U.P.A.S.I Isaac Moses' Family : Mr. Isaac Moses' family is one of the oldest and famous Christian families of Kanyakumari District. They have become milestones in many walks of life and the profiles of the
important descendants of Mr. Isaac Moses[UPASI] will be concisely dealt with ,in this Post.
[ I]. Mrs. Joyce Samraj : Joyce was the first daughter of UPASI Isaac Moses and Thayammal Moses. Joyce Moses was married to Mr. J.Samraj , B,A, L.T , the first son of Rev. Gnanamuthu Jesudasan , the first ordained Pastor of M.E.L.I.M[India Evangelical Lutheran Church]. Mr. Samraj and Joice were blessed with 4 children .Mr. Samraj was a versatile musician and an adept both in western and eastern music. He had the privilege of working as the Studio Violinist at the famous Gemini Studio , Chennai and he was well liked by Gemini Vasan . For many years he worked as high School Teacher at the Concordia High Schools at Nagercoil and Ambur and also he worked as teacher at the Danish Mission High School at Thiruvannamalai.
Children of Mrs .Joyce Samraj and Mr.J. Samraj :
Mr.Chandra Jesudasan : Mr Chandra Jesudasan , B.A, L.T, was the first child of Mrs Joyce Samraj and Mr. J. Samraj and he was a great versatile musician like his father Mr. Sam Raj . He was a violinist, Flutist and Pianist of very high order . Chandra Jesudasan was student at the famous Scott Christian College , Nagercoil, and he was very popular among his friends and Mr. R. Lakshmipathy [ Publisher and Partner of DinamalarTamil Newspaper ] the present Chairman of the Press Trust of India was Chandra's classmate and friend. After his graduation he worked as a Teacher at the famous Madras Christian College High School, Madras[Chennai]. Then he joined the Madras Corporation Band and worked as its Band Master. Then he joined the Indian Military and worked as Militaty Band Master at Pachmari , North India .He married a girl by name Jassi[Jasmin] from Madras. Then he with his family moved to Aden and worked as a Teacher at the St. Joseph's High School , Aden[South Yemen] . There he joined the British Army stationed at Aden as a Violinist and efficaciously worked as a Violinist in the British Army Band. God blessed Mr.Charndra and Mrs. Jassi Chandra and a lovely male child was born to them on 26th February 1961 , and they christened their son as Vijay Stephen Jesudasan .Unfortunately and unexpextedly the great musician Chandra Jesudasan died due to heart attack at Eden . Then Mrs Jassi with her son Vijay Stephenson Jesudasan moved to U.S.. Vijay finished his computer related study in US and married a beautiful girl by name Sabitha from Madras . Years moved fast , Vijay and Sabitha Vijay were blessed with 5 chilren [Jessica, Jason, Angelica, Jonathan and Joshua Jesudasan ]. The heartless fatal wave was hitting this family again and again without any kindness , as a result unexpectedly Vijay Jesudasan died at the age of 40 in US on 18 August , 2001, in U.S. Now Sabitha with her children are living in US.
Reverend Gnanamuthu Jesudasan and Mrs Manonmani Jesudasan and children.
Mrs. Mohana Kesari Raj : Mohana is the first daughter of Samraj and Joyce Samraj. Mohana was married to Mr Kesari Raj and they are blessed with two sons and a daughter namely Mr.Rajkumar, Mr. Mohan Kumar and Mrs Elizabeth washington . Rajkumar is doing Real Estate Business and his wife is working in Ponds Co , Chennai; and their son is doing his B.E, and the daughter is doing Plus two. Mohana's only daughter Mrs . Dr. K.Elizabeth Premkumari is working as Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Commerce at the famous Queen Mary's College ,Chennai . Elezabeth's husband Mr. M.G. Washington worked in the Indian Railways and retired now. Mr Washington and Prof. Elizabeth are blessed with a son and a daughter; their son Dilip Moses is an MBA graduate and the daughter is doing her B. Tech. Mr. Mohan Kumar is the youngest son of Mr & Mrs . Kesari Raj , and he is a Master degree holder and now works as an officer ,in Avin, Chenaai. His wife Mrs. Caroline Mohan Kumar is working as a Teacher in a Methodist, Higher Secondary School , Chennai. Mr. Mohan kumar and Mrs. Caroline Kumar are blessed with a son and a daughter ; and their son Dr. Santhosh Kumar has passed his M.B.B.S degree [ Russia ]and their daughter Nithya Arthi , is a M,Tech , degree holder and Nithya's husband is also a B.E graduate .Both Nithya Arthi and her husband are working in good companies in Chennai.
