Introduction ; A former Master of the Senate of Serampore College[ University ], and Former Director of the Gurukul Lutheran Theological College & Research Institute, Chennai and President of the National Council of Churches in India late Dr. Kunchala Rajaratnam, M.A, Ph.D [ London School of Economics] was a remarkable multi-faceted personality. He was a great Educationist, analytical Theologian, Egalitarian, Humanitarian, Administrator , great Orator in English, creative Thinker, a sharp Visionary , relentless social Activist, fearless Leader and a good Christian Believer and compassionate Human being. He was a force , he was a galvanising power and his real life story and enviable accomplishments will definitely instil and inspire the hopeless hearts with new hopes and positive dreams .He was one of the greatest Economists of India. He was an exemplary Christian Intellectual and he was known for his brainstorming ideas and humanitarian concern for the poorest, lowliest,lost and the last.
Dr. Kunchala Rajaratnam, M.A, Ph.D [ London School of Economics ]
Dr. Kunchala Rajaratnam's Birth and Baptism : Pachikapallam is a fertile and aggressively beautiful village in Chitoor district, Andra Pradesh and the word Pachikapallam means ,"Green Meadows' and its nearest town is Tirupati town.. Dr. Kunchala Rajaratnam was born at Pachikapallam village on 6th August 1921 and was raised up in the nearby Tirupati Town . Dr. Kunjala Rajaratnam's parents were members of the Christ Church [ South Andra Lutheran Church ], Maruthi Nagar at Tirupati and so Dr. Kunjala Rajaratnam was baptised at the Christ Church SALC, Maruthi Nagar,Tirupati. . Christ Church [SALC] at Tirupati played a very vital and indelible role in the life of Dr. K. Rajaratnam ..As an young school boy Dr. Rajaratnam attended the Sunday School classes conducted by the Christ Church Tirupati regularly and imbibed the central message of Christ's teachings through his Sunday School and nourished his Christian faith.
Dr. K. Rajaratnam's Educational Track in India : Dr. K. Rajaratnam did his high School Education at the Devasthanam Hindu High School in Tirupati and passed his SSLC examination with good marks. After having passed his SSLC examination he pursued his Intermediate Classes[ F.A ] in the Sri Venkaateswara Arts College in Tirupati. While Dr. K. Rajaratnam was doing his Intermediate Class, the students of the College elected him as the Secretary of the College Union without contest, even though he was a Christian . After having passed his Senior Intermediate Examination [F.A] he pursued his B.A[ Hons] in Economics in the prestigious Madras Christian College, Thamabaram, Chennai and while he was doing his second year IV Hons-Economics in the Madras Christian College he was elected as the President of the College Unit of the Student Christian Movement India .[ Ed.Prasanna Kumari, "Empowering Society" , Madras, 1995, Foreword written by Prasanna kumari, p.xiv ]. Dr. K. Rajaratnam's leadership qualities and eloquence attracted his fellow college students and he started to bloom as a promising Leader

Dr. K. Rajaratnam started his Teaching Career : After having passed his M.A [ Economics] meritoriously Dr. K. Rajaratnam got his first appointment as a Lecturer in the Economics Dept, at the Assam Union Christian College , Baropani, Shillong and he served this college with great devotion and efficacy for nearly two years.. After two years Dr. Rajaratnam moved to the Andra Christian College , Guntur and started to work as a Lecturer in the Economics Dept of the Andra Christian College ,Guntur with enthusiasm.
Dr. K. Rajaratnam's Wife : In a way, I can say that Dr. Rajaraatnam's marriage was a love marriage.. Dr. K. Rajaratnam's wife Mrs Gloria Rajaratnam was his Sunday Schoolmate at the Christ Church in Tirupati and also she was a Schoolmate of Dr.K. Rajaratnam in the Devasthanam Hindu High School, Tirupati . Since those days a mutual infatuation and attraction bloomed mutually in their minds and it is said that Ms Gloria Rajaratnam was the most beautiful girl in the Devasthanam Hindu High School, Tirupati . Their formal meeting in the Sunday school and high school was slowly and steadily and invisibly blooming as a romance and finally that romance united both of them as Husband and Wife . Dr. K. Raja Ratnam married Mrs Gloria at the Christ Church, Tirupati
Dr. k. Rajaraatnam's Children : God blessed Dr.K. Rajaratnam and Ms Gloria Rajaratnam with all the conjugal blessings and this couple gave birth to five Children namely :- [1]Ms. Premanjali Rao and she was the eldest daughter of Dr.K. Rajaratnam couple and she married Dr. Prasanna Rao, M.B.B.S, . After her return to Chennai from Caribbean islands she became involved in the Centre for Research on New Economic Order [CRENIEO ], Chennai , where she founded a School for impoverished fishermen families and members of the underprivileged castes in 1987, [2] Mr. Dr. Shyam Prasad , M.B.B.S, M.S, F.R.C.S, [ 1952- 2017 ] . He was a Cardio Thoraic Surgeon he had served as a Surgeon in the Christian Medical College , Vellore, and in the Apollo Hospital Chennai and also he had worked as Director of the CSI Rainy Hospital Chennai [ during that period of time my first cousin Dr Annette Paulmer, MBBS, DMRD, also worked in the CSI Rainy Hospital Chennai ]. He had also served as the Vice-President of the National Board of Medical Examination etc. He was one of the Founders of the Martin Luther Christian University in Shillong, Meghalaya and he served as its first Chancellor from 2006 up to his death on March 25, 2017, [3] Ms Ramola Zachariah and she is running her own Publishing House, "Etype Publishing Solutions " and she is married to Mr Zacharia Samuel [4] Mr Arun and he died at the age of 35 and his early death affected his father Dr. Rajaratnam and his mother Mrs Gloria Rajaratbnam so much beyond words and [ 5] a daughter , her name is not available now, it will be provided here later
Dr. K. Rajaratnam went to UK to do Ph.D in London School of Economics : Dr. K. Rajaratnam's unquenchable intellectual thirst for knowledge and burning aspiration for higher studies in Economics in the World's best Institution like London School of Economics [ L.S.E ] made him restless and so he applied to the London School of Economics for Scholarship and Admission to do his Ph.D in LSE , and luckily he got both Scholarship and Admission to study Ph.D in Economics in L.S.E and his joy knew no bounds. Dr. Rajaratnam resigned from the Andra Christian College and left for London alone leaving his dear wife and beloved five young children. In London School of Economics Dr. Rajaratnam had the privilege to be a student of
Dr. Vera Anstey and Dr, Vera galvanised and invigorated Dr. Rajaratnam with new vigour for study and research [ Ed .Dr. K.P. krishna Shetty , "A Life's Journey Towards a Just Society Chennai", 2000, page 5]
.Dr.Kunchala .Rajaratnam successfully completed his prestigious Ph.D [ Economics] in London School of Economics and happily reached Madras with his prestigious Ph.D degree of London School economics.. .
Part Final will follow soon.
By. P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,. [ All rights are reserved . This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed ].
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