Introduction : Among the Church Historians in India C.M. Agur singularly shines as one of the tallest Church historians of great importance with very few equals and unfortunately so far no biography has been written about Mr. C.M. Agur, B.A In the same way Agur's forefather Mr Mylaudy Maharasan Vethamonickam's family played a very significant role for the spread of Protestant Christianity in South India .Mr Agur's great grandfather Mr Vethamononickam's family's cordial friendship and link and connection with , Rev. Horst of Tanjore, Mr , J.C Kohlhoff of Tanjore, Mr Ringletaube, Rev Charles Mead , Rev Charles Mault and British Residents like Col Macaulay, Col Munro, Mr. J.C. Hannington and others, definitely paint this family as one of the most colorful and remarkable families among Indian Christians.
Mr. C. Agur, B.A
Mr. C. Agur, B.A
C. M. Agur's Birth and Parents: CM Agur was the eldest son of Rev C. Masillamoni Masillamoni and Mrs Esther Fanny Paramanandam of Nagercoil. [ Esther Fanny was the second daughter of Daniel Paramanandam and Mr Daniel Paramanandam was the first Deacon of the Home Church , Nagercoil. CM Agur was born in 1858 at Nagercoil. In this connection it is better to have some basic idea about Mr Agur's paternal and maternal grandfathers and his cousins.
Mr CM Agur's father Mr C. Massillamoni of Mylaudy: All Church Historians had written that CM Agur's father Mr C. Masilalmoni was a grandson of Mylaudy Maharasan Vethamonickam but unfortunately it seems that no writer has given any genealogical link between Maharasan Vethamonickam and C.M. Agur. Anyhow we can infer that Mr C. Masillamony was a son of Vethamonickam's a son or a daughter. We understand that Maharasan Vethamonickam had two sons and two daughters . Vethamonickam's eldest son's name was Chidambaram and he was baptized by Rev Ringeltaube with a Christian Name as Devasahayam. Vethamonickam's younger sons's name was Mr Moses , and he died in his twenties. Here if we consider the Initial C. of Mr.Masillamoni, we can logically infer that Mr. Masillamani might be a son of Vethamonikam's son Mr Chidambaram . Another inference or possibility is , C.Masillamoni might be a son of Vethamonicakam's second daughter Mrs Anna Ammal;. Moreover we can also infer that Mr Christian David could have married Mrs Annammal, the second daughter of Vethamonickam, because Christian Masillamoni Agur was the full name of Mr C,M. Agur However we can not establish facts with the help of inferences so it is better to unlock this secret and concealed cover of fact in this regard in the interest of Church history and history.
C.M.Agur's education : Nothing is known definitely about CM Agur's school and collegiate education . It is not clear; where did Mr Agur do his B.A. , is it in India ?, or in UK like his younger brother Mr. Ezra Masillamoni ; we do not know. We need definitely a study and search in this regard . Mr .C.M Agur, was a very brilliant student and he was one of the earliest BA degree holders in South India .
Mr CM Agur's father Mr C. Massillamoni of Mylaudy: All Church Historians had written that CM Agur's father Mr C. Masilalmoni was a grandson of Mylaudy Maharasan Vethamonickam but unfortunately it seems that no writer has given any genealogical link between Maharasan Vethamonickam and C.M. Agur. Anyhow we can infer that Mr C. Masillamony was a son of Vethamonickam's a son or a daughter. We understand that Maharasan Vethamonickam had two sons and two daughters . Vethamonickam's eldest son's name was Chidambaram and he was baptized by Rev Ringeltaube with a Christian Name as Devasahayam. Vethamonickam's younger sons's name was Mr Moses , and he died in his twenties. Here if we consider the Initial C. of Mr.Masillamoni, we can logically infer that Mr. Masillamani might be a son of Vethamonikam's son Mr Chidambaram . Another inference or possibility is , C.Masillamoni might be a son of Vethamonicakam's second daughter Mrs Anna Ammal;. Moreover we can also infer that Mr Christian David could have married Mrs Annammal, the second daughter of Vethamonickam, because Christian Masillamoni Agur was the full name of Mr C,M. Agur However we can not establish facts with the help of inferences so it is better to unlock this secret and concealed cover of fact in this regard in the interest of Church history and history.
