Introduction :Late Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa , M.Sc [Nursing ] was a great achiever and was a guiding star to many up coming fellow human- beings and specially to the Nursing fraternity . She was modest, intelligent, God fearing , a great Steward for Christ, kind, thinker and author of a famous nursing text book , "Pediatric Nursing " and surely a perusal of her life will be of great use to us in many ways .Definitely her life has become a milestone in the religious, social , educational and nursing history of Kanyakumari district ,Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and South India

Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa, M.Sc,[Nursing]
Ms Jessie Muthammal's Mother Ms Santhai's Parents, Siblings & their Children :. Definitely it will be useful to the readers to have some idea about the family background of Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa . Not much is known about the family of Ms Jessie Muthammal's father Mr.M. Paul . . Long time ago in Dennispuram there lived a Christian couple by name Mr Yoesephu [Joseph] and Ms Paramayee Yoesephu and this couple gave birth to two sons and two daughters namely: [1] Mr. Samathanam, and he was blessed with the following children namely ;-[a]Ms. Josephine, [b] Ms. Gnanaselvam ,[c]Ms. Joyce, [d] Mr. Pushparaj. Joseph [ Former Head Master of Concordia High School, Nagercoil ],[e] Mr. Kesari Joseph, [f] Mr. Dharma Singh, [g] Ms. Jesaih Palammal Selvarj,[h] Ms. Daisy Santha bai Solomoon Raj,,[2 ]Muthammal and she was married to Joshua s/o Joseph deacon and this couple gave birth to Ms Charlette and she married Mr Charles , s/o Mr.Nallathambi and Ms.Santhayi [daughter of Joseph Deacon ],[3] Ms.Santhai { Mother of Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa ], she married Mr,M. Paul and this couple gave birth to 2 female children and had one adopted son [4 a] Ms Thayeee married and gave birth to the following Children namely ;-[a] Mr Joseph [ Father of Ms. Dr Hepsibah Panneerselvam ] and [b] Mr.Subananda Raj and he lived in Watspuram, KK dist and [4b] Mr. Thasiah and he was blessed with the following children namely ;-[a] Ms.Pushpam Joseph, [b] Mr. Samadhanam, [c] Mr. Yesuraj and [d] Mr. Paul .

Ms. Jessie Muthammal Chellappa & her daughters and family

Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa and her daughters.
Ms Jessie Muthammal's Parents and her Siblings : Ms J. Santhai, daughter of Mr Yoeseph and Ms Paramayee of Dennispuram married Mr Paul and Mr.M Paul was working as a Tamil Pandit at the SDA James Memorial High School at Prakasapuram in V.O.C district in Tamil Nadu. Mr Paul and Ms Santhai couple gave birth to the following children namely ;- [1] Ms Jessie Rathna ,and she passed away in her twenties. [2] Ms. Jessie Muthammal,and she was born on the 26th May, 1925 and she is the heroine of this Article [3] Mr Paul Josiah Joseph [ He was an adopted son of Mr Paul and Santhai Paul couple ]

