Prof. Rev. A. Sundaram, B.Sc. B.D. S.T.M [Yale University]
Rev. A. Sundaram's Children : God blessed Rev. A. Sundaram and Mrs. Mary Elizabeth Sundaram couple with all the connubial blessings and this couple gave birth to the following children namely :- [1]Mr. S. Jackson kalyanasundaram, B.A, B.C.S, M.S.W[ Rev. A. Sundaram named his son as Jackson, as a token of his love, respect and gratitude for late Rev Dr.B.H. Jackayya . Mr. Jackson kalyanasundaram married Dr. Ms. C. Jessie, B.E.M.S, and this couple gave birth to a lovely female child. Mr. Jackson and Dr. Jessie Jackson, as per the wish of Rev. A. Sundaram, christened their daughter as "Ruth Serene Victoria" in memory Rev. A. Sundaram's College mate Dr. Lynda Serene Jones, at the Yale Divinity School, Yale University .. Currently Dr. Lynda Serene Jones serves as the President and Johnston Family Professor for Religion and Democracy at Union Theological College in the city of New York. U.S.A,.[2] Ms. S. Julie Merlyn, M.A[ Eng. Lit] and currently she lives in Chennai with her family..

Rev. A. Sundraram and his Wife are flanked by their Son & Daughter Rev. A. Sundaram's Clerical [Pastoral] Track :.. After having finished his basic theological studies and training Rev.A. Sundaram was ordained as a Probationary Lutheran Pastor of the Church[ IELC} at Thirunagar, Madurai, under the guidance and supervision of L.C.M.S. Missionary Rev. Arnold Lutz . Rev. A. Sundaram successfully completed his Probationary period [ 1975-1976] and was confirmed as a regular ordained IELC Pastor. . As Rev. A Sundaram was having a fluent command over English and sound hold on theology, he got the privilege to work as an Associate Pastor of the Reformation Lutheran Church , Brookfield , WI, USA ,from September 1976 to June 1978. Then Rev A Sundaram served as Pastor of Charalvilai pastorate and Thoothukudi pastorate with great distinction,
Rev A. Sundaram was the First Third World Divinity Scholar of Yale University. : Rev. A Sundaram joined the Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil as a Professor of New Testament and Greek on December 15, 1981. and won the love and respect of the students .In line with his natural quest for knowledge Rev. A. Sundaram longed to pursue his S.T.M. at the prestigious Yale Divinity School, Yale University, New York. . The qualifying Entrance Examination for S,T,M, at the Yale Divinity School , was so difficult and moreover only one seat was allotted for the Asian continent. In this Context Rev. Sundaram wrote the qualifying Entrance Examination for the S.T.M. course, at the Yale Divinity School and he passed the examination by scoring the highest marks and got admission to the Yale Divinity School in 1984. Our Ordinary Ammachikovil boy Rev A. Sundaram got the blessed privilege to pursue his Master of Sacred Theology [ STM] in the Yale University, USA. While studying at the Yale Divinity School, Rev. Sundaram had the opportunity to meet some remarkable fellow students in the Yale University Campus, one such student was Dr. Lynda Serene Jones. Dr. Lynda Serene Jones made lasting impact on the mind of Rev..A. Sundaram by her intellect. Rev. A. Sundaram was a brilliant student and he passed his STM examination in A plus grade. Mr Jackson told the Blogger that Rev. Sundaram's Photo is proudly hanging on a wall of a hall of Yale University by the side of some illustrious people like Sri. C.N. Annadurai [ Mr. S.Jackson told me that Former President of IELC Rev. Dr. J.Samuel told this great news to him ]

