Brother Christanujam Edward Dasan's marriage and family : Bro. C.E Dasan married his second cousin Ms Chandra Stephen; their wedding was solemnized by Bro. Bakht Singh on the 25th February , 1953, at Jehovah Shammah, Chennai and on this blessed occasion Bro. Bakht Singh gave the special message on the Bible verses 1 Chronicles 28:10, "Take heed now; for the Lord hath chosen thee to build a house for the sanctuary: be strong and do it ".Bro. C.E Dasan and Ms Chandra Stephen Dasan couple begot a son and the couple christened their male child as , John C.E Dasan. Mr. John C.E Dasan did his M.Sc [ Archaeology] and married Ms. Dr. Leela Reddy from Cadappa..

Brother Christanujam Edward Dasan

Brother Christanujam Edward Dasan
Bro C.E. Dasan's Teaching Career : . After his B.Sc , L.T education Mr. C.E.Dasan got a job in the Government but he left the government job and started his teaching career. He worked as a High school teacher at the Concordia High School Nagercoil for a short span of time..He had worked as a high School Teacher in a school at Thiruvannamalai and after that he worked at the famous CSI Goudie High School , Thiruvallur as a High school Teacher.. While he was working at the Goudie High School Thiruvallur his relative Ms Hilda Ambrose's husband Mr D.J Arulanandam was working as the Head Master of the CSI Goudie High School. Thiruvallur .Mr. C.E. Dasan was regarded and loved by his students as an excellent teacher .
Bro.C.E Dasan as a Servant of God :While Mr. C.E. Dasan was working as a teacher, he heard the silent voice of God for full time Christian Ministry, but he was unable to take a decision in this respect due to some family circumstances and as the elder brother he was expected to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of his siblings, in the absence of their parents. But finally he obeyed the urging silent call of God and did quit his teaching job in April 1945 to work with Bro. Bakht Singh as a full time servant of God . After having few years of stay and training at Jevovah Shamma, Chennai he was sent to El-Shaddai, Kalimpong and "Beer Shaba" in,Ahmedabad for further training and after the successful completion of the required training Mr. C.E.Dasan was called to serve as full time servant of the Lord, first in Elim and later in Hebron in Hydrabad.
Bro C.E Dasan was a great Bible Teacher and Theologian : Since the dedication of his life for Lord's full time work there was no turning back in his life. Bro. C.E Dasan was blessed by God with sharp analytical mind and quick grasping power.. Bro. C.E Dasan followed the literal method of interpreting the Scriptures with the help of corresponding and relevant references from the Holy Bible He cogently taught many fundamental doctrines with great clarity and he was an expert on the subject of Baptism and almost in all Holy Convocations, God used him to teach the Biblical basis and fundamentals for the believers to be baptized by immersion and the testimony of the 'laying -on-of- hands"' He believed that Holy Bible is the Word of God and is more reliable than any Scientist and also infallible'

Brother Bakht Singh[ left] and Bro. C.E. Dasan[ right].
Bro. C.E Dasan was a powerful & prolific Writer : For many years Brother C.E. Dasan worked as the Publisher and Editor of the "Hebron Messenger" He had written many precious Articles in English in the "Hebron Messenger" for the spiritual edification of the fellow believers and readers. He was having a good command over English language and had written some valuable books in English on various important scriptural topics and subjects , to cite a few [1] The Story of Ages, [2] Risen With Christ ,etc.
Conclusion : . Brother Christanujam Edward Dasan was really a great Man of God, and he labored in the Lord's vineyard in the company of Bro. Bakht Singh and his co-workers for four decades with great commitment and relentless dedication .He played a significant part along with Bro. Bakht Sigh and other fellow Elders for establishing many houses of worship[Believers Assemblies] in India including establishing 'Horeb" Prayer House" in his home town Nagercoil . By his efficacious and committed evangelical work and witnessing living he earned the respect and love of Brother Bakht Singh and other coworkers and fellow believers.. He was a candid Bible teacher, good Translator from English to Tamil, and Telugu and so on. While he was doing Christ's ministry suddenly severe illness attacked him and he was promoted to glory on the 23rd October ,1985 in New Delhi, Indeed Brother Christanujam Edward Dasan was a humble,unassuming and sincere Servant of God and we can call him a Man of God .
By.P. Babu Manoharan, M.A, { All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified, or corrected later if needed].
Bro.C.E Dasan as a Servant of God :While Mr. C.E. Dasan was working as a teacher, he heard the silent voice of God for full time Christian Ministry, but he was unable to take a decision in this respect due to some family circumstances and as the elder brother he was expected to shoulder the responsibility of taking care of his siblings, in the absence of their parents. But finally he obeyed the urging silent call of God and did quit his teaching job in April 1945 to work with Bro. Bakht Singh as a full time servant of God . After having few years of stay and training at Jevovah Shamma, Chennai he was sent to El-Shaddai, Kalimpong and "Beer Shaba" in,Ahmedabad for further training and after the successful completion of the required training Mr. C.E.Dasan was called to serve as full time servant of the Lord, first in Elim and later in Hebron in Hydrabad.
Bro C.E Dasan was a great Bible Teacher and Theologian : Since the dedication of his life for Lord's full time work there was no turning back in his life. Bro. C.E Dasan was blessed by God with sharp analytical mind and quick grasping power.. Bro. C.E Dasan followed the literal method of interpreting the Scriptures with the help of corresponding and relevant references from the Holy Bible He cogently taught many fundamental doctrines with great clarity and he was an expert on the subject of Baptism and almost in all Holy Convocations, God used him to teach the Biblical basis and fundamentals for the believers to be baptized by immersion and the testimony of the 'laying -on-of- hands"' He believed that Holy Bible is the Word of God and is more reliable than any Scientist and also infallible'

Brother Bakht Singh[ left] and Bro. C.E. Dasan[ right].
Bro. C.E Dasan was a powerful & prolific Writer : For many years Brother C.E. Dasan worked as the Publisher and Editor of the "Hebron Messenger" He had written many precious Articles in English in the "Hebron Messenger" for the spiritual edification of the fellow believers and readers. He was having a good command over English language and had written some valuable books in English on various important scriptural topics and subjects , to cite a few [1] The Story of Ages, [2] Risen With Christ ,etc.
Conclusion : . Brother Christanujam Edward Dasan was really a great Man of God, and he labored in the Lord's vineyard in the company of Bro. Bakht Singh and his co-workers for four decades with great commitment and relentless dedication .He played a significant part along with Bro. Bakht Sigh and other fellow Elders for establishing many houses of worship[Believers Assemblies] in India including establishing 'Horeb" Prayer House" in his home town Nagercoil . By his efficacious and committed evangelical work and witnessing living he earned the respect and love of Brother Bakht Singh and other coworkers and fellow believers.. He was a candid Bible teacher, good Translator from English to Tamil, and Telugu and so on. While he was doing Christ's ministry suddenly severe illness attacked him and he was promoted to glory on the 23rd October ,1985 in New Delhi, Indeed Brother Christanujam Edward Dasan was a humble,unassuming and sincere Servant of God and we can call him a Man of God .
By.P. Babu Manoharan, M.A, { All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified, or corrected later if needed].
We praise God for the life and ministry of late Br C E Dasan