Ms. Jessie Muthammal Chellappa with Her Husband Mr. G.Chellappa and daughter Greeta Dason and son in law Dr Sam Daniel Dason and Grandsons
Ms Jessie Muthammal's Educational Trajectory : Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa had an enviable educational trajectory.. Ms Jessie Muthammal was a smart and brilliant student since her Primary School days. She did her early Primary school education at KK distrct and Prakasapuram, in VOC district. She studied her 9th and 10th Standard in Lowry Memorial School , Bangalore. She did her Matriculation in the Andra University . She studied her Midwifery at the Gifford Memorial Hospital Nuzvid, [1953]. She did her Diploma in Nursing at General Hospital Madras [1961].She further studied and passed her PUC and then she did her B,S [Nursing] at Bangalore City College of Nursing [1974] and passed meritoriously . She did her M.Sc [Nursing] at the prestigious Delhi University and passed with distinction [1979]. and bagged President's medal.
Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellppa's Marriage and Children : Ms Jessie Muthammal was married to Mr Chellappa [ Son of Mr . Gurupatham and Ms Yesudial and grandson of Mr Joseph Deacon of Dennispuram ]on the 8th June , 1953. Mr G. Chellappa [ He was working in the Indian Army as a Naik- Subedhar [.He was born in 1925 at Dennispuram and died in 2004]. This couple gave birth to the following children namely ;- [1] Ms Jessie Rathana, [she was named after her mother's sister Jessie Rathna who passed away at an early age] she did her B.Sc at the Bangalore University and worked with the Postal department in karnataka. . She married Mr Clarence from Vellore . This couple is blessed with two daughters namely ;- [a] M. Mercy ,B.Sc {Nursing] she lives in Canada.,[b]Ms Priscilla, B.Sc {Nursing] married and blessed with a boy and a girl [2] Ms Greeta Pauline Dason , B.Sc[Nursing] and she married her paternal aunt Ms. Abaranam's son Dr Sam Daniel Dason and this couple gave birth to 2 sons namely ;-[a] Dr Ash , D,D,S and he is married to Ms Deejay Walayat, M.H.A, [ her dad is a Pakisthani and mother Filipino and both are Physicians] and this couple is blessed with a boy child by name Ezra Benjamin Dason, [b]Mr Cyril, B.S [ Patient Information Management] works for US Federal Government and is married to Ms Rachel ,DDS and she is a Vietnamese and works as Dental Anesthesiologist at the Loma Linda University, US .[3] Ms Jean Sicilia Chellappa Sahar and she did her PhD at the Bangalore University and married to her paternal aunt Ms Abaranam's son Mr Ponnu Raja Sahar, MBA and they live in Canada and this couple is blessed with a son by name Mr Dr.Adley Dason, M.D, and he has just finished his Residency in June 2020 at Loma Linda University, US and [b] Ms Pearly Dason and she is doing her Dentistry in Canada.
Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa's Professrional Career : Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa began her Nursing career as Nursing Staff in Cheluvamba Hospital [4th December 1954 to 14th June 1961] . Further she studied her Sister Tutor Training in Chennai and was posted as a Sister at Tumkur in 1960, all this was possible with the help of her encouraging husband Mr G.Chellappa and her mother who took care of her children Then she worked as Nursing Tutor at the General Hospital Tumkur [19th Jun 1961 to 31st may 1966] . She worked as Nursing Tutor at K.R. Hospital Mysore [ 6th June 1966 to 19th June 1971 ]. Then she worked as Nursing Tutor at Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital in Bangalore [ 8th July 1971 to 14th August 1974] with great efficacy. From 14th August 1974 to 31st May 1984 she worked as Assistant Professor at Bangalore City College of Nursing and taught B.Sc Nursing Classes. and then she was promoted and she served for a short period of time as Vice Principal of this same college with great distinction.. And after a having served for 30 years in various capacities she retired from the Government service [Nursing ] in June 1984 . After her retirement from Govt Service she worked as Principal [School] at Chinmaya College of Nursing, Bangalore with great devotion and distinction
She Authored a famous Nursing Text Book : Ms. Jessie Muthammal Chellappa was a scholar in Nursing subjects specially in the field of Pediatric Nursing and as a corollary she wrote a famous Book by name, "Pediatric Nursing" The first edition of this book Pediatric Nursing was published in Bangalore by Gajanana Book Publishers and distributors , 2000. and the second edition was published by Prithvi Book Agency [EAN: 123456 742960 ]. This book was used as a text book for B.Sc Nursing students in Karnataka.
Conclusion : Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa was a beautiful woman with beautiful mind .After having lived almost 89 fruitful years on this Earth, Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellppa had passed away from this world on the 7th of March ,2018. and her body was buried at the SDA Lowry Tamil Church Cemetery in Bangalore She had left many glorious legacies and indelible imprints in the minds of her daughters,sons in law , grandchildren , family and Church members, and Society She did reach some heights in her professional career but according to my sincere and balanced estimate Ms.Jessie Muthammal Chellappa, M.Sc,{Nursing] deserved even higher recognition and positions in her exemplary professional career . She tutored many Nursing students and they respected and loved her According to her daughter Ms Greeta Dason , her mother Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa strove to be excellent in whatever task she was bound and supposed to do .. She was a great practicing Christian she was passionate about serving the indigenous poor.people by providing monetary help for nursing education of their children . Ms. Jessie Muthammal Chellappa used to say , "If one in the family becomes a Nurse it gives an opportunity for the entire family to break out off the curse of the past " She loved her Nursing and Teaching profession so much and discharged her duty with great integrity, efficacy, distinction and commitment. It is not possible to confine her great career and accomplishments within this Article. She was a fruitful tree to her family and society When I write this last line of my write-up on Ms. Jessie Muthammal Chellappa I spontaneously remember the verses from Bible Proverb Chapter 31 : 28 ,"Her Children arise up and call her blessed, Her husband also,and he praised her " This verse is true in the case of Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellpa.
By P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,.[ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed ]/

Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa, M.Sc,[Nursing]
Ms Jessie Muthammal's Mother Ms Santhai's Parents, Siblings & their Children :. Definitely it will be useful to the readers to have some idea about the family background of Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa . Not much is known about the family of Ms Jessie Muthammal's father Mr.M. Paul . . Long time ago in Dennispuram there lived a Christian couple by name Mr Yoesephu [Joseph] and Ms Paramayee Yoesephu and this couple gave birth to two sons and two daughters namely: [1] Mr. Samathanam, and he was blessed with the following children namely ;-[a]Ms. Josephine, [b] Ms. Gnanaselvam ,[c]Ms. Joyce, [d] Mr. Pushparaj. Joseph [ Former Head Master of Concordia High School, Nagercoil ],[e] Mr. Kesari Joseph, [f] Mr. Dharma Singh, [g] Ms. Jesaih Palammal Selvarj,[h] Ms. Daisy Santha bai Solomoon Raj,,[2 ]Muthammal and she was married to Joshua s/o Joseph deacon and this couple gave birth to Ms Charlette and she married Mr Charles , s/o Mr.Nallathambi and Ms.Santhayi [daughter of Joseph Deacon ],[3] Ms.Santhai { Mother of Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa ], she married Mr,M. Paul and this couple gave birth to 2 female children and had one adopted son [4 a] Ms Thayeee married and gave birth to the following Children namely ;-[a] Mr Joseph [ Father of Ms. Dr Hepsibah Panneerselvam ] and [b] Mr.Subananda Raj and he lived in Watspuram, KK dist and [4b] Mr. Thasiah and he was blessed with the following children namely ;-[a] Ms.Pushpam Joseph, [b] Mr. Samadhanam, [c] Mr. Yesuraj and [d] Mr. Paul .

Ms. Jessie Muthammal Chellappa & her daughters and family

Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa and her daughters.
Ms Jessie Muthammal's Parents and her Siblings : Ms J. Santhai, daughter of Mr Yoeseph and Ms Paramayee of Dennispuram married Mr Paul and Mr.M Paul was working as a Tamil Pandit at the SDA James Memorial High School at Prakasapuram in V.O.C district in Tamil Nadu. Mr Paul and Ms Santhai couple gave birth to the following children namely ;- [1] Ms Jessie Rathna ,and she passed away in her twenties. [2] Ms. Jessie Muthammal,and she was born on the 26th May, 1925 and she is the heroine of this Article [3] Mr Paul Josiah Joseph [ He was an adopted son of Mr Paul and Santhai Paul couple ]

