- Introduction : Former Head Master of the Concordia High School Nagercoil Mr Rev.P. Masillamoni ,B.A, L.T, was a Good Samaritan, a great Mathematics Teacher, a Humanist, Man of God and Pastor , a good Christian, an ideal Head Master and a review and perusal of his unassuming life history will be of great use to the readers, teaching fraternity and to the people of the present generation.
Rev. P. Masillamoni, B.A, L.T.
Mr P. Masillamoni's Birth and Parents and Siblings : Long time ago there lived a blessed man by name Mr Packianathan [ He was a Hindu Convert ] in a beautiful idyllic village called East Thaththiyarkulam, in Kanyakumari District and it lies on the eastern side of Nagercoil city at a distance of one kilometer from Nagercoil on the national Highway Nagercoil to Tirunelvelli and he married two wives one after another, and he was blessed with the following children namely:- [A]Mr. Chelliah [ he studied in a college and passed his intermediate - F..A ], [B] Mr. Manuvel he served in the Indian Military and later he worked in the Panchayat office, and he is blessed with three daughters namely [1]Ms Packyamuthu and she was married to Mr krishnan and Mr Krishnan was working in the Indian Telephones Department , Bangalore and this couple gave birth to two girls and one boy namely :-[a] Ms Vanitha , , [b] Ms Regina [US] and [c ] Mr Vijay Nezer B.P.T, MBA [ US],[2] Late Ms. Ranjitham and she is blessed with one daughter and she works as Nurse. ,[C] Ms Rajam and she is married to Mr Swamidhas and this couple is blessed with one boy [ PolyTechnic works in a foreign country] and one girl and she is a Nurse.working in CMC Vellore and {D ] Mr . Manickam, {E] Ms. Leah .[F] Ms. Bagavathy ,[G] Ms.Abranam , [H] Ms.Mary ,and [I] name not known [ On information names will be furnished]..
Mr. P Masillamoni served in the Indian Military : After having successfully completed his Matriculation, Mr. Masillamoni joined the Indian Military and served the Indian Army for some years and during this period his marriage took place \and after some months following his marriage he left his Military Service and returned to his native place

Mr Rev. P. Masillamoni's Daughter Ms Indra Michael with her Husband Dr. Michael, MBBS.
Mrs Mary Masillamoni's Siblings : Many decades ago there lived a servant of God by name Maj Jeevamoni in Kanyakumari district and he was blessed with the following Children namely"- [1] Mr Samuel and he married Ms.J. Nesammal ,and blessed with one boy and one girl , [2]Mr. Joseph and he married Mrs Lily and blessed with 3 girls and 1 boy, [3] Mr Yesudhas and he died at an young age ]. [4] Ms. Mary Masillamoni, [5] Ms Marthal and she married Mr. M.V.Sam Compounder and blessed with one daughter, [6] Mrs Chellammal married Mr Muthiah Teacher and blessed with 2 sons.
Mr P. Masillamoni's Wife and Children :Mr P. Masillamoni married a daughter of Maj. Jeevamoni, by name Ms J. Mary and she was a qualified Nurse . Mr. Masillamoni and Ms. J. Mary began their conjugal life with the blessings of God and their parents. Mr P Massillamoni and Ms J. Mary Masillamoni couple gave birth to one son and one daughter namely :- [A] Mr. Dr. Jeya Chandra Masillamoni , B. E, M.S [US], PhD,[ He retired as Professor of Industrial Engineering , Pennsylvania State University U.S] and he married Ms Emeline Karunavathy, B.Sc. B.Ed, the eldest daughter of Dr. B H. Jackayya[Former Principal of Concordia Theological Seminary Nagercoil ] Dr Jeya Chandra and Ms Emeline Chandra couple gave birth to one son and one daughter namely ;- [1] Mr. J. Naveen, B.S [ Engineering-US], M.B.A [US]. and[2] Ms Jean BS[ Engineering--US], MBA[US] ,[B} Ms Indra Padmini.Michael and she married Dr. Michael, MBBS [ He worked in the Tamil Nadu Medical Service and retired as a Senior Civil Surgeon ]. Dr. Michael and Ms Indra Michael couple gave birth to two sons and one daughter namely : [1] Mr. Er. Magesh Michael, B.E [Mechanical] and he married Ms Sherin , MCA and this couple is blessed with one cute daughter by name Ms Sarah Michael Now Er, Magesh Michael is living in US with his family ,[2] Mr. Er Sugith Michael, B.E,[Computer science] and he married Ms .Jaslin Sujitha , MSc [IT-- Maths] and this couple is blessed with one smart son by name Zain Adriyan . Er Sugith Michael is working in HCL Chennai and lives in Chennai with his family ,and [3] Ms . Nisha Michael , B.A, M.B.A and she is married to Mr Johnson Ponraj ,BOT and this couple is blessed with a cute daughter by name Leah Beth Johnson . Ms Nisha Johnson is living with her family in Singapore.