Rev.A. Sundaram served at the CTS Nagercoil as a Professor [1981- 2010] : Rev. A. Sundaram served as Professor of New testament and Greek at the Concordia Theological Seminary from 15th December 1981 till 4th November 2010 with great distinction and efficacy. Really Rev. A. Sundaram was an expert in teaching the Greek. According to his old Student Rev.Chakravarthy Kumanan, Rev. Sundaram was a blessing to the theological world especially to the IELC.and he calls Prof.Rev. A. Sundaram as a Maverick Theologian. Rev,C. Kumanan writes about Prof.Rev Sundaram that he was sharp in teaching theology especially the teaching and Theology of St. Paul in the New Testament. Rev Kumanan continues that Rev. Sundaram gave a new dimension to the 7 genuine letters of St,Paul . and says that he understood the Christian Doctrines found in the letters of St. Paul to Roman, only because of Prof.Rev Sundaram's candid and convincing teaching and calls Prof. A. Sundaram , a Specialist in Exegesis. Rev.Chakaravarthy Kumanan also writes that he enjoyed Prof.Rev. Sundaram's post-mortem in the Greek Language which took the students of the Concordia Theological Seminary Nagercoil to new height . The way Prof Sundaram expounded and interpreted the New Testament won the hearts of his students . During that period of time Rev. Dr. B.H.Jackayya was the Principal of the Concordia Theological Seminary ,and Rev.A. Sundaram had the privilege to work with the following Professors at the Concordia Theological Seminary Nagercoil, namely :- [1] Rev.Dr. J.C. . Gamaliel, [2]Rev. Dr.A. Rajaian, [3] Rev. Robert Rajasekaran, [4] Rev.T. Joy, [5] Rev. Joshua Sironmony, [6] Rev. Dr. Monickaraj, [7] Rev Dr. Rajendra Babu, [8] Rev. Dr. Indranath Stanley, [9]Re,Rev Dr. Jeremiah Anderson, etc .After having served at the Concordia Theological Seminary as a Professor for nearly 30 years . Rev. A. Sundaram retired of the 4th November 2010.
Important Positions and Offices Held by Re.A. Sundaram in IELC: In the IELC. Rev A. Sundaram had the privilege to hold and decorate some very important offices and positions namely :-[1] Synod Executive Committee Member,Nagercoil Synod, IELC ,[2] Co Treasurera , Nagercoil Synod, [3] Secretary Cum Treasurer, IELC Trust Association Rev. Rev. A. Sundaram was elected as the Secretary cum Treasurer of the I.E..L.C. Trust Association and he served in that capacity for two terms from 1986 till 1992, under former IELC Presidets Rev.John Rose and Rev Isaac Moon with great efficiency .[4] Secretary, Matching Grant Fund, IELC, [5] President,Pastors Conference, Nagaercoil Synod, I.E.L.C, [6] Bursar , Concordia Theological Seminary , Nagercoil and [7] Academic Dean, Concordia Theological Seminary, Nagercoil .
Rev. A. Sundaram's Grave |
Conclusion : Rev. A. Sundaram was a Remarkable Man, a great Theologian, an outstanding New Testament Scholar and an excellent Greek Teacher,.Physically he is not living with us today yet he lives in our minds. He was a versatile personality and a shrewd independent thinker and we can call him a Maverick Theologian . He was a Linguist and had a commendable command over English, Tamil, Greek and German . He was a compassionate Teacher and he cared for the total progress, development and welfare of his students, and he was an easily accessible Professor and pastor.. Because of his excellent Teaching efficacy, humane attitude, unassuming nature, and compassionate nature etc he became very popular among his Students, Colleagues , Christian believers and fellow human-beings. His enviable reach from Ammachikovil to the intellectual citadels of Yale University, USA,spontaneously galvanises the last and lost man with a new hope to reach unimaginable places and heights in Life.. Prof. Rev A. Sundaram was a creative person and he had written many Articles in English and Tamil and also have authored a book titled "Baptism" and also had translated the historical Reports [ That requested the British Govt to give lands to the landless people ] of the British Collector of Chengalpet district Mr.J..H..A. Tremenhere , from English to Tamil, for a Tamil Publication company. .Rev. A. Sundaram died on 4th November 2011 and his mortal remains were interred in the Nagercoil Calvary Lutheran Church cemetery. It is not possible to accommodate all the chapters of his real life story within the space of this article so I will end this Article with a single sentence., ' "Dear Prof. Rev. A. Sundaram, we are proud of you, and we thank God for you and we really miss you "
By P. Babu Manoharan,M.A,.[
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