C.M.Agur's education : Nothing is known definitely about CM Agur's school and collegiate education . It is not clear; where did Mr Agur do his B.A. , is it in India ?, or in UK like his younger brother Mr. Ezra Masillamoni ; we do not know. We need definitely a study and search in this regard . Mr .C.M Agur, was a very brilliant student and he was one of the earliest BA degree holders in South India .
C.M. Agur was the Office Manager at British Resident's office, Trivandrum : CM Agur hailed from one of the most illustrious Christian families of South Travancore and South India. . Even during the second half of the 19th century Mr Agur became a B.A .degree holder and probably he was one of the earliest B.A, Degree holders in South India . .Moreover his family was so closely connected with Rev Charles Mead and Rev Charles Mault and some other European missionaries . Mr. C.M. Agur , B.A, was a well educated man, a great historian and was having a sound political and historical knowledge, and also was having a good command over English language so he got the prestigious privilege to work as the Office Manager at the British Resident's office at Trivandrum for twenty years till his death in 1904. Since 1884 till 1904 Mr C.M. Agur had been working as Office Manger at the British Resident's Office at Trivandrum during the officiating period of the following Residents:[1]Mr.J.C Hannington [ 15th August 1884 to July 1887][2]General Sir. H.N.D.Prendergast[ Acting since7-7-1887] ,[3] J.C. Hannyngton [ 7-10-1887 to July 1890], [3] H. B. Grigg, C.I.E [ assumed, 16-7-1890 to], [4] J.C. Hannyngton-[ resumed 16-10- 1890 to], [5] Mr H.B. Grigg,C.I.E- [assumed 6-7- 1891 to], [6] Mr. J.C. Hannyngton-[resumed 5-11- 1891 to], [7] Mr.H.B. Grigg,C.I.E[assumed 8-11-1892 to], [8] Mr J.D. Rees, C.I.E-[ acting 15-1895 to], [9] Mr. J. Thomson, MA, [ acting 12-7-1895 to], [10] Mr. J.D Rees, C.I.E, {8-8-1896 to], [11]F.A. Nicholson- [acting 15-12- 1896 to ], [12] J D Rees,-[resumed 17-7-1897 to], [13] Mr The Honorable Mr. F.A. Nicholson [-acting 22-8-1898 to], Mr G.T. Mackenze [11-7-1899 to ]. Mr. James Andrew [19-11- 1904 to ].
C.M Agur and British Resident Mr J.C. Hannyngton : Out of his total 20 years of service at the British Resident's Office , Travancore, Trivandrum Mr Christian Masillamoni Agur, B.A, as Office Manager at the British Resident's Office , Mr Agur worked for 8 years under the famous and historical Mullai Periyar Dam famous British Resident Mr J. C Hannyngton . Mr J.C .Hannyngton [Son of Major General John Caulfield Hannyngton] was a British Resident of Travancore and Cochin for 6 times.Sir Grant Duff the then Governor of Madras Presidency had a liking, confidence and respect for Mr J.C Hannyngton and so Sir. Grant Duff, the then Governor of Madras state , appointed Mr.JC Hannyngton as the Secretary of Madras State during Visakam Thirunal Maharaja of Travancore. In this connection it is better to trace precisely the history of Mullai Periyar Dam .On 29th October 1886 a lease indenture for 999 years was made between the Maharaja of Travancore Visakam Thirunal Rama Varma and the then British Secretary of State for India for Irrigation works. The lease was signed by the Dewan of Travancore Mr V Ram Iyengar and Secretary of Madras State Mr J.C. Hannyngton [Hannyngton became the British Resident of Travancore. later].

Mr. J. C. Hannyngton.
