marriage. At the age of 28 after the birth of her 6 children Ms ClaraThomas lost her husband Mr Thomas kanagaretnam Pillai in1947,and she raised their 6 children with help of her father Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy. Her children are namely ; .[a] Mr.Christopher John {Indian Army, Brakes India Pvt ltd] married Ms. Olive Carmel Rajama and blessed with 2 sons and 2 daughters.[b] Ms.Maybel Pushpa Rani married Mr. T.K. Swaminathan [Southern Railways] and blessed with 3 sons and 1 daughter.[c] Ms. May Joyce Flower married Mr Sam Pillai [ Southern Railway] blessed with 1 daughter and 2 sons[d]Mr. Jeyachandran [ Indian Army ] married Ms. Metilda and blessed with 2 sons and 1 daughter.[e]Mr Joseph Meckensy [unmarried] and he became physically challenged due to Train accident .[f]Mr. T. Jeyakumar [Lucas TVS]married Ms Nirmala Vadhana and blessed with 3 daughters.
[B]Ms Mercy Margaret Magdaline and she was born on 06-June 1920 and she was married to Rev S.D Kingsbury This couple gave birth seven sons and two daughters, namely;[1]Mr. Enoch David Kinslead married Ms Sugirtha and blessed with 3 sons and 1 daughter, [2]Mr.Elezar Greenfield Kingsgift married Ms Rachel Vasantha Kumari and was blessed with 4 sons and 2 daughters, [3 Ms Magdalene Cornelia Nesamani married Mr. Divaker Simon [C.B.I ]and this couple gave birth to 3 daughters and 2 sons.,[4]Mrs. Rebecca Sarala married Mr.Daniel Ravindraraj [He worked with Oldams Batteries Industries] and blessed with 2 sons and 2 daughters. They are actively pursuing the Lord's ministry around their residential area in Naduveerampattu [5] Mr. Angel Rophayal Kingschoice and he married Ms.Irene and blessed with one son .,[6]Mr. Jesuras Kingsgrace ,and he married Ms. Augustine Vimala and blessed with 2 sons and 2 daughters. Mr Jesuraj worked with MRF Tyres. [7] Mr William Berton Kingscall and he worked in Public Service and married Ms.Saleena, [8]Mr. Jonha Sankaralingam Kingsglory, he married Ms. Ruby and blessed with a son and a daughter., [9] Mr. Benjamin Kingsluck and he remained as a bachelor .He worked with Rig Oil Refineries in Singapore.
[C] Ms. Rachel Nightingale and she was born on 30 November 1923, and gospel [ she married Mr .AN..Peter[Andrapradesh ]She studied at a school at St Thomas Mount After marriage she came to Andra and learned Telugu .She used to preach gospel in the Church . This couple brought up their children
in a true Christina way. Mr P.N Peter was born at Kalagotta , Prakasam Dist , Andrapradesh. and his mother tongue is Telugu.he studied nursing at Stanley Hospital Chennai and joined Govt service in Andra and retired as Nursing Superintendent in 1977 at Govt General Hospital Kakiinada . This couple gave birth to the following children namely ;[1]AAA Rajkumar,[2]Carmel Victoria [3]AJA Sunder Singh ,[4]A. Williams .[5] AMA Raja Kumari, [Rtd Head Nurse] and she married Mr K. Babu Rao Benny , blessed with two daughters and a son namely [a] Ms. Ruth Parimala, B,Sc[Nurrsing],married,blessed with 2 daughters,[b] Dr. Carmel Shobita , M.D.S, and[3] Mr Pastor Abraham [6] Mr.AABJ Rangasamy, is a pastor and preaches gospel with great zeal and blessed with two daughters namely [1] Ms.Anna Jyothi [Nurse] and [2] Ms. Neela Ramya [Nurse]. [7]AFF Nesamani
[D] Ms. Mesbobra Manoharam Esther Joy and she was born on 04 April 1926,and she married Mr Abel Kaliyanasundram Raju [Ex Army ]on 16-05-1946 and she died on on 13-01-2005.' Her husband Mr Abel Kalyana Sundram raju is an retired Army officer[NEG, Bangalore ] and his father was was a Doctor in the Indian Railways .Ms Meshbora Manoharam and Mr Abel kalyanasundram couple gave birth to 7 sons and 2 daughters namely :-[1]Mr John Melki Zatac Rajkumar Raju was born on 08-07 -1947 married on 16-08-1979 and blessed with a son and 2 daughters. [2] Ms Solomi Emilia Amirtham born on 06-01-1949, married Mr,Jayker Rungaswamy on 25-09- 1972, no children he died on 09-04-2009. [3] Mr.Joshua Abel Devakumar born on 30-10-1951,married in1981 blessed with 3 boys and out of the three one served in Air Force and died on 09-04-2013., [4] Mr. Theoplus Methasal kalyankumar born on 03--07-1953,married on 25-09-1983 and blessed with one girl and he died on 15-01-2014 and his family is settled in Madurai, [5] Mr Jacob Barnabas Manohar Kumar born on 18-11- 1955, married Ms Janet on 18-01- 1984,blessed with 1 son and 1 daughter..and the daughter is married and is blessed with two children and son is yet to marry.