Introduction : Former Chairman of Trivandrum University College Students' Union Mr A . Robertson, M.A, was a handsome, colorful and multi-faceted personality. He was a great orator in English, Malayalam and Tamil, Author of two Christian Books in English , Lay man Evangelist, and a staunch Christian believer.. His prolific profile will easily tell that he was not given his deserving recognition in his professional life. But his qualities, capabilities and his accomplishments specially during his College days in Trivandrum University College and his spiritual life in his later part of life will definitely inspire the readers to be a cheerful and bold, galvanize them to become God-fearing persons and equip them with leadership qualities. . A man must be judged by his potentialities and spiritual power not by his official Position alone Official position is not the only criteria to judge a person. Mr A. Robertson was definitely above the position he reached in his professional career and taller than the heights he reached in this worldly life.
Mr. A. Robertson ,M.A
Mr. A. Robertson's Parents and Birth : Many decades ago there lived a smart man in Nagercoil by name Mr Arulanandam and he married Ms . Mariammal and this couple gave birth to one daughter by name Ms,A. Dhayaseelee Swamidhas and one son by name Mr.A. Paul William . When these children were young Ms Mariammal Arulanandam died and so Mr Arulandam married Ms Nesamoy and this Arulanandam and Ms Nesamony Arulanandam couple gave birth to two sons namely:-[1] Mr.A. Percy Edward , B.A [ He served as the Secretary of South Travancore Journalists' Association and Special Correspondent of Dinamalar in Trivandrum and [2] A. Robertson, M.A .
Mr A. Robertson's Education ; Mr A Robertson after completing his school studies joined the Scott Christian College and studied his B A {Economics] and passed his 1958 .. While he was doing his Final year B.A, he was elected as the Secretary of Economics and History Students'\Association of Scott Christian College. Nagercoil and he served as the Secretary of the said Association with distinction . After having passed his B.A he joined the prestigious University College , Trivandrum for his M.A [Economics] .
Mr A. Robertson's Glorious College days as the Chairman of the Trivandrum University College Students' Union Chairman[1960-61] : During those days there was great competition to become the Chairman of the Trivandrum University College Students' Union, but Mr A Robertson won the election with thumping majority and he became the Chairman of the University College Students' Union for the year 1960-61. During his tenure as the Chairman of the University College Students.Union ,he had the privilege of inviting great personalities like Sri. V. V Giri the then Governor of Kerala and later the President of India , Sir C,P Ramaswamy Iyer , former Devan of modern Travancore State., Sri C. Rajagopalachari, the first and last Indian Governor General of India, to the Trivandrum University College and preside over the Meetings. As a Student Union leader Mr A Robertson was in close association with the then Chief Minister of Kerala Sri Pattam Thanu Pillai and Home Minister of Kerala Mr Chacko and scores of other dignitaries of that period of time. Mr. A. Robertson as Students' Union leader became very popular among the student community. This gave him an air of confidence, ego and pride.

Mr. A. Robertson , M.A ;: :
Beginning of his Professional Career : : Because of his extra Curricular activities Mr.Robertson created a world of his own and he lived by himself. Mr Robertson writes,"This had its worst effect .I was not able to study well. I had expected my University studies to be an open door to a life of substantial achievement but miserably lost and disappointed. However after he successfully completed his M.A , he got a job in Hindustan Machine Tools in Ernakulam, Kerala and that gave him a temporary relief and hope
Robertson's Marriage, Wife and Children : Mr A. Robertson married his maternal Uncle Sri. Arumainayagam's daughter Ms .Jessie, B,Sc, B.T. She started her teaching career as a high School Teacher in the S.A.Higher Secondary School, Trivandrum and retired as Head Mistress of the School. Mr A. Robertson and Ms Jessie Robertson couple gave birth to two daughters and a son namely :- [1]Ms. Nessie, B.E, and she was married to Mr Er. Nirmalanathan B.E { He worked with Electronics Corporation of India and retired as Deputy General Manager of Electronics Corporation of India, but immediately after his retirement he passed away from this world, [2] Mr Arnold, D.M.E he is generally known as Bobby and he is a Computer Hardware Expert . and [3] Late Ms Asha , M.B.A.
