Introduction : A former Professor of Economics and H.O.D of Economics, University of Calicut, Kerala Prof. Dr. D. Retnaraj , M.A, {Eco], M.C.T, Ph.D is a versatile and multifaceted personality and was an Awardee of the U.G.C / Research Award/ Career Award in 1999 and winner of the prestigious I.C.S.S.R Senior Fellowship. He had decorated many significant Posts and Places in his professional career and personal life. No doubt he is one of the outstanding sons of Nanjil Nadu in Kanyakumari district. His remarkable travel from his little known native village Puliyadi to the commanding heights of Economics Department at the famous Dr. Johnmatthai Centre Thrissur, Calicut University and Centre of Development Studies in Trivandrum strikes and arrests our attention with awesome wonder, inspiration and happiness. Definitely his real life story and his educational and professional accomplishments will galvanise the readers and the first generation graduates and the rural college students with new relentless hope and goals to reach better heights and pastures in life . He really is a shining and galvanising Milestones in the field of Economics, Research, Education, and Intellectual and Social History of Kanyakumari district, Kerala State and Tamil Nadu.

Prof..Dr. D. Retnaraj, M.A,[Eco], M.C.T, Ph.D,.
Dr. D. Retna Raj and His Parents and Birth : Puliyadi is a beautiful idyllic village located near Putheri Lake and Puthery Village [ The great modern Tamil Poet Sri. Desihavinayagam Pillai lived in Putheri village ] . Puliyadi village is surrounded by pleasant paddy fields and ponds and Dr. D. Retnaraj's father Mr. David was a native of this Puliyadi village . Mr. David's father late Mr Packianathan was Freelance Evangelist and I was told that Mr Packianathan donated his Land to the MELIM to build the MELIM Church in Puliyadi village . Mr. David married Ms.Packiamuthu and this lovely couple was blessed with all connubial blessings and this couple gave birth to Dr. D. Retnaraj on 16th May,1957.. Now Ms Packiamuthu David is no more living in this world and Mr David lives in Puliyadi. This Puliyadi village has produced some eminent Bankers. Lawyers, Educationists, etc,.
Mr. David and his wife Ms Packiamuthu David
Dr. Retnaraj's Siblings : Mr. David and his beloved wife Ms Packiamuthu David were blessed with all the connubial blessings and this blissful couple gave birth to the following children namely [1] Ms. Jeya Bai [expired] and she was married to Mr Enan[ expired] and he worked in the Indian Air Force. ,Ms Jeya Bai and Mr Enan couple gave birth to the following children namely ;[a]Mr. Vijaya Bhaskar , MBA[ Hospital Management] and [b] Mr. Rajesh, [ Lab technician ], [2] Ms. Manonmani and she married Mr Sam Raj from Sadayan Vilai village . Mr Sam Raj worked as a Lab Technician and he was the brother the famous Inspector of Police late Mr Selvaraj , Ms. Manonmani and Mr Samraj couple gave birth to four children, [3] Ms. Kasthuri and she married Mr Devanathan, B.A. B.L and Mr Devanathan, B.A, B.L, worked in the Judicial Department, Govt of Tamil Nadu and retired as as a Sub Judge; and this couple gave birth to two children namely :[a] Ms Santhi, M.B.A and [b] Mr. Raja , M.B.A [4] Mr.Dr.D, Retnaraj [ The Hero of this Article,[5] Mr. Sathu and he lives in Puliyadi village with his wife Nalini and formerly Ms. Nalini worked as a Staff Nurse in a foreign country and this couple is blessed with two children namely ;[a] Mr. Prem, M.Sc [Geology ] and he is working in Saudi Arabia and [b] Mr. Benjamin,[ B.Tech] and he is also working in Saudi Arabia, and [6]Ms. Padma and she married Mr. Ramakrishnan and he worked in the Forest Department , Govt of Tamil Nadu for many years and retired as Assistant Conservator of Forests and this couple is blessed with the following children namely :[a] Ms. Pavithra, M.Tech, [b]Ms Sujithra , M.Sc, M.Phil, and [c] Ms Apsara , M.B.A [ Annamalai University , Second Rank holder in the University]. .
Dr. D. Retnaraj's Educational Track ' Ever studious Dr. D. Retnaraj did his Primary School studies at the Govt Primary School at Vadasery, Nagercoil and he pursued his High School education at at he famous S.M.R.V. High School , Vadasery Nagercoil, . After having passed his S.S.L.C, Dr.D. Retnaraj did his P.U.C. in the Scott Christian College Nagercoil and after having passed his PUC, he pursued his B.A [ Economics] in the same Scott Christian College, Nagercoil and passed his BA[Economics] with good marks . Then he pursued his M.A {Economics] in the Scott Christian College and passed his M.A [ Economics ] in First Class in the year 1979.. Then Dr. D. Retnaraj wanted to work as a Lecturer in a College and to fulfil that august ambition he did his M.C.T course [ Master of College Teaching] course in the Calicut University, Thrissur and passed his M.C.T. in the year 1980 in First Class .
Next Part Will follow soon
By. P.Babu Manoharan, M.A ,. [ All rights are reserved. This article will be enlarged , modified or corrected later if needed }.
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