Introduction : Late Mr.Paul Apollos of Santhapuram, Kanyakumari district, was one of the tallest Christian leaders and thinkers of his time and he was a multifaceted personality. Mr Paul Apollos was a great Tamil Scholar, Tamil Teacher , Author , Church Leader, Secretary of Nagercoil Y.M.C.A , Deacon of Nagercoil Home Church and above all he was a Man of of God . He was a visionary Thinker, and a practising Christian . His galvanising profile will definitely galvanise the readers of this Article and the youth of this nation to set up lofty goals in life and to live a meaningful life .
Mr. A.T. Paul. B.A, L.T, [ S/o Former Deacon of Nagercoil Home Church Mr Paul Apollos.
Mr. Paul Apollos' Parents and Birth : Santhapuram is a beautiful, blissful and historical village in Agasteeswaram taluk in Kanyakumari District and a pioneer LMS Missionary by name Rev Ebenezer Louis was working in Satharapuram as an LMS Missionary and Pastor and Ebenezer Louis led a smart young man to accept Jesus Christ as his Saviour. That boy was baptised with a new name , Paul, and Rev. Ebenezer Louis was attracted by the good Christian character of young Paul and so he taught Bible lessons to Mr Paul and appointed Mr Paul as a catechist in the Santhapuram LMS Church. As Mr Paul worked as a Catechist [ Upadesiyar in Tamil ] in L.M.S.Church he was called as Santhapuram Paul Upadesiyar.. It would be definitely useful to the readers to know one historical fact here that Rev.. Ebenezer Louis bought 8 acres of land , planned , constructed a church in that newly purchased land, built houses for the Church members and other important buildings and established a new village and named it as Santhapuram.." .At proper time catechist. Paul married a beautiful, educated and pious Christian girl and God blessed Mr.Paul and his beloved wife Mrs. Paul and this blessed couple gave birth to Mr Paul Apollos on August 8th ,1860.
Mr. Paul Apollos Professional Tract : Mr. Paul Apollos was not only a brilliant student but also a benevolent and down to earth student with matured temperament and compassionate mind . The Principal of Nagercoil Seminary noted the exemplary proficiency of Mr Paul in Tamil and his pious Christian life and appointed Mr Paul Apollos as a Tamil Teacher at the Nagercoil LMS Seminary. In the Seminary Mr Paul Apollos proved himself as an excellent and efficacious Teacher and won the love and respect of the Staff and Students. Mr. Paul Apollos also got the privilege to teach Tamil to the newly arrived European English Missionaries . His hold on English language was an additional advantage to him over other native Teachers . As a regular, sincere and contemplative Reader of the Holy Bible Mr Paul Apollos became a Bible scholar and so he taught Students who prepared themselves to write the Peter Cator examination and every year Mr. Paul Apollos' Students won the First prize and Second Prize ii the Peter Cator Examination . Nagercoil LMS Seminary assumed the name as Scott Christian High School in course of time .Mr. Paul Apollos qualified himself as a Tamil Pandit and served in the Scott Christian High School as a Tamil teacher and Scott Christian College as Tamil Pundit with great distinction for nearly 50 years
Mr. Paul Apollos 's Married life and Children . Mr Paul Apollos married a pious lady by name Ms. Gnanappu from a good Christian family and God blessed Mr. Paul Apollos and Mrs. Gnanappu Paul Apollos with all the conjugal blessings and this couple gave birth to some smart children but the names of all the children are not available [the names will be provided later ] except one son by name Mr. A.T.Paul . So I will deal with Mr A.T. Paul and his family here Mr. A.T. Paul, B.A, L.T, married Ms Danie from a well educated Christian family . Mr. A.T. Served in the Kannan Devan Hills Plantation Company, Munar, for more than three decades as an illustrious High School Teacher and finally he retired as a Labour Welfare Officer of Kannan Devan Hills Plantation Company , Munar and he was remembered for his enviable hold on English language and integrity. God blessed the conjugal life Mr. . A.T. Paul, B.A , L.T and Ms Danie Paul and this couple gave birth to the following children namely ;-[1]Ms. Helen Gladys and she married Mr David Packya Joss and this couple gave birth to a smart son by name Mr. Prince Godfrey David ; [2] Ms. Danly Edith Justin, M.Sc. and she worked as Professor of Zoology in Women's Christian College Nagercoil . She married Mr .R. Justin and he served as Mathematics Lecturer at the Marathandam Christian College, [3] Ms. Daisy Titus and she served as Lady Extension Educator in Chennai corporation and she married Mr P. Justin and Mr Justin worked as Professor of English and this couple is blessed with a daughter by name Ms Anita Titus, [ 4] Ms. Dr. Mercy Paul, M.Sc, Ph.D, and she worked as H.O.D. and Professor of Home Science at the famous Avinasilingam College and [5] Mrs. Angeline Mohana Johnson , M.Sc, M.Ed, [M.Phil ]and she worked for some years at the Scott Christian College Nagercoil as a Botany Lecturer and she married Mr. Edwin Johnson, B.Pharm [Mr Edwin Johnson had the privilege to work as a Pharmacist in some foreign companies and Countries and later he served as Correspondent of Christian Matriculation School, Nagercoil with great efficacy ] and this couple gave birth to two sons namely ;-[a] Mr, Godwin Johnson, B.E, [ Digital Multi Media] and he is working in USA and he married Ms. Er. Praveena, B.E, and this couple is blessed with a son by name Mr Kavin and he is doing his 5th Std in USA, [b] Mr Edwin Calvin Paul , M.A, B.B.A, LL.B, Dip in French, and German and he works from home ./
Mr. Paul Appolos was elected as a Deacon of Nagercoil Home Church . Mr Paul Appollos was a man of God and a staunch Christian believer and he attended the Worship Services on Sunday and other Church services during week days at the Nagercoil Home Church [ LMS--CSI ] regularly .. The Home Church Members elected Mr Paul Apollos as a Deacon of the Church in 1891 . Mr. Paul Apollos served as a Deacon of the Nagercoil Home Church with great dedication,conscience and distinction for nearly 37 years till his death on 2nd August , 1928.
