Great Christian Poets of Mylaudy: Mr. Devaram Biddulph or Devaram Munshi [1802-1874] :
The versatile Christian writer, thinker and lyrical Poet Mr. Devaram Biddulph was born at Mylaudy in the year 1802 in the family of Maharasan Vethamanickam. He is popularly called as Devaram Munshi.[Tha.Mu]
Devaram's poetical works : The following are some of his main poetical works:
3.Sinthukavimalai [the Garland of Christian Lyrics].
4. Semmolimalikai [The Garland of Good Words] . This is written in imitation of Ouvai's "Athisudi".
5.Nallarivinsaram [Watt's First Catechism in Tamil lyrics ].
6.Vetha Aharathi [ Bible Dictionay].
7.Peyaraharathi [Dictionary of nouns enlarged ].
8. Sathuraharathi.
9. Vinaiyaharathi or Panjaharathi[The fifth Dictionary or Dictionary of roots and verbs [left unfinished].
4. Serum Kiristhyesuva Enai Serum Kristhesuva. 5. Varuvar Vizhiththirungal Yesunathar and some other.
P. BABU MANOHARAN.[Rights reserved].
The versatile Christian writer, thinker and lyrical Poet Mr. Devaram Biddulph was born at Mylaudy in the year 1802 in the family of Maharasan Vethamanickam. He is popularly called as Devaram Munshi.[Tha.Mu]
According to Mr. C. M. Agur ,the great Church historian, Devaram Buddulph was the most prominent of the Tamil Christian poets of Travancore . Agur writes about Devaram Biddulph , " His style is classic throughout. Possessing the fullest power over the language he has versified Christian morals in a strong and vivid manner. His verses are majestic and eloquent , and at once show the fervour of his heart,and the depth of his learning and piety"
His village and Family: Devaram Biddulph's father Mr. Sivanaan [Gnanabranam] and his mother Gnanayee were rich and landed proprietors in Mylaudy. When Sivanaan's elder brother Vethamanickam brought the Christianity to Mylaudy, Sivanaan embraced Christianity with his family and brought up his children in Christian faith and ways.
Devaram was baptized by Mr. Ringeltaube: Devaram and his parents were baptized by Mr Ringeltaube in 1806 at Mylaudy. Mr. Ringeltaube was staying at Mylaudy and doing the Christian ministry at Mylaudy and it's surrounding places ,assisted by Vethamanaickam. While he was young he used to get highest sum of money from Mr. Ringeltaube by repeating the greatest number of Scripture verses. He was very much liked by Mr. Ringeltaube , Mead , Revd.Mr. Knill and others.
Devaram's Education in the Seminary at Nagercoil: When Mr. Charles Mead the successor of Ringeltaube established the Nagercoil Seminary in 1819, Mead took Devaram with him as one of the first batch of students at the Nagercoil Seminary. In the Seminary he was given some basic training and then he was sent to Tanjore ,Combaconam and Madras, the centres of education, to continue and complete his studies . Devaram was a brilliant student from the beginning and so at Combaconam and other places he studied Tamil to perfection . He also studied Sanscrit, Music, and Astrology under an able teacher. His knowledge of Sanscrit was sound and commendable and his addresses were highly attractive to the educated Hindus as he interspersed his addresses with beautiful quotations from Sanscrit classical works.

Devaram became Mead's Assistant : On his successful completion of his studies Devaram returned to Nagercoil and on his return from Madras , he was appointed as the Native Assistant to Mr. Charles Mead; Mr. Devaram served Mead faithfully as a Native Assistant both at Nagercoil and at Neyoor. Mr. Mead recognized Devaram's creative and literary talent and as a well wisher, Mead encouraged Devaram to improve in his creative potentialities and pursuits. Devaram was a born creative genius and so he started to write Tamil Christian lyrics , poems and prose works. Mr. Charles Mead's Munshi [Teacher] Mr. Thiruvamalathinnamutham Pillay had also helped the young budding Poet Devaram Munshi, in his early and beginning literary attempts.
Devaram as a creative writer of lyrics , poems and prose ; Within in a short span of time Devaram attained great perfection and elegance in writing poems and lyrics ,and the south Indian Tamil poets conferred on him the title "Dom Muni". Agur writes about Devaram's writing genius , " his poems can be placed almost on level with Thiruvalluvars's. Mr. Devaram's Shen Tamil was perfect and was the delight of many".
Devaram's poetical works : The following are some of his main poetical works:
1.Vethavithikural [ The Christan Kural]. In this work Scriptural truths and precepts have been versified by the learned Poet Devaram in exact imitation and style of the well known Tamil classic "Thirukural" by Thiruvalluvar.
2.Thiruttanthamalai [Christian morals illustrated by the Scriptural examples ]. This elegant Christian classical work resembles the Hindu poem "Moothurai".3.Sinthukavimalai [the Garland of Christian Lyrics].
4. Semmolimalikai [The Garland of Good Words] . This is written in imitation of Ouvai's "Athisudi".
5.Nallarivinsaram [Watt's First Catechism in Tamil lyrics ].
6.Vetha Aharathi [ Bible Dictionay].
7.Peyaraharathi [Dictionary of nouns enlarged ].
8. Sathuraharathi.
9. Vinaiyaharathi or Panjaharathi[The fifth Dictionary or Dictionary of roots and verbs [left unfinished].
Devaram's popular Christian Lyrics : Apart from many standard and classical Tamil creative works as mentioned above he had also written some popular Christian lyrics which are being sung in the Tamil Church worship services throughout the world . The following are some his famous Tamil Christian Lyrics sung in the Tamil Churches :
1.Athi mangala karanana 2.Deva Suthan Poovulahor Pavam Ozhikka 3. Yesu Nayahanai Thuthi Sei Sei4. Serum Kiristhyesuva Enai Serum Kristhesuva. 5. Varuvar Vizhiththirungal Yesunathar and some other.
Conclusion : In South Travancore , the then Christians generally , affectionately and respectfully called, Mr. Devaram Biddulph as "Iyah"[Father] . In the field of Christian literature till today he has a few equals . He was a genius and great research scholar in Tamil literature. It is pertinent to remember one important historical fact that Mr. Charles Mead married the daughter of Mr. Devaram Biddulph , Miss Lois Biddulph in 1851 , on account of his previous wife's death. Mr. Charles Mead confronted many criticisms and unkind treatment and thankless conduct from some of the Junior Missionaries and some section of the Christian society on account of his inter-continental and inter-racial marriage. So Mr. Mead resigned from Travancore LMS Mission in 1854, and went to Trivandrum and settled there with his wife Lois Biddulph and his Father -in law Mr. Devaram Biduulph. The great Tamil scholar and writer Devaram Munshi [Devaram Biddulph] happily spent his last days with his daughter Lois Mead and his four grandchildren born to Mr. Mead and Mrs.Lois Mead . Devaram Munshi died on the 28th of December, 1874 at Tirvandrum and his mortal body was interred in the Christ Church Cemetery, Trivandrum . A great Tamil scholar , writer, researcher and poet of Mylaudy is silently sleeping inside the burial ground in the Christ Church Cemetery, Trivandrum
It is quite and strangely unfortunate that the Tamil speaking Christians , Tamil scholars , and the enlightened Tamil speaking world have failed in remembering and honoring a great creative Tamil scholar of Devaram's stature. But he will live for ever in his creative works and lovely Christian Lyrics.
P. BABU MANOHARAN.[Rights reserved].
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