Mr Masillamoni resigned from the Indian Military and pursued his College Education : Ms Mary Masillamoni was a qualified Nurse and she was working in Moonar Estate and she advised her husband Mr P. Masillamoni to do his higher studies and so Mr P Masillamoni who was working in the Indian Military, resigned from the Military Service and pursued his higher collegiate education in Thiruvananthapuram and passed his B,A, LT degree examinations .
His Professional Career as a Teacher, Pastor and Head Master :. P, Masillamoni began his teaching career as a High School Teacher at the Concordia High School at Vallioor and in those days the Lutheran Teachers are supposed to work as Pastor cum Teacher and so Mr Masillamoni passed his Pastor Course at the Concordia Theological Seminary Nagercoil and began to serve as Lutheran Pastor at Viswasapuram with great enthusiasm and devotion . Rev. P. Masillamoni was a brilliant Mathematics and English teacher . and he was promoted as Head Master in 1950 and transferred to the Concordia High School to work as its Head master and he won the respect and love of his students and parents and and after having served for 20 years in an enviable and efficacious manner he retired from service in May 1970
Conclusion : Mr P Masillamoni lived a fruitful and useful life. After his retirement , Mr P Masillamoni worked in the CMS, Azhagiapandipuram. for some period of time Even though Mr Masillamoni officially retired from teaching Service he continued to work as a Free lance teacher till his death .on the 11th December , 1972 . Every day he used go to the Lutheran Girls Boarding and Government Boys Hostel and taught Mathematics to the students without any fee. He served as the Lutheran Pastor at Viswasapurm and played a vital role to construct a new Church and Bore Well in Viswasapuram Rev P. Masillamoni helped many poor boys and girls to do their higher studies by giving them financial support even without the knowledge of his wife . While serving in the Concordia High School he taught mathematics in such a way that even below average students could get a pass mark easily. He was a successful and ideal teacher,. many of his old students are doing extremely well in their life to cite some example I can say;- [1] Dr. Robinson [ Dentist],[2] Dr. Babuji, Ph.D,[3] Dr, Jeyaraj, M S, , [4] Prof . Dr. Jeya Chandra Masillamoni. M.S. PhD [US],,[5] Mr Bright Sathya Singh [Rtd Vice Principal, S,C.College ], [6] Mrs Rose Bai {Rtd CEO],[7] Mr Rabibalan [ Rtd HM],[8] Mr Samuel Arul Raj, [ 9] Rev Adiss Arnold Jackayya,, [10] Ms Emeline karunavathy Chandra ,[11] Ms Eunice Kalavathy Gideon [ Rtd HM],[12] Ms. Esther Rani [ Dedicated Nurse],[13] Mr Paul Jeyadhas [Rtd Assistant Director of Health\ Service, TN].[14] Dr. Raja Marthandan, M.A, Ph,D,[15] Mr. Rathna Dhas, B.E,{ lives in US],[16 Mrs. Prof. Ponnu Thai alias Sundari [ Former HOD, Tamil Dept, Queen Mary's College, Chennai ]. and so many others All aspects of his accomplished life can not be accounted in this article He was a great friend Dr B.H Jackayaa Rev P. Masillamoni was a Good Samaritan., , unassuming , calm and composed, and lived an exemplary Christian life .I would conclude this write up with these words that "Rev. P. Masillamoni was a remarkable man, a great Mathematician, a gentleman , a kind man, and his real life displayed and displays Psalm 128 ".
By P. Babu Manoharan , M.A, {All rights are reserved . This Article will be modified , enlarged or corrected later if needed ]. .
Mr. P Masillamoni served in the Indian Military : After having successfully completed his Matriculation, Mr. Masillamoni joined the Indian Military and served the Indian Army for some years and during this period his marriage took place \and after some months following his marriage he left his Military Service and returned to his native place

Mr Rev. P. Masillamoni's Daughter Ms Indra Michael with her Husband Dr. Michael, MBBS.
Mrs Mary Masillamoni's Siblings : Many decades ago there lived a servant of God by name Maj Jeevamoni in Kanyakumari district and he was blessed with the following Children namely"- [1] Mr Samuel and he married Ms.J. Nesammal ,and blessed with one boy and one girl , [2]Mr. Joseph and he married Mrs Lily and blessed with 3 girls and 1 boy, [3] Mr Yesudhas and he died at an young age ]. [4] Ms. Mary Masillamoni, [5] Ms Marthal and she married Mr. M.V.Sam Compounder and blessed with one daughter, [6] Mrs Chellammal married Mr Muthiah Teacher and blessed with 2 sons.
