Introduction ; Sri. Daniel Packianathan Dhas , M.A, M.Ed, M.Phil, M.Th,. is really a great visionary educationist and efficacious teacher and his untiring service for the cause of education really deserves our appreciation and recognition. He is not only a great teacher but also a co-founder of a famous educational institution called St Savio Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Velacheri , Chennai. I always appreciate the founders of educational Institutions for I consider the educational service is the best service . Definitely his profile will inspire and motivate the readers to lead a meaningful life and become achievers in life.

St Savio Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Velacheri, Chennai
His Birth and Parents : Some time ago in Nagercoil there lived a blessed couple by name Shri S.P. Daniel and Mrs. Abranam Daniel, and this blessed couple gave birth to a smart male child on 15th November 1941 and this couple christened that boy child with a blessed name Packinanathan Dhas.
Mr Packianathan Dhas's Siblings/ and their families ;- Shri. S.P.Daniel and his beloved wife Mrs Abranam Daniel . were blessed with four lovely daughters and three smart sons namely ;[1] Ms. D.Esther, [2] Ms. D.Jannet ,[3] Ms. D..Pushpa, [4] Mr D.Packianathan Dhas, [5] Mr.D. Albert , [6] Ms.D. Charlet and [7] Mr.D. Bennet. All of his siblings have been blessed by God and to cite some examples,I will high light the profiles of some of his siblings. Mr D, Packianathan Dhas's eldest sister Mrs. Esther Isaac Ponniah, M.A, M.Ed, served in the education department, Govt of Tamilnadu for many years and retired as Head Mistress of the Government Higher Secondary School, Bhoothapandi, KK dist.. Mrs Esther's husband late Mr Isaac Ponniah, M.A, M.Ed also retired as Head Master of Government Higher Secondary School , Korahiyarai,[ Some Historians claim that Korathiyarai was the birth place of the great Tamil Poet Thiru Valluvar..]. Mr Packinathan Dhas's brother Mr, Albert married Ms. Ramani [ a daughter of late Mr. Nallathambi, who retired as Additional Secretary, the Government of Kerala state]. Mr D Albert served in the Ministry of Defence, Govt of India and retired as Assistant Controller of Defence Accounts. Mr. Albert and his wife Mrs Ramani Albert are blessed with one intelligent son by name Mr. Arun Albert , B.E, MBA and a beautiful daughter by name Ms Anitha Vinod.

St Savio Matriculation Higher Secondary School, Velacheri, Chennai
His Birth and Parents : Some time ago in Nagercoil there lived a blessed couple by name Shri S.P. Daniel and Mrs. Abranam Daniel, and this blessed couple gave birth to a smart male child on 15th November 1941 and this couple christened that boy child with a blessed name Packinanathan Dhas.
Mr Packianathan Dhas's Siblings/ and their families ;- Shri. S.P.Daniel and his beloved wife Mrs Abranam Daniel . were blessed with four lovely daughters and three smart sons namely ;[1] Ms. D.Esther, [2] Ms. D.Jannet ,[3] Ms. D..Pushpa, [4] Mr D.Packianathan Dhas, [5] Mr.D. Albert , [6] Ms.D. Charlet and [7] Mr.D. Bennet. All of his siblings have been blessed by God and to cite some examples,I will high light the profiles of some of his siblings. Mr D, Packianathan Dhas's eldest sister Mrs. Esther Isaac Ponniah, M.A, M.Ed, served in the education department, Govt of Tamilnadu for many years and retired as Head Mistress of the Government Higher Secondary School, Bhoothapandi, KK dist.. Mrs Esther's husband late Mr Isaac Ponniah, M.A, M.Ed also retired as Head Master of Government Higher Secondary School , Korahiyarai,[ Some Historians claim that Korathiyarai was the birth place of the great Tamil Poet Thiru Valluvar..]. Mr Packinathan Dhas's brother Mr, Albert married Ms. Ramani [ a daughter of late Mr. Nallathambi, who retired as Additional Secretary, the Government of Kerala state]. Mr D Albert served in the Ministry of Defence, Govt of India and retired as Assistant Controller of Defence Accounts. Mr. Albert and his wife Mrs Ramani Albert are blessed with one intelligent son by name Mr. Arun Albert , B.E, MBA and a beautiful daughter by name Ms Anitha Vinod.

Sri Daniel Packianathan Dhas is speaking
Mr. D. Packianathan Dhas's education; Mr D. Packianathan Dhas did his High School Studies at the famous S.M.S.M High School , Suchindrum , Agastheeswaram taluk, KK Dist . He continued his education and did his PUC and B.A ,degree collegiate education at the famous Scott Christian College , Nagercoil . He did his MA[ Economics ] at the famous University of Pune . Mr D.P. Dhas did his B.Ed and M.Ed at the prestigious Madras University He also did his M. Phil at the University of Madras.. In tune with his inner urge, Shri D. Packiananthan Dhas did his M.Th course on part time basis , at the Dallas Bible Seminary , Dallas , USA. His quest for knowledge is really appreciable and laudable. In short we can call Mr. D. Packianthandhas is a man of letters. and vast learning.
{ Yesterday I had the privilege to meet Shri Daniel Packiananthan Dhas and to have an informative interview and interaction with him, at Nagercoil ].
Part Final will continue soon
By.P. Babu Manoharan , M.A,.[ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed ].
Mr. D. Packianathan Dhas's education; Mr D. Packianathan Dhas did his High School Studies at the famous S.M.S.M High School , Suchindrum , Agastheeswaram taluk, KK Dist . He continued his education and did his PUC and B.A ,degree collegiate education at the famous Scott Christian College , Nagercoil . He did his MA[ Economics ] at the famous University of Pune . Mr D.P. Dhas did his B.Ed and M.Ed at the prestigious Madras University He also did his M. Phil at the University of Madras.. In tune with his inner urge, Shri D. Packiananthan Dhas did his M.Th course on part time basis , at the Dallas Bible Seminary , Dallas , USA. His quest for knowledge is really appreciable and laudable. In short we can call Mr. D. Packianthandhas is a man of letters. and vast learning.
{ Yesterday I had the privilege to meet Shri Daniel Packiananthan Dhas and to have an informative interview and interaction with him, at Nagercoil ].
Part Final will continue soon
By.P. Babu Manoharan , M.A,.[ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed ].