Monday, 8 July 2024

Author of B.Sc Zoology and Botany Text-books and Former HOD of Zoology Department, Chikkiah Naicker College Erode Prof. Mr. J.S. Alexander Allan, M.A, [ 1925--1983].

Introduction    Former H.O.D. of Zoology  at Chikkiah Naicker College , Erode Prof. J.S. Alexander , M.A was  a great Zoology and Botany Teacher . He was an Author of B.Sc [ Zoology and Botany ] Text-Books. he was an Ideal College Professor and his dressing style and way of teaching the lessons to the students won the hearts of his students and staff. Prof. J.S. Alexander Allan hailed from an illustrious pioneer Christian family in Kanyakumari District.  He was not only a great Teacher but also he was  strict disciplinarian and so he instilled the values of  good behaviour ,conduct and character  in the minds of his students. I can say he was one of the best College Teachers of his time in Tamil Nadu , A perusal of his Profile will definitely galvanise the  Students and Readers  to become knowledgeable persons and to live a meaningful life. 

                                                   Late . Prof. J.S. Alexander Allan, M.A 

Prof. J.S. Alexander Allan's Parents and his Birth   :Some  decades  ago there lived a gentleman by name Mr. John Subbiah in Nagercoil with his modest and beautiful wife by name Ms M. Muthammal and this lovely couple gave birth to Prof. J.S Alexander Allan on 26th July  1925, in Nagercoil . Mr. J. Subbiah served as Primary School Teacher in Lutheran  Primary Schools in various places and finally he worked as a Primary School Teacher at the MELIM Primary School Nagercoil and  retired as Head Master of this School . Late Mr J. Subbiah was an ideal Teacher and he  is  remembered by his old students and family members with great respect and love.

Prof J.S. Alexander Allan's Siblings ;   God blessed  Mr. John Subbiah[ 08-04- 1892 to 01-08- 1964] and his beloved wife Ms M. Muthammal Subbiah with all the conjugal blessings and this couple gave birth to the following children namely ;-[1] Ms. Annie  Dorothy [ 1-3-1921 to 27 -1- 1985]  and she married Mr. Agur Samuel Baba Peter[ 5-3- 1911 to 11-8- 1979]  from the family of the famous Church Historian Mr. C.M. Agur, B.A and this couple gave birth to Dr. Abideen Babujee Peter, , M.V.Sc, PhD [ Former Consultant to the Govt of Tamil Nadu, Animal Husbandry Dept]. Dr. Abideen Babujee Peter married Ms Dr. Pearl Grace Sugirtha , M.V.Sc , [2] Ms.Edith and she married Mr A. Noble Yesumonickam  who was a great great grandson of Catechist  Mylaudy Maharasan Vethamonickam; and Mylaudy Maharasan Vethamonicakam was  the real Founder of Protestant Christianity in South Travancore [ Rev.I.H. Hacker, " A Hundred Years in Travancore , 1908, London, p. 20]. Ms. Edith and Mr. A. Noble Yesumanicakm couple  gave birth to the following children namely:- [a] Mr. Chandra , [b] Ms Shanthi and [c] Ms. Shobana .[3] Ms. Ruth and she married Rev. James Selvamony from Ambur [ IELC, Ambur Synod], and this couple gave birth to the following children namely :-[a] Theodre Prabhahar and he married Ms Chandra and this couple is blessed with two daughters namely:-[i] Ms. Shirley and [ii] Ms. Sherin  ,[4] Mr.Prof. J.S. Alexander Allan [ he is the Hero of this Article], [5] Ms. Gnanambal and she worked as a Middle School teacher at Concordia High School Nagercoil and she married IELC Pastor Rev. Lazarus and this couple gave birth to the following children namely :-[a] Mr. Lazarus Chandrasheekar, B.Sc and he married Ms Merlin Nirmala and this couple is blessed with two daughters namely [i] Ms. Roshan Lazarus, B.O.T [now  in Canada] ,[ii] Ms Sharon Lazarus, BFN, M.A [ Fashion Designing], and[b] Ms Sujata, M.Sc,  and she married Mr Sam Abel, M.Sc [ He retired as General Manager of O.N.G.C. ] and this couple is blessed with  a son and a daughter namely [i]Marvin and [ii]Ms karen , B.Arch, M,Arch,  [6] Ms Grace and she was the Founder of Dorcas Tailoring Institute, Nagercoil  and Bethania Home Nagercoil  and she worked as P.E.T., Teachaer at  Concordia High School Nagercoil,[7] Mr. J.S. Henry Johnson , M.Com [ he worked and and retired as Principal of a college in Delhi] and he married a Punjabi girl by name Ms Rani  and she worked as a Steno Typist, this couple is blessed with the following children namely ;-[a]Ms. Sumitha , M.A[ English],[b] Ms. Gitika [ Animation ] and [c] Mr. Chandresh, MCA, , [8] Ms. Jessibai Sugantham she worked as a Teacher in a Govt Middle School and retired.

