Wednesday, 16 September 2015

The Great Tamil Christian Poet John Palmer's Epic CHRISTHAYANAM and his Genealogy.

Introduction: The Great Tamil Christian Poet Mr. John Palmer of Mylaudy,  Kanyakuamari Dist, was the Author of  the unsung Tamil  Christian epic ,"CHRISTHAYANAM" [ LIFE OF CHRIST}. In this connection, before dealing with the Genealogy  of Mr John Palmer, it is urgently  necessary to introduce the Tamil Christian Epic CHRISTHAYANAM and its Author, to the contemporary  Tamil Christians who are living throughout the length and breadth of this world. More over apart from his major Tamil literary poetical works namely [1] Christhayanam, [2] Gnanapatha keerthanam, [3] Messiahvilasam, [4] Sathiya Vetha Charithra Keerthanai, [5] Peranantha kummi ,and [6] Nallarivin Charakkavi [Watt's First Catechism in lyrics]; Mr John Palmer had written more than 53 available beautiful and meaningful Tamil Christian lyrics, which are  included in our Protestant  Christian Hymnal Book and  being sung by the Tamil Christians through out the world even today. 

CHISTHTHAYANAM.:   CHRISTHAYANAM means Life of Christ , this Christian Epic was written by Mr John Palmer in Tamil .  The great Christian Kavirayar John Palmer  resigned from  LMS  and moved to Trivandrum in support of  the great LMS missionary Rev Charles Mead.  Mr John Palmer  was living at Trivandrum [  1855   ----- 2nd April.1883] as a contemporary of Rev Charles Mead and Tamil Christian Poet Mr.Devavaram Biddulph [Devavaram Munshi ]..This epoch making Epic Christhayanam was authored by the  great Christian Kavirayar John Palmer of Mylaudy and this Epic Book was printed  at Nagercoil in 1865 , for the Christian Vernacular Education Society, at the London Mission Press, Nagercoil.

Some  Highlights and Comments on Christhayanam : Poet John Palmer's Christhayanam was the first Epic written in  Tamil that narrates the whole earthly  life of Christ . Christhayanam was published in 1865 long before H.A. Krishana Pillai wrote and published his famous  RETCHANIYAYAATHRIHAM  in 1894.  Even though he had not strictly followed the traditional grammatical rules of  an Epic,  Poet  John Palmer had written his Epic  CHRISTHAYANAM in a fluent,lucid, literary  poetic style and had wonderfully and beautifully explained the Gospel message in his Epic , in his peculiar lucid  and outstanding poetic style.

The Content of Christhayanam :  Mr John Palmer wrote the Life Christ  in  poetic Tamil as an epic.  This epic book  consists of 4 Divisions [ KANDAMS}, namely ,[1] Pala kandam [2]Kiriya  kandam,[3] Avastha kandam,[ 4] Arohana kandam..The whole Book consists of 842 stanzas. This monumental poetic book was written in the form of the Hindu Tamil Epics, "Kamba Ramayanam",  'Naidatham ', and Beschi's Thembavani.

                                   Poet  Mylaudy John Palmer's   Genealogy :

                                           Mr. SONAYAN OF MYLAUDY 
             |                           |                           |                                |
          [1]                        [2]                        [3]                            [4]
Mr. James Palmer. Mr.Gnanaprgasam.   Mr. George Palmer  Mr Devapragasam Palmer.
[Born in 1786  ]                 |
                         Mr. John Palmer[1812- 1883].
                  [No chronological seniority is followed for Mr . John Palmer's Children]
               |                                      |                               |                                   |

           [1]                                     [4]                          [3 ]                              [2]   
   Mr Abel  Palmer.       Mr. Solomon Palmer            Mrs Emeli          Mr. Retnam Palmer
                             [Mr. Solomon married Jessie]            |                                  |
                |                                     |                     {Not known ]                                            
  Mr. Retnam Palmer    Mrs.Manonmani Jesudasan.                            Mr Gnanapragasam
                |                                     |                                                                   |
  Mr. Muthuraj Palmer.     Mr. Samraj  Jesudasan.                           *Mr.Anandan Swamidas
                |                                      |                                                                   |
  Mr. Herbert Palmer.    Mr. Moses Manoharan.                          .Mr. William Dasan Palmer
              |                                         |                                                                   |       .
    Mr.Moses Palmer                Mr. Suresh  Manohar                          Mr. Andrew Palmer        
    [World Vision ]                                                                                                                  
              |                                        |                                                                    |
        Ms.Abi                            Er. Immauel  Moses.                            Ms.Calista Abigail

Conclusion :     The great Christian Tamil kavirayar [Poet ].Mr. John Palmer  was born at Mylaudy, Kanyakumari District , on 15th of November , 1812 and died  on 2nd April , 1883  at  Trivandrum at the age of 71 and was interred at the famous Christ Church cemetery , in Trivnadrum. We are  glad that he has been living with us in his immortal Tamil Christian  lyrics  In this Genealogy Tree I have not covered  all the descendants of Poet John Palmer . For example,  Mr Abel Palmer's granddaughter was Mrs .Mary Moses and she was blessed with the following children namely:[1]John Moses,[2]Mr. Earnest Moses,[3]Mrs. Daisy John, and  all them were and are living in Trivandrum , Tamil Nadu, Malaysia and in some other places, with their families  .. Tamil Christian Poet John Palmer's name and fame will live as long as Tamil Christian Church exists in this world.

BY. P. BABU MANOHARAN, M.A, [Rights reserved. This genealogical Tree will be modified , altered, and corrected , later if needed ].




  1. wonderful message.please give your email.Thank yu..

  2. Dear Mr. Manoharan,

    Thank you for this genealogy. John Palmer is my great-great-great-great grandfather. My grandfather - Mr. William Dasan (Dawson) Palmer had two children - My uncle (Mr Andrew Palmer, Arranger and Composer) and my mother (Mrs. Charles Samuel, nee Ms. Alice Dawson). The lineage lives on with me - Ms. Miriam Samuel, and although branches of, shows that the family line and heritage is wider and richer.

    Thank you for your hardwork.

  3. Nice Tell about GanaJoshua he's Jopa"s elder son

    1. Babu manohar uncle has written an article about Gnana Joshua in milestones of kanyakumari

  4. Greetings , Yes I have written an article about Mr Gnana Joshua , B.A , in my Blog :
