Introduction : Late Naval Commodore Dr. Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job, M.B.B.S, D.A was a remarkable and multi-talented personality. He was intelligent, tall, handsome, a man of character, Author, Patriotic ,Lover of nature, Administrator and a devoted and efficacious Naval Medical Doctor . He hailed from one of the illustrious Christian families in South India and his exemplary personal and professional life will galvanise the readers with grit, patriotism and hope to lead a fruitful and meaningful life .
Dr. Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job
Dr. E.J Chandran Job's Parents and His Birth : Great Christian Leader, Evangelist and Tamil Christian Poet late Rev. S. George Vethanayagam and Mrs Asirvathammal [She was an adopted daughter of Rev. Chandler of the Madura Mission] couple gave birth to Mr G.V. Job and Mr. G.V Job, M.A, L.T, served as the Head Master of the St Columbus High School at Chengalpattu . Mr. G.V Job played a crucial part for the formation of Church of South India in 1947 and also had the privilege to serve as the first General Secretary of the Church of the South India. [CSI]. Mr. G. V Job married Ms. Esther Gertrude from Madurai and this couple gave birth to Dr. Ernest .Jesudasan Chandran Job, in the year 1924 at Thirupathur Christukula Ashramam , Tamil Nadu; this Christukula Ashrama was founded by the Scottish United Free Church Medical Missionary Dr. Ernest Forrrester Paton along with Dr. S. Jesudasan a fellow Tamil Missionary. Dr. Ernest Jesudason Chandran Job was named Ernest after Mr. Ernest F. Paton and Jesudasan after Dr. Jesudason. and Chandran a common beautiful Tamil name.. Mr. G,V.Job was working as Head Master of the Church of Scotland Mission High School at Chengalpattu by name St. Columbus High School at Chennalpattu As persons working in the institutions connected with the Church of Scotland Mr G.V Job and Dr. Ernest F Paton and Dr..S. Jesudason became great friends. and their intellectual and theological views effected , impacted and affected each other mutually.
Dr. E.J. Chandran Job's Siblings : God blessed Mr. G.V.Job and Ms Esther Getrudee Job with all the connubial blessings Mr. G.V.Job and Ms Esther Getrude Job couple gave birth to the following children namely:-[1] Ms. Jemmi Job Rajamanickam , [2] Ms. Dr. Leela Kezia Job and she did her M.B.B.S, at the prestigious Christian Medical College Vellore and she was privileged to be trained under the the great Dr. Ida Scudder, [3] Ms .Kirubavathi Job , [4] Mr Dr. Samuel Vedanayagam Job, M.Sc, Ph.D [ Canada], and he is generally called as Dr. S.V.Job. It will be appropriate to record some lines about Dr. S.V. Job . Dr. S.V Job was born in the year 1922 and he had an outstanding educational record and career and he was the winner of the Caithness Gold Medal in his P.G. Degree in Zoology from the University of Madras . by winning the prestigious Vincent Masseey Award he did his Doctoral research in the Dept of Zoology , University of Toronto , Canada and was awarded his prestigious Ph.D degree . He served in the Madras Christian College as a Lecturer in Zoology, Department. Then he worked as a Reader in the Madras University and while he was working in the University of Madras he was transferred to Madurai University and after having worked for many years in the Madurai University Dr. S.V Job was promoted as Head and Coordinator of the School of Biological Sciences and a Professor and retired. During his prolific teaching career Dr. S. V. Job had guided and produced 25 Ph.D degree holders. To his credit he had authored an epoch making book titled," THE SEED; Evolution: fact or Fiction ?' .Dr. Prof. S.V. .Job married Ms Marjorie a daughter of Mr. Paul and Mrs Gloria Paul in January 1950 at the Madras Christian College chapel . Dr.S.V.Job and Ms Marjorie Job couple gave birth to the following children namely :- [1]Mr. Noel , [2] Mr Alan, [3] Ms. Phebe and [4] Mr. Danny [ Daniel Job ]. .Dr. S.V .Job and Ms Marjorie Job were closely connected with the Laymen Evangelical fellowship of India and its founder Bro Joshua Daniel [5] Mr. Commodore Dr. Ernest Chandran Job, M.B.B.S, [ he is the Hero of this article ] [6] Ms Sarojini Asirvatham and [7] Mr. Basil Gunaseelan Job
Dr, E.J. Chandran Job [Left] with his Wife. Ms Abranam Vedavathy
- Dr. E. J.Chandran Job's Wife and Children : Dr. Ernest Jesudason Chandran Job , MBBS, married Ms Abranam Vethavathi, M.A, { mathematics -- Presidency College, Madras] , daughter of Advocate Mr. Devadasan, B.A, B.L, and Ms. Annamuthu Devadasan{ Ms. Annamuthu hailed from an illustrious family in Nanjil Nadu, K.k.Dist] on 26th May 1950 at the Holy Trinity Cathedral , Palayamcottai.. . This marriage proposal was initiated and brought by Bihsop Rt.Rev. A.J. Appasamy .and his wife Mrs Grace Appasamy .God blessed Dr. Chandran Job and his wife Mrs Vedavathy and Mrs Vedavathy used to tell her children that they owed the success of their marriage to their obedience to the will of God . Dr. E.J Chandran Job and Ms Abranam Vedavathi Job couple gave birth to the following children namely :-[1] Dr. Sheila Sekar, M.B.B.S and she married Mr. Abraham Sekhar, M,Tech [ IIT--Mumbai] and this couple is blessed with a son and a daughter namely ;[a] Mr. Peter and [b] Ms. Mercy and [2] Mr. Prabhu Job, B.E and he married Ms Sheila Prabhu, B.E .and this couple is blessed with a daughter by name Ms Rachel Chitra. [ Journalist ].