Mr C. M Agur was a great historian well versed in the political and social history of India , Great Britain and other countries and he was well liked by the British Residents including Mr J.C. Hannyngton. During those days. The British Residents wielded great influence and power and the Resident's Office was the real power center of the States like Travancore and Cochin , etc, CM Agur's suggestion and advice to the British Residents were well respected by the British Residents .That was the reason Mr Agur was given full freedom and encouragement to write the monumental book, Church History Of Travancore[Pages.1183 +, Madras,1903. ] We can say that along with Mullai Periyar Dam Signatory Mr J.C. Hannyngton, his Office Manager Mr CM Agur will also be remembered in history .C.M Agur acknowledges the encouragement and help rendered by his Patron and Master J.C. Hannyngton in the following words, "My kind patron and master late J.C. Hannyngton Esq, M.C.S, British Resident encouraged me and promised any assistance in his power towards this work"
Mr. Christian Masillamoni Agur and his famous cousins: C.M Agur's maternal Grandfather Mr Paramanandam Deacon was also a very important person in Nageracoil Home Chuch and he was the first deacon of the Nagercoil Home Church. Mr. Paramanandam deacon's family was a highly educated, civilized, cross- cultural and cosmopolitan family. C.M Agur's maternal cousins: Mr J T .Ambrose,[ Ambrose was the maternal Grandfather of the great Pianist Padmashree Handel Manuel ] , Mr Jonathab , Mr.Schaffter [Son of Mr A. Joseph Munshi and Mrs.Marthal Fanny ], Mr.Chinnathambi Peter, Mr Lamuel Peter , Mr Nallathmabi Peter and others and all of them were remarkable persons in heir own fields. Mr.A.Joseph.Schaffter's daughter Miss.Mercy Sonabai Schaffter, B.A,[Mother of Dr. Anand Chellappa ] was married to the famous Christian Medical Doctor Dr. Chellappa of Madurai [he was a formerly Chief Medical Officer at the CSI Hospital , Madurai; and it will be useful to refer here that Dr. Chellappa was the brother of the first Indian CSI Bishop of Madras CSI Diocese Rt Rev David Chellappa.]. Mr. Jonathab a maternal cousin of CM Agur was a great Violinist of global standard. Mrs Annabel Theoder Duraisamy was the daughter of Mr Jonathab's daughter Mrs. Mathiabaranam Christy[ Mrs Annabel 's husband Rev Theoder Duraisamy was a famous Bishop in Singapore], like this Mr. C. M. Agur's cousins were remarkable persons in their respective fields.
Mr. C. M. Agur and his famous siblings: Mr. C.M.Agur was blessed with brothers and sisters and all of them were notable persons in their respective fields. But to high light some of them I would like to speak about two persons namely ; Mr Ezra Masillamoni and Rao Sahib Dr. Samuel George Masillamoni.. Mr Ezra Masillamani went to England for his higher Studies and did his B.A[ Geology ] at the famous Royal College of Science , South Kensington , London and on his return to Travancore he was appointed as the State Geologist , Travancore Southern Division by the Government of Travancore. Mr Ezra Masillamani was the printer of Mr CM Agur's book The Church History of Travancore, at the SPS Press, Vepery, Madras in 1903. Agur's another Brother Dr. Samuel George Masillamani was a Government Medical Doctor and he was working with the Government of Madras state and he was honored with the prestigious title RAO SAHIB by the Government of Madras.
CM Agur's historical marriage : After having worked for nearly 12 years Mr. C. M. Agur completed his epoch making book, "Church History of Travancore}[Pages 1183 +] in 1901 and it was printed at Madras and published in 1903. by Agur's brother Mr Ezra Masillamani, B.Sc[Royal College of Science,London ] The writing and publication of his book was his primary concern and so Mr C. M. Agur did not think about his marriage earlier. but we can infer that there was a liking and attraction and mutual respect between CM Agur and Miss Joanna Carlotta Mead even before their marriage .. So only in 1900 Mr CM Agur married Joanna Carollota Mead at Trivandrum [She was a daughter of Rev Charles Mead [Englishman ]and Mrs Lois Biddulph Mead [Tamil ] .Mrs. Joanna Carlotta Mead Agur worked as Music Mistress at the Government College for Girls, Trivandrum and she took keen interest in the Christ Church Choir[Trivandrum and she was the Organist at Christ Church,Palayam, Trivandrum . Moreover Mrs Joanna Carlotta Mead Agur provided many valuable records regarding Rev Charles Mead;s missionary work to CM Agur from the collection of Rev Charles Mead.
