Scientist M. Arul Muthiah and His wife and Children : Arul Muthiah married Ms. Chitra, M.C.A, daughter of Mr.Murugan [Indian Bank Manager, Rtd] and Mrs. Chandra Leela from a beautiful village near Suchindrum , Kanyakumarri dist. Scientist M. Arul Muthiah and Mrs Chithra Arul Muthiah couple is blessed two lovely children namely [1] Master.Tharun A Muthiah and baby Ms. Suruthi A. Muthiah . Scientist M Arul .Muthiah is living with his family in Chennai.
Arul Muthiah and his Career as Scientist: After having passed his ME with distinction , M Arul Muthiah joined the prestigious National Institute of Ocean Technology [NIOT] , Chennnai as Scientist in 2003 and since then he has been working as Scientist in NIOT in very efficacious and innovative manner.
M. Arul Muthiah was honored by the Govt Of India ,in July 2008: The Department of Earth Science, Government of India noticed and recognized the contributions made by scientist M Arul Muthiah in the field of Ocean Technology and was honored with Certificate of Merit , This Award was conferred on 27th July , 2008, in New Delhi on Arul. Muthiah by the then Chief Minister of Delhi Ms Sheela Dixit in the presence of Dr.T. Ramasamy, Secretary, Dept of Science and Technology and Secretary[ in Charge] Ministry of Earth Science and Dr. Anil Kokodkar , Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary to the Government of India.
Indian Scientists Team consisting of M Arul Muthiah installed IndARC in North Pole in Arctic : An Indian team of scientists, consisting of M. Arul Muthiah ventured and visited Arctic and had successfully installed, India's first multi sensor moored Observatory. IndARC, near North Pole in July 2014. . The Ministry of Earth , Govt of India considered and described this achievement as a major break-through and milestone in India's endeavor in the arctic region. As there is a Tele link between Indian monsoon and Arctic, the data that India would collect in the Arctic using this indigenously developed observatory IndARC would be very helpful to know more about Indian Monsoon tele connection and climate studies .. By deploying IndARC in the Arctic region , India has joined an Elite league of nations , who have moored Observatories in the harsh polar conditions in the Arctic. Moreover the Sea Truth data that India gets form the frigid waters of the Arctic through IndARC could give immense opportunities to Scientists and Researchers .India's break through in this respect has been endorsed by International Arctic Science Committee, the Apex Body governing Scientific affairs in the Arctic. So Government of India decided to honor the concerned team of Scientists connected with IndARC. with National Geoscience Award
The Govt of India Honored M Arul Muthiah with the prestigious the Geoscience Award for 2014: Definitely recognition with Awards makes the Recipients more happy and galvanize them to work more with dedication and interest. National Geoscience Award was instituted by the Ministry of Mnes in 1966 to honor individuals and team of Scientists for their extraordinary achievement and outstanding contribution in fundamental and applied Geoscience and Mining and allied fields. In recognition of the significant contribution in the field of Glaciology and Arctic and Antarctic research , Hon'ble President of India Sri Pranab Mukherjee, presented the National Geoscience Awards-2014 to Dr. R.Vekatesan [Scintist-G], Mr.M. Arul Muthiah [ Scientist-D] and Mr. B. Kesavakumar [Scinetist-C] , of Ocean Observation Systems , N.I.O.T, on 5th April , 2016, at a function held at Rashtrpari Bhavan, New Delhi,. in the presence of Central Ministers and high dignitaries.

Scientist Er.M. Arul Muthiah is receiving the prestigious NATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AWARD 2014
Conclusion: No doubt Scientist M Arul Muthiah has brought outstanding laurels to his family and Kanyakuamari district, by his enviable achievements and research contributions to the field of Ocean Technology. He has received many Citations, and had read Research Papers in many important international, national and university level Seminars and Conferences . We need more Scientists like M. Arul Muthiah to take India forward quickly .. He is unassuming ,down-to-earth and very intelligent and I wish him all the success in life .
By. P. BABU MANOHARAN. M.A.,[ All Rights reserved. This Article will be enlarged , modified and corrected later , if needed ].
M. Arul Muthiah was honored by the Govt Of India ,in July 2008: The Department of Earth Science, Government of India noticed and recognized the contributions made by scientist M Arul Muthiah in the field of Ocean Technology and was honored with Certificate of Merit , This Award was conferred on 27th July , 2008, in New Delhi on Arul. Muthiah by the then Chief Minister of Delhi Ms Sheela Dixit in the presence of Dr.T. Ramasamy, Secretary, Dept of Science and Technology and Secretary[ in Charge] Ministry of Earth Science and Dr. Anil Kokodkar , Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission and Secretary to the Government of India.
Indian Scientists Team consisting of M Arul Muthiah installed IndARC in North Pole in Arctic : An Indian team of scientists, consisting of M. Arul Muthiah ventured and visited Arctic and had successfully installed, India's first multi sensor moored Observatory. IndARC, near North Pole in July 2014. . The Ministry of Earth , Govt of India considered and described this achievement as a major break-through and milestone in India's endeavor in the arctic region. As there is a Tele link between Indian monsoon and Arctic, the data that India would collect in the Arctic using this indigenously developed observatory IndARC would be very helpful to know more about Indian Monsoon tele connection and climate studies .. By deploying IndARC in the Arctic region , India has joined an Elite league of nations , who have moored Observatories in the harsh polar conditions in the Arctic. Moreover the Sea Truth data that India gets form the frigid waters of the Arctic through IndARC could give immense opportunities to Scientists and Researchers .India's break through in this respect has been endorsed by International Arctic Science Committee, the Apex Body governing Scientific affairs in the Arctic. So Government of India decided to honor the concerned team of Scientists connected with IndARC. with National Geoscience Award
The Govt of India Honored M Arul Muthiah with the prestigious the Geoscience Award for 2014: Definitely recognition with Awards makes the Recipients more happy and galvanize them to work more with dedication and interest. National Geoscience Award was instituted by the Ministry of Mnes in 1966 to honor individuals and team of Scientists for their extraordinary achievement and outstanding contribution in fundamental and applied Geoscience and Mining and allied fields. In recognition of the significant contribution in the field of Glaciology and Arctic and Antarctic research , Hon'ble President of India Sri Pranab Mukherjee, presented the National Geoscience Awards-2014 to Dr. R.Vekatesan [Scintist-G], Mr.M. Arul Muthiah [ Scientist-D] and Mr. B. Kesavakumar [Scinetist-C] , of Ocean Observation Systems , N.I.O.T, on 5th April , 2016, at a function held at Rashtrpari Bhavan, New Delhi,. in the presence of Central Ministers and high dignitaries.

Scientist Er.M. Arul Muthiah is receiving the prestigious NATIONAL GEOSCIENCE AWARD 2014
Conclusion: No doubt Scientist M Arul Muthiah has brought outstanding laurels to his family and Kanyakuamari district, by his enviable achievements and research contributions to the field of Ocean Technology. He has received many Citations, and had read Research Papers in many important international, national and university level Seminars and Conferences . We need more Scientists like M. Arul Muthiah to take India forward quickly .. He is unassuming ,down-to-earth and very intelligent and I wish him all the success in life .
By. P. BABU MANOHARAN. M.A.,[ All Rights reserved. This Article will be enlarged , modified and corrected later , if needed ].