Mr P. Masillamoni's Wife and Children :Mr P. Masillamoni married a daughter of Maj. Jeevamoni, by name Ms J. Mary and she was a qualified Nurse . Mr. Masillamoni and Ms. J. Mary began their conjugal life with the blessings of God and their parents. Mr P Massillamoni and Ms J. Mary Masillamoni couple gave birth to one son and one daughter namely :- [A] Mr. Dr. Jeya Chandra Masillamoni , B. E, M.S [US], PhD,[ He retired as Professor of Industrial Engineering , Pennsylvania State University U.S] and he married Ms Emeline Karunavathy, B.Sc. B.Ed, the eldest daughter of Dr. B H. Jackayya[Former Principal of Concordia Theological Seminary Nagercoil ] Dr Jeya Chandra and Ms Emeline Chandra couple gave birth to one son and one daughter namely ;- [1] Mr. J. Naveen, B.S [ Engineering-US], M.B.A [US]. and[2] Ms Jean BS[ Engineering--US], MBA[US] ,[B} Ms Indra Padmini.Michael and she married Dr. Michael, MBBS [ He worked in the Tamil Nadu Medical Service and retired as a Senior Civil Surgeon ]. Dr. Michael and Ms Indra Michael couple gave birth to two sons and one daughter namely : [1] Mr. Er. Magesh Michael, B.E [Mechanical] and he married Ms Sherin , MCA and this couple is blessed with one cute daughter by name Ms Sarah Michael Now Er, Magesh Michael is living in US with his family ,[2] Mr. Er Sugith Michael, B.E,[Computer science] and he married Ms .Jaslin Sujitha , MSc [IT-- Maths] and this couple is blessed with one smart son by name Zain Adriyan . Er Sugith Michael is working in HCL Chennai and lives in Chennai with his family ,and [3] Ms . Nisha Michael , B.A, M.B.A and she is married to Mr Johnson Ponraj ,BOT and this couple is blessed with a cute daughter by name Leah Beth Johnson . Ms Nisha Johnson is living with her family in Singapore.
Mr Masillamoni resigned from the Indian Military and pursued his College Education : Ms Mary Masillamoni was a qualified Nurse and she was working in Moonar Estate and she advised her husband Mr P. Masillamoni to do his higher studies and so Mr P Masillamoni who was working in the Indian Military, resigned from the Military Service and pursued his higher collegiate education in Thiruvananthapuram and passed his B,A, LT degree examinations .
His Professional Career as a Teacher, Pastor and Head Master :. P, Masillamoni began his teaching career as a High School Teacher at the Concordia High School at Vallioor and in those days the Lutheran Teachers are supposed to work as Pastor cum Teacher and so Mr Masillamoni passed his Pastor Course at the Concordia Theological Seminary Nagercoil and began to serve as Lutheran Pastor at Viswasapuram with great enthusiasm and devotion . Rev. P. Masillamoni was a brilliant Mathematics and English teacher . and he was promoted as Head Master in 1950 and transferred to the Concordia High School to work as its Head master and he won the respect and love of his students and parents and and after having served for 20 years in an enviable and efficacious manner he retired from service in May 1970
Conclusion : Mr P Masillamoni lived a fruitful and useful life. After his retirement , Mr P Masillamoni worked in the CMS, Azhagiapandipuram. for some period of time Even though Mr Masillamoni officially retired from teaching Service he continued to work as a Free lance teacher till his death .on the 11th December , 1972 . Every day he used go to the Lutheran Girls Boarding and Government Boys Hostel and taught Mathematics to the students without any fee. He served as the Lutheran Pastor at Viswasapurm and played a vital role to construct a new Church and Bore Well in Viswasapuram Rev P. Masillamoni helped many poor boys and girls to do their higher studies by giving them financial support even without the knowledge of his wife . While serving in the Concordia High School he taught mathematics in such a way that even below average students could get a pass mark easily. He was a successful and ideal teacher,. many of his old students are doing extremely well in their life to cite some example I can say;- [1] Dr. Robinson [ Dentist],[2] Dr. Babuji, Ph.D,[3] Dr, Jeyaraj, M S, , [4] Prof . Dr. Jeya Chandra Masillamoni. M.S. PhD [US],,[5] Mr Bright Sathya Singh [Rtd Vice Principal, S,C.College ], [6] Mrs Rose Bai {Rtd CEO],[7] Mr Rabibalan [ Rtd HM],[8] Mr Samuel Arul Raj, [ 9] Rev Adiss Arnold Jackayya,, [10] Ms Emeline karunavathy Chandra ,[11] Ms Eunice Kalavathy Gideon [ Rtd HM],[12] Ms. Esther Rani [ Dedicated Nurse],[13] Mr Paul Jeyadhas [Rtd Assistant Director of Health\ Service, TN].[14] Dr. Raja Marthandan, M.A, Ph,D,[15] Mr. Rathna Dhas, B.E,{ lives in US],[16 Mrs. Prof. Ponnu Thai alias Sundari [ Former HOD, Tamil Dept, Queen Mary's College, Chennai ]. and so many others All aspects of his accomplished life can not be accounted in this article He was a great friend Dr B.H Jackayaa Rev P. Masillamoni was a Good Samaritan., , unassuming , calm and composed, and lived an exemplary Christian life .I would conclude this write up with these words that "Rev. P. Masillamoni was a remarkable man, a great Mathematician, a gentleman , a kind man, and his real life displayed and displays Psalm 128 ".
By P. Babu Manoharan , M.A, {All rights are reserved . This Article will be modified , enlarged or corrected later if needed ]. .
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