J.S.Moses Manoharan : Mr. Moses Manoharan is the third child of Mr. Samraj and Joice Samraj . Mr. Moses Manoharan retired as Administrative Officer , Govt Medical Dept, Tamil Nadu. .Moses Manoharan married Ramani [Staff Nurse , Medical Dept , Govt of Tamil Nadu and Mrs Ramani is a Konkan Brhahmin Convert]. Moses Manoharan and Ramani Manoharan are blessed with two sons and one daughter namely : Suresh Manoharan, Gunesekaran Manoharan and Joyce Sharmila . Out of these three children Gunesekaran left this world at the prime of his youth. Suresh Manoharan married a beautiful girl from Chennai by name Sujatha [A Kannada Brahmin ] and they are blessed with a son and a daughter . Suresh is working in Muscat. Suresh's son is a B.E, graduate and he is now working in Qatar and Suresh's daughter is doing her B.C.A . Moses Manoharan's only daughter Joyce Sharmila is married to Mr. Joseph Arul Finney Abraham. Mrs. Joice sharmila J.A. Finney abraham is a B.Sc [Nursing ] and now she works in U.K. in the N.H.S [National Health Service , U.K]and her husband Mr. Joseph Arul Finney Abraham has passed his M. Pharm in U.K[University of Suderland}. Mrs . Joice Finney and J.A. Finney Abram are blessed with a beautiful and talented daughter by name," Achsah" and she is doing her Std X in U.K. .
Mrs.Saroja Jeya Seelan : Mrs. Saroja Jeya Seelan is the fourth child of Mrs and Mr Samraj. Ms.Saroja Samraj was married to Mr. Jeyaseelan from Vellore who worked in the Govt Cooperative Department and retired. This couple's first daughter Dr. Ramola, M.Com , Ph. D, was married to Rev Isaac Moon and Rev Isaac Moon was a former President of I.E. L.C [India Evangelical Lutheran Church].Dr. Romala Isaac Moon is working as Professor at the famous V.I.T. University, Vellore. Dr. Ramola and Rev.Isaac Moon are blessed with one son and three daughters, namely [1]Mr.I.Abraham Milton, B. Tech,[Cognizant] , [2] Ms.I.Elizabeth Rebecca,B.Tech, [Accenture], [3]Ms. I. Joyce Sara, B.E, [Accenture] and Ms. I. Roseline Stephanie [ Roseline is doing her M.A. English Literature at Madras Christian College Chennai.].Mrs . Saroja Jeya Seelan's second daughter is Mrs. Chitra and she was married to Er. Edwin. Mrs. Dr. Chitra Edvin, M.Sc, Ph.D, is working as Associate Professor of Mathematics, at the famous Lady Doak College , Madurai and Er .Edvin is working as a Senior Engineer in the Telephones Department . Prof. Chitra Edwin and Er. Edwin are blessed with a son and a daughter and this couple's son Mr. Jerald Edwin ,B.E, M.S [U.K] is working in a senior position at the famous B.M.W .Car Company, in U.K. ; and their daughter Benita Edwin is doing her B.Tech at the prestigious V.I.T , Vellore .Mrs .Saroja Jeya Seelan's third daughter Usha [is working with the famous Sierushti International School [CBSE}, Vellore as PG English teacher and she was selected as one of the best English Teachers by the Ministry of Education , Govt of India and was appreciated with a citation] and Usha was married to Mr Paulson and this couple is blessed with two lovely daughters namely[1]Ruby Paulson,M.Tech, [2] Sahina Paulson, M.Tech,. Mrs Ruby Paulson was married to Mr. Samuel Raj, M.S[Engineering] and Er Samuel Raj is working as Games Designer in a famous company by name Zinga , Bangalore. Ms.Sahina Paulson, M.tech, is working with LNT [Chennai].Mrs Saroja Jeyaseelan's fourth daughter Asha ,M,Sc, was married to Mr Raj Prabhu and this couple is blessed with a son and a daughter.
Mrs. Pankajam : Mrs.Pankajam is the youngest daughter of Mr and Mrs. Samraj. Pankajam is married to Mr. Norman and Mr . Noman worked as an Accountant in the Telephones Dept and their only son Prabahar Norman M.C.A. , is working as the Manager in the New Light Computer Institution , Bangalore and his wife Esther Prabhahar is also working in the same institution. Prabhar and Esther are blessed with a Son and they live in Bangalore.
[Part III will continue soon].P .BABU MANOHARAN. M.A, [ Rights reserved. This Article will be modified , altered and corrected if needed later]
Good to see that pic of my maternal grandmother as a kid