[6] Mr James Alexander Sunderkumar born 27-04-1957, married to Chella on 15-01-1990, blessed with 2 boys and both of them are married [7] Mr Daniel Theodar Selvakumar born on 08-08-1959, married and blessed with 1 boy and 1 girl..[8]Ms. Flora Easther kalyani born on 03-10-1961, married, blessed with one girl and a boy, girl is settled and the boy is yet to settle.,[9] Mr.Job Benjamin Kirubai Kumar born on14-11- 1965 married and blessed with 1 girl child
{ E] Ms . Fanny Cornelia Brittania , born on 29 July 1928, married Mr.George Wilson Robert [ [Indian Army, Jabalpur] ,blessed with 3 sons and 2 daughters namely: [1]Lieutenant Oliver Wilson and he was killed in action in 1971 Indo Pakisthan war at the prime age of 21[ Had he survived he could have become a Brigadier or a Major General in the Indian Army]. Oliver Wilson was commissioned in the 5th Assam Regiment and he actively served the Battalion in Chhamb Sector of Jammu and Kashmir [2]Mr Jeyachand Wilson [ Jepalpur ]was married and blessed with 2 sons, [3] Ms. Olive was married and blessed with 2 daughters,[4]Mrs. Chandramathi [IndianArmy] was married to Mr Anand [ Indian Army] and this couple is blessed with 2 sons.and [5] Mr Raja Wilson was married and blessed with a son
Rev Jesuraj William's Missionary and Ministerial Career ; Re. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy had a colorful and diversified ministerial and evangelical career Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy started his ministerial and missionary career as a layman Preacher. Mr. Jesuraj W. Rungasawmy was a member of the St Thomas Mount Tamil Church and as he had the preaching capabilities with natural flair for preaching he started his preaching career in and around St. Thomas Mount.
Mr Jesuraj W. Rungaswamy was ordained as "Minister of Religion in the National Church of India" , Madras : It will be useful to have some basic idea about the National Church of India before proceeding further. The National Church of India was founded by Rev.T. John Retnam at Madras Rev. T. John Retnam was an influential figure of the Methodist Mission and was its Circuit President in Madras, but in 1922 he broke away from the Royapettah Wesley Church and started the National Church of India in 1923 at Madras . In order to become a Minister in the N.C.I Mr.Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy sat for the the Trial Sermon Test conducted by the National Church of India The Sermon test was conducted on Sunday the 26th June 1932, the examiners were : [1] Mr.P. Chenchiah, M.A, M.L, [2] Mr..V. Chakkarai, B.A, B.l,, [3]Mr.T.R. Sarangapani, M.A, and Mr. C. Isaiah. and he passed the Test..So Rev Jesuraj Williams was enrolled as probationary Minister of the The National Church of India , Madas on the 27th of June 1932 by Rev T.John. Ratnam, [Chairman, National Church of India ]
Rev. Jesuraj W. Rungaswamy was ordained as a Minister of the Evangelical Church of India : Rev. Jesuraj W. Rungaswamy was a born evangelist, , he did not like to confine his work and time in one Singe mission , he wanted freedom to travel far and wide to preach the Gospel of Christ. So he was shifting from one Mission to another Mission Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy was ordained as a Minister of the Evangelical Church of India on the 16th day of June in the year 1946 by the Bishop of E C I Diocese of North Madras. Rev. Jesuraj Williams worked as E.C.I Minister for period of time
Rev.Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy was appointed as Superintending Missionary in the Evangelical Missonary Society : Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy, BD wa appointd as Superintending
Missioanry and Bishops's Chaplain to the E.M.S Bishop of North Madras , in 1939..
Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy was ordained as Minister of the Indian Episcopal Church :.Rev. Jesuraj Wiliams Rungaswamy was ordained in November1949 as Minister of the Indian Episcopal Church and he was licensed to solemnize marriages under section 5[1] of the Indian Christian Marriage Act in the Diocese of North Madras of the Indian Episcopal Church. As a Minister of the Indian Episcopal Church he worked with enthusiasm for some months till he joined the Indian Army as an Army Chaplion
Rev. Jesuraj W William served as an Army Chaplain : Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy,B.D , joined the Indian Army and served in many positions and twice he was in the war service in his Majesty's Mesopotomia Expeditionary Force and later he worked as an Army Chaplain in the Indian Army .Service Corps. Center [ South] at Bangalore from 15 November 1950 to 31 July 1954 with great devotion and to the entire satisfaction his senior authorities He earned a good name for his devotion to the spiritual welfare of the Army men. .
Conclusion : Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy, B.D after having lived 78 fruitful and meaningful years in this world, passed away from this world on the 16th August, 1970. He was a great Revival Preacher of highest order, he wanted to preach the Gospel to the maximum number of people and win as many as possible souls for his Lord Jesus Christ..He did not like to be bound within a single Christian denomination and his view of Church was above denominations..He served as Pastor or Minister in four or five denominations as mentioned above He had also served as a touring Revival Preacher and he had visited North India, Burma, Malaya etc and preached the Gospel with great eloquence and spiritual power..Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy,B.D was admired for his through knowledge of the scriptures and for his elegant and inspiring addresses and also for his humility and smiling countenance. In the absence of his wife he brought his five daughters with great care and concern and gave them in marriage to good Christian gentle men. Definitely he lived as a worthy son to his great father Rev John Rungasamy and deserving son in- law to his famous father- in- law Lyricist Rev. V. Masillamani. Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy was a real Christian , good human being, loved and helped poor people and was versatile . With a salute to him I end this Article .
By. P. Babu Manoharan , M.A,[ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later, if needed ].

Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy, B.D, [London]
Rev. Jesuraj W.Rungaswamy's Parents and Birth : Rev.Jesuraj Williams Runguswamy was born to Rev.John Rungaswamy and Ms Rebecca Gnanamuthu.John Rungaswamy [Ms Rebecca Gnanamuthu was a sister of Pastor Joseph Israel Gnanamuthu who worked with Rev.G.M Cobban in George town, Madras ] couple at George Town in Madras on the 27th Februaray-1892. He was baptized and named," Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy" at the Wesleyan Methodist Church, Royapettah, Madras, by Rev.William Burton Sampson, B.A on the 10th April, 1892.. During this period of time the Head Quarters of the Wesleyan Methodist Mission of Madras District, was situated at Royepattah. .
Rev. Jesuraj W.Rungaswamy's Siblings : Rev. John Rungaswamy and Ms Rebecca Gnanamuthu J.Rungaswamy couple was blessed with six sons namely : {1]Mr.Jesuammal Mercy Rungaswamy,[2] Rev.J.WS.Rungaswamy, [3] Mr Jesu Retinam Ebenezer,[4]Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy [The hero of this Article ],[5] Mr Jesunesan James Rungaswamy, and[6] Mr . Jeaumuthu Thomas Rungaswamy. .

Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy and his Siblings.
Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's Education : Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's education was affected by his father Rev. John Rungaswwamy 's frequent official transfers from place to place. In 1898 he started his early Primary schooling at Branch School at ST Thomas Mount and he continued his studies in 1899 at a School in Karungali, in Thiruvallur District. During the years the year 1900-1903 he continued his studies in the Teachers Training College , Saidapet, Madras. Then in the year 1903 he joined the famous Wesleyan High School at Thiruvallur . In the year1904 he joined the Church of Scotland Mission College in George Town [this College was shifted to Thambaram in 1937and was called. "Madras Christian College".Tambaram ].. Finally he studied Theology and got his B D[London }degree. .
Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's Marriage : Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy married Ms M. Nesamani Masillamani d/o the great Tamil Christian Lyricist Rev. Vethamuthu Masillamani on Wednesday the 22nd August 1917, at Danish Mission Church at Panruti. In December 1917 he left the Adventist Mission and joined Danish Mission. wherein his father-in-law Rev V. Masillamani was working as a Minister
Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's Children and Grandchildren : After having given birth to five daughters Ms Nesamani J.W. Rungaswamy passed away from this world at an early age The five daughters were as follows: [A]Ms. Clara Theodicia Rebecca Thomas,[B] Ms.Mercy Kingsbury, [C]Ms Rachel Nightingale Jessamal,[D] Ms. Meshobra Manoharam Easthr Joy Raju, and [E] Ms Bethen Wilson The family details of each daughter is dealt with concisely in the following paragraphs..
[A] Ms. Clara Theodesia Rebecca and she was born on 26 May 1918,and she married MrThomas Kanagaretnam Neelamegam Pillai from Thanjavur and blessed with 4 sons and 2 daughters. Mr.Thomas kanagarathinam Neelamegam Pillai borm in 1905at Thanjavur and died in1947 and he was with Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy's Gospel Ministry before his marriage. At the age of 28 after the birth of her 6 children Ms ClaraThomas lost her husband Mr Thomas kanagaretnam Pillai in1947,and she raised their 6 children with help of her father Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy. Her children are namely ; .[a] Mr.Christopher John {Indian Army, Brakes India Pvt ltd] married Ms. Olive Carmel Rajama and blessed with 2 sons and 2 daughters.[b] Ms.Maybel Pushpa Rani married Mr. T.K. Swaminathan [Southern Railways] and blessed with 3 sons and 1 daughter.[c] Ms. May Joyce Flower married Mr Sam Pillai [ Southern Railway] blessed with 1 daughter and 2 sons[d]Mr. Jeyachandran [ Indian Army ] married Ms. Metilda and blessed with 2 sons and 1 daughter.[e]Mr Joseph Meckensy [unmarried] and he became physically challenged due to Train accident .[f]Mr. T. Jeyakumar [Lucas TVS]married Ms Nirmala Vadhana and blessed with 3 daughters.
[B]Ms Mercy Margaret Magdaline and she was born on 06-June 1920 and she was married to Rev S.D Kingsbury This couple gave birth seven sons and two daughters, namely;[1]Mr. Enoch David Kinslead married Ms Sugirtha and blessed with 3 sons and 1 daughter, [2]Mr.Elezar Greenfield Kingsgift married Ms Rachel Vasantha Kumari and was blessed with 4 sons and 2 daughters, [3 Ms Magdalene Cornelia Nesamani married Mr. Divaker Simon [C.B.I ]and this couple gave birth to 3 daughters and 2 sons.,[4]Mrs. Rebecca Sarala married Mr.Daniel Ravindraraj [He worked with Oldams Batteries Industries] and blessed with 2 sons and 2 daughters. They are actively pursuing the Lord's ministry around their residential area in Naduveerampattu [5] Mr. Angel Rophayal Kingschoice and he married Ms.Irene and blessed with one son .,[6]Mr. Jesuras Kingsgrace ,and he married Ms. Augustine Vimala and blessed with 2 sons and 2 daughters. Mr Jesuraj worked with MRF Tyres. [7] Mr William Berton Kingscall and he worked in Public Service and married Ms.Saleena, [8]Mr. Jonha Sankaralingam Kingsglory, he married Ms. Ruby and blessed with a son and a daughter., [9] Mr. Benjamin Kingsluck and he remained as a bachelor .He worked with Rig Oil Refineries in Singapore.
