Wednesday, 30 October 2013

Great Head-Masters of Kanyakumari

Great Head-Masters of kanyakumari :  Part  I

Mr.Paul Daniel , M.A, L.T,  :   Mr. Paul Daniel , was one of the most  remarkable  Head Masters of Kanyakumari district and India.  He was a genius and multifaceted personality  . He was a former Head Master of the famous Scott Christian High School , Nagercoil, from 1906 to 1927 and also served as the Principal of Scott Christian College for some period of time.   He was responsible for producing some remarkable personalities who reached enviable heights in their respective fields .   He has planted some striking milestones in the educational , social, and religious history of Kanyakumari   district and India.

Birth  and family of  Paul Daniel:   He was born at Santhapuram , near Nagercoil in  a good Christian family.  His father Mr. Paul was a catechist in LMS  and his mother was from a traditional Christian  family from Ikkiyapuram otherwise called as Ikkiyanam, near Chungagkadai and Nagercoil    ,Kanyakumari District.  The famous Paul Apollos Deacon of the Home Church was his brother and the  remarkable .D.C. Joseph ,the editor of "Travancore Times", was his son-in-law.

His Education : Paul Daniel was a brilliant student . Even while he was a student in the LMS  Seminary , his brilliance in education was observed by Rev Duthie and  he encouraged  Paul Daniel very much . As sson as he passed the Matriculation Examination , Rev. Duthie sent Paul Daniel to  Trivandrum for collegiate education. He  passed  the  B.A. examination  of the University with flying colours ,  and  got the Unversity Gold Medal  for his outstanding performance in English and also received  a  Webster dictionary from the Maharaja of Travancore  for his accomplishment  .  Mr. Paul Daniel passed his M.A. degree examination with distinction from H.H. the Maharaja's College, Trivandrum  and he was the first  South Travancore Christian to get M.A. Degree.  
Paul   Daniel  and Scott Christian High School, Nagercoil :  Paul Daniel joined as a teacher in the Scott Chriatian School in 1896 and served as the Head Master of the prestigious Scott Christian High School, Nagercoil with great distinction from 1906 to 1926. As a dynamic Headmaster he had the privilege to shape the  educational and professional destinies of thousands of young people  of Kanyakumari district.

Paul Daniel and Scott Christian College. :  During those   days there  existed  a friendly understanding and relation between  Scott Christian High School and  Scott Christian College  ,  So Mr. Paul Daniel the then H.M  taught physiology   to  the students of Scott Christian College.  He  enjoyed the good patronage of. Revd. Duthie and Mr. Parker, who were in the  helm of affairs  of the Scott Christan High School , during that period.  He  also  had the honour of serving as the Principal of Scott Christian college for a short  span of time.

Public life  : His  versatility    and  command over the English language lifted  him to greater heights in public life. He also   had the privilege to serve as the Deputy Chairman of the Nagercoil Municipality from 1911to 1920. His name and  fame reached  far and wide  and consequently he   was  nominated to the Travancore Legislative Assembly by the Maharaja of Travancore and served,   as a  popular and eloquent  Legislator from 1926 to 1928 in distinctive style.

Church activities :As a son of  a Christian Catechist,    Paul Daniel  took active interest in Church activities. He was elected as a Deacon to the Home Church Nagercoil in 1895. and continued  as a Deacon till 1931, for about 36 long years. He played a spectacular and contributing  part   in the formation of the Church of South India.  He was a great Church leader.

Conclusion : He was really a towering personality.  He served   within the Church and outside the Church with great distinction  and landmarks. He was a convincing orator , fluid writer and great administrator . He was very kind with the poor people.  In short he was an epoch , and he passed away on 23rd July ,1931. In honour of Mr. Paul Daniel ," Paul Daniel Block" was constructed  in the School, and it was opened by the then  honourable  Chief Minister of Madras State  Sri.. K. Kamaraj  on 22nd April 1961.
By.P. BABU MANOHARAN, M.A, [Rights reserved. This article will be enlarged modified and corrected later , if needed].