Conclusion: The great Church historian Mr C. M Agur, B.A, unfortunately died in 1904 following the publication of his monumental Book, Church History of Travancore in 1903. . Church History of Travancore has 3 parts namely[1]THE SYRIAN CHURCH [pages 1 to196], Part II, THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH [pages 197 to 422], Part III THE PROTESTANT CHURCH HISTORY OF TRAVANCORE [pages 423 to 1047] and Part IV The CHRISTIAN LITERATURE & MONUMENTS [pages 1048 to1188 + ]..At the death of Mr .Christian Masillamani Agur, an illustrious epoch of learning ,knowledge , legacy, history and Christian Missionary zeal of the pioneer Mylaudy Christians came to an end . The glorious history started in 1806 at Mylaudy by Maharasan Vethamonickam came to an end in 1904 at Trivandrum . Mr. Christian Masillamani Agur's mortal remains were buried at the Christ Church Cemetery , Trivandrum along with his forefathers , Mr. John Palmer, Mr. Devavaram Biddulph , Mr Christian David and others. But our CM Agur will live in the pages of his monumental Book , "Church History of Travancore" and also in the pages of the social , religious and political History of India and world for ever. Really CM Agur was an outstanding personality.
By. P. BABU MANOHARAN, M.A, [ All Rights are reserved . This Article will be altered or modified later if needed ].
C.M Agur and British Resident Mr J.C. Hannyngton : Out of his total 20 years of service at the British Resident's Office , Travancore, Trivandrum Mr Christian Masillamoni Agur, B.A, as Office Manager at the British Resident's Office , Mr Agur worked for 8 years under the famous and historical Mullai Periyar Dam famous British Resident Mr J. C Hannyngton . Mr J.C .Hannyngton [Son of Major General John Caulfield Hannyngton] was a British Resident of Travancore and Cochin for 6 times.Sir Grant Duff the then Governor of Madras Presidency had a liking, confidence and respect for Mr J.C Hannyngton and so Sir. Grant Duff, the then Governor of Madras state , appointed Mr.JC Hannyngton as the Secretary of Madras State during Visakam Thirunal Maharaja of Travancore. In this connection it is better to trace precisely the history of Mullai Periyar Dam .On 29th October 1886 a lease indenture for 999 years was made between the Maharaja of Travancore Visakam Thirunal Rama Varma and the then British Secretary of State for India for Irrigation works. The lease was signed by the Dewan of Travancore Mr V Ram Iyengar and Secretary of Madras State Mr J.C. Hannyngton [Hannyngton became the British Resident of Travancore. later].

Mr. J. C. Hannyngton.
Mr C. M Agur was a great historian well versed in the political and social history of India , Great Britain and other countries and he was well liked by the British Residents including Mr J.C. Hannyngton. During those days. The British Residents wielded great influence and power and the Resident's Office was the real power center of the States like Travancore and Cochin , etc, CM Agur's suggestion and advice to the British Residents were well respected by the British Residents .That was the reason Mr Agur was given full freedom and encouragement to write the monumental book, Church History Of Travancore[Pages.1183 +, Madras,1903. ] We can say that along with Mullai Periyar Dam Signatory Mr J.C. Hannyngton, his Office Manager Mr CM Agur will also be remembered in history .C.M Agur acknowledges the encouragement and help rendered by his Patron and Master J.C. Hannyngton in the following words, "My kind patron and master late J.C. Hannyngton Esq, M.C.S, British Resident encouraged me and promised any assistance in his power towards this work"
Mr. Christian Masillamoni Agur and his famous cousins: C.M Agur's maternal Grandfather Mr Paramanandam Deacon was also a very important person in Nageracoil Home Chuch and he was the first deacon of the Nagercoil Home Church. Mr. Paramanandam deacon's family was a highly educated, civilized, cross- cultural and cosmopolitan family. C.M Agur's maternal cousins: Mr J T .Ambrose,[ Ambrose was the maternal Grandfather of the great Pianist Padmashree Handel Manuel ] , Mr Jonathab , Mr.Schaffter [Son of Mr A. Joseph Munshi and Mrs.Marthal Fanny ], Mr.Chinnathambi Peter, Mr Lamuel Peter , Mr Nallathmabi Peter and others and all of them were remarkable persons in heir own fields. Mr.A.Joseph.Schaffter's daughter Miss.Mercy Sonabai Schaffter, B.A,[Mother of Dr. Anand Chellappa ] was married to the famous Christian Medical Doctor Dr. Chellappa of Madurai [he was a formerly Chief Medical Officer at the CSI Hospital , Madurai; and it will be useful to refer here that Dr. Chellappa was the brother of the first Indian CSI Bishop of Madras CSI Diocese Rt Rev David Chellappa.]. Mr. Jonathab a maternal cousin of CM Agur was a great Violinist of global standard. Mrs Annabel Theoder Duraisamy was the daughter of Mr Jonathab's daughter Mrs. Mathiabaranam Christy[ Mrs Annabel 's husband Rev Theoder Duraisamy was a famous Bishop in Singapore], like this Mr. C. M. Agur's cousins were remarkable persons in their respective fields.