[C] Ms. Rachel Nightingale and she was born on 30 November 1923, and gospel [ she married Mr .AN..Peter[Andrapradesh ]She studied at a school at St Thomas Mount After marriage she came to Andra and learned Telugu .She used to preach gospel in the Church . This couple brought up their children
in a true Christina way. Mr P.N Peter was born at Kalagotta , Prakasam Dist , Andrapradesh. and his mother tongue is Telugu.he studied nursing at Stanley Hospital Chennai and joined Govt service in Andra and retired as Nursing Superintendent in 1977 at Govt General Hospital Kakiinada . This couple gave birth to the following children namely ;[1]AAA Rajkumar,[2]Carmel Victoria [3]AJA Sunder Singh ,[4]A. Williams .[5] AMA Raja Kumari, [Rtd Head Nurse] and she married Mr K. Babu Rao Benny , blessed with two daughters and a son namely [a] Ms. Ruth Parimala, B,Sc[Nurrsing],married,blessed with 2 daughters,[b] Dr. Carmel Shobita , M.D.S, and[3] Mr Pastor Abraham [6] Mr.AABJ Rangasamy, is a pastor and preaches gospel with great zeal and blessed with two daughters namely [1] Ms.Anna Jyothi [Nurse] and [2] Ms. Neela Ramya [Nurse]. [7]AFF Nesamani
[D] Ms. Mesbobra Manoharam Esther Joy and she was born on 04 April 1926,and she married Mr Abel Kaliyanasundram Raju [Ex Army ]on 16-05-1946 and she died on on 13-01-2005.' Her husband Mr Abel Kalyana Sundram raju is an retired Army officer[NEG, Bangalore ] and his father was was a Doctor in the Indian Railways .Ms Meshbora Manoharam and Mr Abel kalyanasundram couple gave birth to 7 sons and 2 daughters namely :-[1]Mr John Melki Zatac Rajkumar Raju was born on 08-07 -1947 married on 16-08-1979 and blessed with a son and 2 daughters. [2] Ms Solomi Emilia Amirtham born on 06-01-1949, married Mr,Jayker Rungaswamy on 25-09- 1972, no children he died on 09-04-2009. [3] Mr.Joshua Abel Devakumar born on 30-10-1951,married in1981 blessed with 3 boys and out of the three one served in Air Force and died on 09-04-2013., [4] Mr. Theoplus Methasal kalyankumar born on 03--07-1953,married on 25-09-1983 and blessed with one girl and he died on 15-01-2014 and his family is settled in Madurai, [5] Mr Jacob Barnabas Manohar Kumar born on 18-11- 1955, married Ms Janet on 18-01- 1984,blessed with 1 son and 1 daughter..and the daughter is married and is blessed with two children and son is yet to marry.[6] Mr James Alexander Sunderkumar born 27-04-1957, married to Chella on 15-01-1990, blessed with 2 boys and both of them are married [7] Mr Daniel Theodar Selvakumar born on 08-08-1959, married and blessed with 1 boy and 1 girl..[8]Ms. Flora Easther kalyani born on 03-10-1961, married, blessed with one girl and a boy, girl is settled and the boy is yet to settle.,[9] Mr.Job Benjamin Kirubai Kumar born on14-11- 1965 married and blessed with 1 girl child
{ E] Ms . Fanny Cornelia Brittania , born on 29 July 1928, married Mr.George Wilson Robert [ [Indian Army, Jabalpur] ,blessed with 3 sons and 2 daughters namely: [1]Lieutenant Oliver Wilson and he was killed in action in 1971 Indo Pakisthan war at the prime age of 21[ Had he survived he could have become a Brigadier or a Major General in the Indian Army]. Oliver Wilson was commissioned in the 5th Assam Regiment and he actively served the Battalion in Chhamb Sector of Jammu and Kashmir [2]Mr Jeyachand Wilson [ Jepalpur ]was married and blessed with 2 sons, [3] Ms. Olive was married and blessed with 2 daughters,[4]Mrs. Chandramathi [IndianArmy] was married to Mr Anand [ Indian Army] and this couple is blessed with 2 sons.and [5] Mr Raja Wilson was married and blessed with a son
Rev Jesuraj William's Missionary and Ministerial Career ; Re. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy had a colorful and diversified ministerial and evangelical career Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy started his ministerial and missionary career as a layman Preacher. Mr. Jesuraj W. Rungasawmy was a member of the St Thomas Mount Tamil Church and as he had the preaching capabilities with natural flair for preaching he started his preaching career in and around St. Thomas Mount.
Mr Jesuraj W. Rungaswamy was ordained as "Minister of Religion in the National Church of India" , Madras : It will be useful to have some basic idea about the National Church of India before proceeding further. The National Church of India was founded by Rev.T. John Retnam at Madras Rev. T. John Retnam was an influential figure of the Methodist Mission and was its Circuit President in Madras, but in 1922 he broke away from the Royapettah Wesley Church and started the National Church of India in 1923 at Madras . In order to become a Minister in the N.C.I Mr.Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy sat for the the Trial Sermon Test conducted by the National Church of India The Sermon test was conducted on Sunday the 26th June 1932, the examiners were : [1] Mr.P. Chenchiah, M.A, M.L, [2] Mr..V. Chakkarai, B.A, B.l,, [3]Mr.T.R. Sarangapani, M.A, and Mr. C. Isaiah. and he passed the Test..So Rev Jesuraj Williams was enrolled as probationary Minister of the The National Church of India , Madas on the 27th of June 1932 by Rev T.John. Ratnam, [Chairman, National Church of India ]
Rev. Jesuraj W. Rungaswamy was ordained as a Minister of the Evangelical Church of India : Rev. Jesuraj W. Rungaswamy was a born evangelist, , he did not like to confine his work and time in one Singe mission , he wanted freedom to travel far and wide to preach the Gospel of Christ. So he was shifting from one Mission to another Mission Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy was ordained as a Minister of the Evangelical Church of India on the 16th day of June in the year 1946 by the Bishop of E C I Diocese of North Madras. Rev. Jesuraj Williams worked as E.C.I Minister for period of time
Rev.Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy was appointed as Superintending Missionary in the Evangelical Missonary Society : Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy, BD wa appointd as Superintending
Missioanry and Bishops's Chaplain to the E.M.S Bishop of North Madras , in 1939..
Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy was ordained as Minister of the Indian Episcopal Church :.Rev. Jesuraj Wiliams Rungaswamy was ordained in November1949 as Minister of the Indian Episcopal Church and he was licensed to solemnize marriages under section 5[1] of the Indian Christian Marriage Act in the Diocese of North Madras of the Indian Episcopal Church. As a Minister of the Indian Episcopal Church he worked with enthusiasm for some months till he joined the Indian Army as an Army Chaplion
Rev. Jesuraj W William served as an Army Chaplain : Rev Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy,B.D , joined the Indian Army and served in many positions and twice he was in the war service in his Majesty's Mesopotomia Expeditionary Force and later he worked as an Army Chaplain in the Indian Army .Service Corps. Center [ South] at Bangalore from 15 November 1950 to 31 July 1954 with great devotion and to the entire satisfaction his senior authorities He earned a good name for his devotion to the spiritual welfare of the Army men. .
Conclusion : Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy, B.D after having lived 78 fruitful and meaningful years in this world, passed away from this world on the 16th August, 1970. He was a great Revival Preacher of highest order, he wanted to preach the Gospel to the maximum number of people and win as many as possible souls for his Lord Jesus Christ..He did not like to be bound within a single Christian denomination and his view of Church was above denominations..He served as Pastor or Minister in four or five denominations as mentioned above He had also served as a touring Revival Preacher and he had visited North India, Burma, Malaya etc and preached the Gospel with great eloquence and spiritual power..Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy,B.D was admired for his through knowledge of the scriptures and for his elegant and inspiring addresses and also for his humility and smiling countenance. In the absence of his wife he brought his five daughters with great care and concern and gave them in marriage to good Christian gentle men. Definitely he lived as a worthy son to his great father Rev John Rungasamy and deserving son in- law to his famous father- in- law Lyricist Rev. V. Masillamani. Rev. Jesuraj Williams Rungaswamy was a real Christian , good human being, loved and helped poor people and was versatile . With a salute to him I end this Article .
By. P. Babu Manoharan , M.A,[ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later, if needed ].
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