Ms. Jessie Muthammal Chellappa with Her Husband Mr. G.Chellappa and daughter Greeta Dason and son in law Dr Sam Daniel Dason and Grandsons
Ms Jessie Muthammal's Educational Trajectory : Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa had an enviable educational trajectory.. Ms Jessie Muthammal was a smart and brilliant student since her Primary School days. She did her early Primary school education at KK distrct and Prakasapuram, in VOC district. She studied her 9th and 10th Standard in Lowry Memorial School , Bangalore. She did her Matriculation in the Andra University . She studied her Midwifery at the Gifford Memorial Hospital Nuzvid, [1953]. She did her Diploma in Nursing at General Hospital Madras [1961].She further studied and passed her PUC and then she did her B,S [Nursing] at Bangalore City College of Nursing [1974] and passed meritoriously . She did her M.Sc [Nursing] at the prestigious Delhi University and passed with distinction [1979]. and bagged President's medal.
Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellppa's Marriage and Children : Ms Jessie Muthammal was married to Mr Chellappa [ Son of Mr . Gurupatham and Ms Yesudial and grandson of Mr Joseph Deacon of Dennispuram ]on the 8th June , 1953. Mr G. Chellappa [ He was working in the Indian Army as a Naik- Subedhar [.He was born in 1925 at Dennispuram and died in 2004]. This couple gave birth to the following children namely ;- [1] Ms Jessie Rathana, [she was named after her mother's sister Jessie Rathna who passed away at an early age] she did her B.Sc at the Bangalore University and worked with the Postal department in karnataka. . She married Mr Clarence from Vellore . This couple is blessed with two daughters namely ;- [a] M. Mercy ,B.Sc {Nursing] she lives in Canada.,[b]Ms Priscilla, B.Sc {Nursing] married and blessed with a boy and a girl [2] Ms Greeta Pauline Dason , B.Sc[Nursing] and she married her paternal aunt Ms. Abaranam's son Dr Sam Daniel Dason and this couple gave birth to 2 sons namely ;-[a] Dr Ash , D,D,S and he is married to Ms Deejay Walayat, M.H.A, [ her dad is a Pakisthani and mother Filipino and both are Physicians] and this couple is blessed with a boy child by name Ezra Benjamin Dason, [b]Mr Cyril, B.S [ Patient Information Management] works for US Federal Government and is married to Ms Rachel ,DDS and she is a Vietnamese and works as Dental Anesthesiologist at the Loma Linda University, US .[3] Ms Jean Sicilia Chellappa Sahar and she did her PhD at the Bangalore University and married to her paternal aunt Ms Abaranam's son Mr Ponnu Raja Sahar, MBA and they live in Canada and this couple is blessed with a son by name Mr Dr.Adley Dason, M.D, and he has just finished his Residency in June 2020 at Loma Linda University, US and [b] Ms Pearly Dason and she is doing her Dentistry in Canada.
Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa's Professrional Career : Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa began her Nursing career as Nursing Staff in Cheluvamba Hospital [4th December 1954 to 14th June 1961] . Further she studied her Sister Tutor Training in Chennai and was posted as a Sister at Tumkur in 1960, all this was possible with the help of her encouraging husband Mr G.Chellappa and her mother who took care of her children Then she worked as Nursing Tutor at the General Hospital Tumkur [19th Jun 1961 to 31st may 1966] . She worked as Nursing Tutor at K.R. Hospital Mysore [ 6th June 1966 to 19th June 1971 ]. Then she worked as Nursing Tutor at Bowring and Lady Curzon Hospital in Bangalore [ 8th July 1971 to 14th August 1974] with great efficacy. From 14th August 1974 to 31st May 1984 she worked as Assistant Professor at Bangalore City College of Nursing and taught B.Sc Nursing Classes. and then she was promoted and she served for a short period of time as Vice Principal of this same college with great distinction.. And after a having served for 30 years in various capacities she retired from the Government service [Nursing ] in June 1984 . After her retirement from Govt Service she worked as Principal [School] at Chinmaya College of Nursing, Bangalore with great devotion and distinction
She Authored a famous Nursing Text Book : Ms. Jessie Muthammal Chellappa was a scholar in Nursing subjects specially in the field of Pediatric Nursing and as a corollary she wrote a famous Book by name, "Pediatric Nursing" The first edition of this book Pediatric Nursing was published in Bangalore by Gajanana Book Publishers and distributors , 2000. and the second edition was published by Prithvi Book Agency [EAN: 123456 742960 ]. This book was used as a text book for B.Sc Nursing students in Karnataka.
Conclusion : Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa was a beautiful woman with beautiful mind .After having lived almost 89 fruitful years on this Earth, Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellppa had passed away from this world on the 7th of March ,2018. and her body was buried at the SDA Lowry Tamil Church Cemetery in Bangalore She had left many glorious legacies and indelible imprints in the minds of her daughters,sons in law , grandchildren , family and Church members, and Society She did reach some heights in her professional career but according to my sincere and balanced estimate Ms.Jessie Muthammal Chellappa, M.Sc,{Nursing] deserved even higher recognition and positions in her exemplary professional career . She tutored many Nursing students and they respected and loved her According to her daughter Ms Greeta Dason , her mother Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellappa strove to be excellent in whatever task she was bound and supposed to do .. She was a great practicing Christian she was passionate about serving the indigenous poor.people by providing monetary help for nursing education of their children . Ms. Jessie Muthammal Chellappa used to say , "If one in the family becomes a Nurse it gives an opportunity for the entire family to break out off the curse of the past " She loved her Nursing and Teaching profession so much and discharged her duty with great integrity, efficacy, distinction and commitment. It is not possible to confine her great career and accomplishments within this Article. She was a fruitful tree to her family and society When I write this last line of my write-up on Ms. Jessie Muthammal Chellappa I spontaneously remember the verses from Bible Proverb Chapter 31 : 28 ,"Her Children arise up and call her blessed, Her husband also,and he praised her " This verse is true in the case of Ms Jessie Muthammal Chellpa.
By P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,.[ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed ]/
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