Prof. J.S. Alexander Allan's Educational Track   : Prof. J.S.Alexander Allan did his School education at the Lutheran Schools in Nagercoil . After having passed  his  SSLC, he pursued collegiate education in reputed  colleges  and passed his M.A [Zoology] meritoriously [ The names of the Educational Institutions wherein Prof, J.S. Alexander Allan studied will be provided later] 

Prof. J.S.Alexander. Allan's  Wedding and his Children Prof, J.S.. Alexander Allan married Ms Diyamoni Josephine,  daughter of Mr Samuel in 1961 at the C.S.I. St Patric Church , Thoothukudi . Mr. Samuel was a famous  Fibre Exporter in Thoothukudi and was a flourishing exporter, entrepreneur . God blessed Prof. J.S.. Alexander Allan and Mrs Diyamoni Josephine couple with the following children namely :-[1] Mr. Edwin Samuel rajendran , B.E[ Agri] and he worked in the Govt of Tamil Nadu,  Agricultural Engineering  Dept and retired as a Superintending Engineer and  he married Ms. Joyline  Sophia , M.Sc[ Agri] and she is working in the Dept of Agriculture, Govt of Tamil Nadu as Deputy Director of Agriculture . Mr Edwin Samuel Rajendran and Ms Joyline Sophia couple gave birth to the following children namely :-[a]Ms Dr. Christline Daya , M.Sc[ Bio.Tech], Ph.D, [ Warsaw University, Germany ] and she married Mr Sunil barnabas Paul Devendran B.E [I.T, Sathyabama I.S.T, Chennai], M.B.A [ Manukau Institute of Technology , Aukland , Newzealand] on 8th July 2022  at Nagercoil ] and both of them are working in Newzealand, [b] Mr. Ashik Jonathan , B.E and he is a Co-Founder of COLRIS Digital Advertisement Company, Nagercoil,  and now he is working as its C.E.O. . Moreover Mr. Ashik Jonathan is  a real Christian Believer and he serves as an Elder in the "Home Church " Prayer Congregation , Nagercoil ; [2] Ms Jeyanthi, B.E, and he married Rt  Rev. Bishop Dr. A. John Sathyakumar  and currently Bishop Dr.John Sathyakumar is working as Bishop of Episcopal Anglican Church of  India, Tamil Nadu and Pondicherry Diocese. 

                                       Prof. J.S.Alexander Allan with his Wife and Children 

Prof. JS/ Alexander Allan 's Professioal Track    : On completion his Post Graduate  education, Prof Alexander Alan got an opportunity to work as Zoology Demonstrator in the famous Scott Christian College Nagercoil. Then he joined the S.T. Hindu College,  as a Zoology Lecturer at the ST Hindu College and worked with great devotion and efficiency for  some period of time. Then he joined as a Zoology Lecturer at the famous Chikkiah Naicker  College Eroe and   within a short span of time he won the hearts of the student and the College management . He was promoted as Professor of Zoology and later  as  Head of Zoology Department of Chikkiah Naickera College Erode,. He is born Teacher he worked as a Zoology Professor and HOD of the Zoology Department with great distinction and efficacy. ,But unfortunately he died on 7th September, 1983 , few months before his regular retirement from   Teaching Service. 

Conclusion   :  Prof . J.S. Alexander Allan, M.A,  was a great Teacher and he cared for the total personality development of his Students .  He was a good Administrator. and he expected good manners  from his students.   He used to go to the college in Coat and Suit and his dressing style attracted the attention of the students and Staff. He had sound knowledge and grip in Zoology and Botany and so he had authored Zoology and Botany Text.Books for B.Sc Class. and the books authored by him were well appraeciated by the  College Teachers and Students . He was a great Agriculturists aland he loved flora and fauna very much. . He loved his parents, siblings and his wife and children so much. He was very bold and he was an intellectual . He had a good command over English and Tamil .He proved that even a  son of a Primary School Teacher  can also become a Head of  Zoology Department in a famous College . He was very careful in selecting friends . He was a Solitary Thinker and a creative Researcher   It is not possible to cover all the important aspects and pages of his real life story within the  space of this Article . So I will end this Article with the following sentence , "Dear Professor J.S. Alexander Allan ,  I am proud of you and  thank God for you, "  


By. P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,.[ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed } . 


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