Mr. Paul Apollos worked as Secretary of Nagercoil YMCA : Mr. Paul Apollos was having a great concern for the spiritual and intellectual growth and development of the youth and he had the privilege to work as the Secretary of the Nagercoil YMCA for 16 years. during the period of Rev. Dr. Duthie It would be appropriate to say a few lines about Nagercoil YMCA. . Nagercoil YMCA enjoys an enviable and unique position among the YMCAs at the national level because YMCA at Nagercoil was established before the formation of the National Council of YMCA India. Many persons of global and national eminence had served as Presidents and Secretaries of Nagercoil YMCA and Mr Paul Apollos was one among them . Mr. Paul Apollos as Secretary of YMCA, Nagercoil had played an important and pivotal role with great vision for the development of the body, mind and soul of youth of this nation , through Nagercoil YMCA.
[ A MASTERPIECE Authored by Mr. PAUL APOLLOS , LMS Press Nagrcoil , 1930, Pages.500 ]Mr. Paul Appollos was a Great Author : :Mr. Paul Apollos was not only a great Speaker , Teacher in Tamil but also a great Author and he had authored two important and famous Books in Tamil namely :-[1] Rethna Sironmoni and [2] Yesu Christhunathar Charithra Sangrakam [ London Mission press , 1930, pages 500 . Mr Paul Apollos during his old age wrote this monumental book and gave the manuscript of the Book to the LMS .Press Nagercoil for Printing but unfortunately he became sick and the release of the book was delayed and it was published only in 1930. The book YesuChristhunathar Charithra Sangrakam is really a masterpiece work of Mr Paul Apollos. in this voluminous book Mr Paul Apollos narrates the life history of Jesus Christ in enchanting Tamil . This book consists of Seven kandams [Parts] namely [1] Bala Kandam [ Introduction] , Uthyogakandam [ The Office], [3] Galilae Kandaam [ The Galilaean Ministry], [4] Yuthaya kandam [The Judaean Ministry], [5] Vupathesa kandam [ The teaching] . [6] Marana kandam [ The death] and [7] Vuyirththezhuthal kandam [ The resurrection }. These 7 kandams cover 500 pages . This book is written in an unique style and the History of Jesus Christ is recorded in the four Gospel in the Bible is analysed , interpreted in the light of prophesies foretold in the Bible and important passages and verses are explained with their spiritual meaning . This book has become a forgotten book . This book proves Mr Pual Apollos was a great Christian Thinker, Theologian,Author Bible Scholar and a staunch believer and follower of Jesus Christ .
Conclusion : Unfortunately Mr Paul Apollos had become a forgotten Christian Leader, We can say that he had become an Unsung Hero .He was a versatile man, his proficiency in Tamil was remarkable. Mr. Paul Apollos had the privilege and honour to serve as a Member of Tamil Bible Revision Committee for two years. Mr Paul Apollos also had the honour to serve as a Member in the Lyric Book Revision Committee for some years. Mr Paul Apollos was an unassuming man with great moral values. The General Assembly of S.I.U.C.[ The South India United Church ] was held at Nagercoil during Sept 11- 15 ,1921, to discuss about the need for the Formation of a United Protestant Church in South India by uniting all the Protestant Churches functioning in South India . Mr Paul Apollos participated in the historical meeting as a Member of the Travancore Church Council along with Rev. J.M. Kesari , Rev. R.H. Eastaff, M.A, B.D, Mr. Paul Daniel, M.A, and other important members of the Travancore Church Council . Mr. Paul Apollos and his family members controlled the commanding height of the Travancore Church Council.[LMS}. He was a compassionate man and he was always kind towards the poor people. He was a great Christian believer and took active interest in all Church related activities. On 2nd August 1928 Mr Paul Apollos was promoted to glory . L.M.S. Missionary Rev Eastaff on hearing the demise of Mr Paul Apollos wrote in the famous news paper London Chronicle that "Mr Paul Apollos was a True Christian and a Tamil Bede" . There can be no better tribute to Mr Paul Apollos than the words of Rev Eastaff .It is not possible to record all the aspects and accomplishments of Mr Paul Apollos within the space of this Article and I will end this Article with the following sentence , " Mr Paul Apollos was a true Christian, a good Samaritan , Bible Scholar, adorable Tamil Author ,and a compassionate gentleman and we are proud of him "
By. P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,.[ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed }.
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