Mr. C. M. Agur and his famous siblings: Mr. C.M.Agur was blessed with brothers and sisters and all of them were notable persons in their respective fields. But to high light some of them I would like to speak about two persons namely ; Mr Ezra Masillamoni and Rao Sahib Dr. Samuel George Masillamoni.. Mr Ezra Masillamani went to England for his higher Studies and did his B.A[ Geology ] at the famous Royal College of Science , South Kensington , London and on his return to Travancore he was appointed as the State Geologist , Travancore Southern Division by the Government of Travancore. Mr Ezra Masillamani was the printer of Mr CM Agur's book The Church History of Travancore, at the SPS Press, Vepery, Madras in 1903. Agur's another Brother Dr. Samuel George Masillamani was a Government Medical Doctor and he was working with the Government of Madras state and he was honored with the prestigious title RAO SAHIB by the Government of Madras.
CM Agur's historical marriage : After having worked for nearly 12 years Mr. C. M. Agur completed his epoch making book, "Church History of Travancore}[Pages 1183 +] in 1901 and it was printed at Madras and published in 1903. by Agur's brother Mr Ezra Masillamani, B.Sc[Royal College of Science,London ] The writing and publication of his book was his primary concern and so Mr C. M. Agur did not think about his marriage earlier. but we can infer that there was a liking and attraction and mutual respect between CM Agur and Miss Joanna Carlotta Mead even before their marriage .. So only in 1900 Mr CM Agur married Joanna Carollota Mead at Trivandrum [She was a daughter of Rev Charles Mead [Englishman ]and Mrs Lois Biddulph Mead [Tamil ] .Mrs. Joanna Carlotta Mead Agur worked as Music Mistress at the Government College for Girls, Trivandrum and she took keen interest in the Christ Church Choir[Trivandrum and she was the Organist at Christ Church,Palayam, Trivandrum . Moreover Mrs Joanna Carlotta Mead Agur provided many valuable records regarding Rev Charles Mead;s missionary work to CM Agur from the collection of Rev Charles Mead.
Conclusion: The great Church historian Mr C. M Agur, B.A, unfortunately died in 1904 following the publication of his monumental Book, Church History of Travancore in 1903. . Church History of Travancore has 3 parts namely[1]THE SYRIAN CHURCH [pages 1 to196], Part II, THE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH [pages 197 to 422], Part III THE PROTESTANT CHURCH HISTORY OF TRAVANCORE [pages 423 to 1047] and Part IV The CHRISTIAN LITERATURE & MONUMENTS [pages 1048 to1188 + ]..At the death of Mr .Christian Masillamani Agur, an illustrious epoch of learning ,knowledge , legacy, history and Christian Missionary zeal of the pioneer Mylaudy Christians came to an end . The glorious history started in 1806 at Mylaudy by Maharasan Vethamonickam came to an end in 1904 at Trivandrum . Mr. Christian Masillamani Agur's mortal remains were buried at the Christ Church Cemetery , Trivandrum along with his forefathers , Mr. John Palmer, Mr. Devavaram Biddulph , Mr Christian David and others. But our CM Agur will live in the pages of his monumental Book , "Church History of Travancore" and also in the pages of the social , religious and political History of India and world for ever. Really CM Agur was an outstanding personality.
By. P. BABU MANOHARAN, M.A, [ All Rights are reserved . This Article will be altered or modified later if needed ].