Dr. E.J. Chandran's education : Dr. E. J. Chandran Job was brought up inside the School campus of St Columbus High School in Chengalpattu. Dr. Chandran Job did his Schooling during the years 1930 --1940 . Dr. Chandran Job pursued his MBBS in the prestigious Madras Medical College and passed his MBBS course.
Dr. .J Chandran Job's Professional Track : After having successfully completed his House Surgency at the CMC in 1950, Dr. E.J. Chandran Job joined the Indian Army and he was posted in many different places in North India . Dr. E.J. Chandran Job was selected and transferred to the fledgeling Indian Navy and he served in the Indian Naval ships and Naval Hospitals . For two years he served as a naval medical Officer in Vizag[ INS Circars] and developed a lasting friendship with his colleague Dr. Christian and his wife Regina and she later qualified as a Surgeon. with them Dr Chandran Job's family shared accommodation In1958 shortly before the birth of David Prabhu Dayal, Dr. Chandran Job was asked to do his Senior medical Officer's training in Pune and he was selected to do a Diploma Course in Anaesthesia in the Armed Medical College Hospital in Pune. After having passed his D. A, Course he was posted to a Naval Ship to serve as the INS Investigator and his main job was to measure the depth of the coastline all around India and to help the construction work of the Palk Trait Bridge. The other Indian naval Ships that Dr. Chandran Job had sailed are :[1] the INS Rohilkand, ,[2] the INS Trishul, [3] and shortly before his retirement he sailed in the INS Vikrant. The Indian naval hospitals Dr. Chandran Job worked were :- [1] INHS Aswini- Bombay, Sanjivani - Cochin, Jeevanti, - Goa , kalyani - Vizag.
Dr. E.J.Chandran Job Had the Privilege to Chat with Mrs Indra Gandhi : Dr. Ernest J Chandran Job had many privileges to meet and chat with some illustrious personalities and while Dr.E.J Chandran was serving in the INS Vikrant in the year 1969 as naval doctor Chandran job was designated as the Mess officer for that week along with his regular Medical duty. During this week surprisingly the then Prime Minister of India Mrs Indra Gandhi made a surprise visit to INS Vikrant . In line with naval Tradition the Mess officer of the Week heads the table and as Mrs Indra Gandhi was the Guest of Honour of that day she was seated on the left side of Dr, Chandran Job the mess Officer , facing the Captain of the ship . During the meal time Mrs Gandhi asked many rapid fire questions to Dr. Chandran Job and the Captain of the ship. , Dr Chandran job in his reply requested some Measures that would benefit the Sailors . Dr, Chandran did not expect that Mrs Gandhi will take quick actions to fulfil his requests for the cause of the sailors , but to the great surprise of Dr. E.J. Chandran Job , Orders came in the next week, from the Top officials to implement the beneficial measures for the cause of the Sailors that Dr Chandran Job wanted . .
Dr. E.J. Chandran Job was an Author ; Naval Commodore Dr. Chandran Job was a creative Thinker and Author like his scholar father Mr. G.V. Job , M.A. L.T.. [ Mr. G.V Job was one of the Authors of the epoch making Book, " Rethinking Christianity in India " Dr. Chandran Job was a Spiritual Thinker, Theologian , a shrewd Interpreter of the Scripture.. Dr. Chandran Job had authored two books namely ;-[1] GUIDE TO DIVINE HEALING and [2] Unveiling of Bible Truths Concealed by Man made CHURCH TRADITIONS. A perusal of these books will help us to understand the enlightening theological thoughts and his views on baptism and Spiritual Rebirth, Divine Healing and Medicine etc,..

Conclusion : Indian Naval Commodore Dr. Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job , M.B.B.S, D.A ,was a born again Christian , Theological Thinker, Unassuming, a Man of Prayer, intelligent, and his command over English language was commendable .He is not alive today but he lives in our memories and in the mind of Mother India. We can understand about his spiritual views, and enlightenment through his Books. He was a Born Searcher and Seeker of truth and by consistent search and personal experience he found out Christ was the Truth . Physically , intellectually an spiritually Dr,Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job was a beautiful man , He was blessed with all the blessings told in the Psalm 128. He was a great patriot and he had served for the cause of the Defence of Mother India at crucial times with great dedication, boldness, strategy and efficacy. He respected his parents, loved his wife, children and his grandchildren very much . He was an excellent and eloquent Letter Writer. It is not possible to cover all the important chapters and aspects of his personal and professional life within the space of this Article and so I will end this Article with the following sentence ;. "Dear and respected Commodore Dr. Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job and we are proud of you "
By..P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,.[All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed ].
Brother how we contact you for paid collaboration . We world like to invite you for a guest talk also.
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Dr. Thillai Vallal , KK