Mr. A Robertson got a job in the prestigious Thumba Rocket Launching Station : Mr A. Robertson got a job in the then newly established Thumba Launching Station as a Purchase Assistant, in the Purchase Department. He was proud to be with the Space Department from its inception even in his small capacity. and this opportunity gave him the privilege to know and move with some towering personalities like Padma Vibhushan Dr Vikram Sarabai, Padmashree Dr.V.R.Gwariker [ Former Director VSSC Trivandrum,& Scientific Advisor to the then Prime Minister] ,Dr.A.P.J .Abdul Kalam [ Former Project Director S.L.V Project and later the 11th President of India ], Padma Sri Kurup and Dr. A.E. Muthunayagam [Former Director L.P.S.C., Trivandrum ] and scores of many brilliant young scientists. Mr Robertson writes, "The Space Centre represented a cross section of the country and cream of the population formed a cosmopolitan outlook . It was indeed an University for me to learn about life and matters" Thus he had the privilege to work with and under many intellectual giants of the nation. Mr. A. Robertson had the privilege to serve as an Editorial Board Member of the official News Bulletin of the Thumba Rocket Launching Station [ISRO, Trivandrum } for some years . He also had the honour and privilege to serve as the Leader of the Employee Association of Thumba Rocket Launching Station, Trivandrum [ ISRO} for some years with great distinction and efficacy. He had been working in the Purchase Department with great efficacy and distinction but somehow he could not go above the Post of Purchase officer and so he had some disappointment and he writes, " Although I was sincere, honest, and hard working , the promotions I rightly deserved did not come to me .I became a serious Cardiac patient without any forewarning "
Mr.A. Robertson Became a Committed Christian : Unexpectedly Mr. A .Robertson became a cardiac patient. He underwent a successful Open Heart Surgery at the Sri Chitra Medical Center Trivandrum. This heart operation completely changed his priorities in his life, he repented for his sins He started to fast on Lent days . He had the privilege to attend the revival meetings of Dr Oral Roberts, Evangelist.Dr Stanley Jones, Mr Morgan to name a few foreign missionaries and Good News meetings of Bro Bakhta Singh, Dr Sam Kamalesan and Bro Dr. DGS. Dinakaran, yet he was adamant for full commitment to God But this heart operation crushed his body and mind and he repented and became a true born again Christian. He started a prayer fellowship and those meetings helped him to study Bible and build up his faith. He attended Jesus Calls Power Ministry in 1987 and was anointed with the Holy spirit, He also became a member of Gideon's International and distributed Bibles to various institutions and he became a Prayer Warrior and was growing in the knowledge of Christ day by day
He Authored two Christian Books in English : Mr A. Robertson became very humble in front of God . He wanted to record his spiritual pilgrimage and share his personal witness with his fellow human beings and so he wrote two books in English namely '_ [1] A Layman's Short Messages, pages.66 this small book is the collection of his Christian messages and sermons delivered by him on various occasions and this book starts with his personal testimony [2] Fasting and Prayer ,pages 56. in this book he underlines the importance of Fasting and Prayer in the spiritual journey of believers. .Both are must read books and the books had been written beautifully in English.
Conclusion : After his retirement Mr A, Robertson shifted to Nagercoil with his family. . The sad death of his younger daughter Ms Asha Robertson affected him beyond words and he became very sick, However he went to Mumbai to attend the Gospel meeting of the famous Evangelist Bennyhinn But while returning from Mumbai he died due to massive heart attack on the 24th February 2004. . Mr.A. Robertson is no more with us today his memories live with us . His life is really a great witness, God blessed him with a magnetic appearance, he was a great Reader, a great student Leader, a great Orator, Author and Christian His Books will serve as an eye opener for many who trust their money and knowledge more than the grace of God . I praise God for Mr. Robertson's life. and I conclude this Article with one simple sentence , "Mr A.Robertson's life was really a meaningful worldly , intellectual and Spiritual Journey., I thank God for him "
By P. Babu Manoharan, M.A, { All rights are reserved.. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed }
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