J.M.Joseph, B.A.,LT, [1886-1951] :  Mr. J.M. Joseph was one of the remarkable Head Masters  of Kanyakumari district and India, in any sense.   As the Head Master of Scott Christian  High School , Nagercoil ,  he installed a lasting milestone in the educational map of  Kanyakumari district and India.

Birth , Education  and Family :  J.M. Joseph  was the son of  Mr.  Alexander Masillamani Joseph  of Chennai, who served as a Deacon in the Nagercoil  Home Church  for 24 years from 1875 and her mother belonged Anamalai, Pollachi .  He was born  at Nagercoil , on 23rd November , 1886.  He continued  his school education at Nagercoil and collegiate education in Trivandrum.  As a clever student he successfully completed his formal education and got  B.A., L.T.  letters  to his credit . Mr.J.M. Joseph's son  Mr. J.C. Alexander, BA., B.E.{Hons .], C.E.[Hons.], B.S.Arch [USA], M I E. ,   worked as Chief Architect  in the Government of Kerala   State.

As Head master  of Scott Christian High School:    He succeeded Mr. Paul Daniel as the Head master of Scott Christian High School, Nagercoil , in 1931  and proved himself as one the best Head Masters we can ever have. He functioned as the Head Master of Scott Christian High School at Nagercoil  for 13 years and made some indelible  prints   in the educational history of Kanyakumari district and India.  Mr. J. M Joseph retired  in 1944 and he was succeeded by Mr. D. Joshua.  From 1943 to 1951  Mr. J. M. Joseph  had the rare privilege to work as the first Indian  Manger of Scott Christian High School.

Public life and Church activity :   He  took active interest in  Church  activities and served as a deacon in the Nagercoil  Home  Church  from 1930 to 1945  with real interest and involvement.   When Sir C.P. Ramaswamy Iyer was serving as the Devan of  Travancore  , Mr.  J.M. Joseph was nominated to the Travancore Legislative Assembly  by the Government of Travancore.  It is said that whenever J.M.Joseph delivered his eloquent speech in English in  the Assembly , the Assembly used to be fully packed and thronged to hear his mesmerizing and enchanting English.  He was loved and respected by  his students, fellow christians and the general public, for his intellectual  calibre  , egalitarian attitude, and  integrity.  He passed away on 19th February, 1951.

By. P.BABU MANOHARAN. M.A,{Rights reserved This Article will be  enlarged, modified and corrected later , if needed ]..


Monday, 28 October 2013

 Mr. Gnanamuthu Jesudasan , the first Indian ordained Pastor of the   M.E.L.I.M ., in India [ 1872-1955]::

Introduction:  Mr.Gnanmuthu Jesudasan was one of the important milestones  of the   religious and social history of Kanyakuamri district.  He was the man who  was singularly  responsible for  establishment of Missouri Evangelical Church {MELIM} in Kanyakumari district in the year 1907 and he laid the foundation for the educational and cultural renaissance of  the  long neglected poorest sections of the society.. He was popularly called as the  second Vedamanickam of South Travancore. Vedamanickam was responsible to bring London Missionary Society into South Travancore in 1806 and his close relative  Gnanamuthu Jesudasan was responsible to bring Missouri Evangelical Lutheran India Mission into South Travancore exactly after 100 years..

His Birth and Place : Mr. G.Jusudasan was born in the month of June , 1872, in kandy in Sri Lanka.  His parents originally belonged to the Nanjilnadu of Kanyakumari district. He was baptized by Revd. William Clarke in 1872 at the C.M.S. church at Kandy , Sri Lanka.

But he continued his education in Kanyakumari district, and passed his  Madras Matriculation examination in 1893.  Then he continued his  Senior  Intermmediate Course   in the Scott Christian College , Nagercoil  and as he failed in the  exam he discontinued his college education.  But propelled by his indomitable will power he passed  the  Pitman Short Hand  examination  with flying colours.  Jesudasan joined as  the  Secretary to the then British Resident at  Trivandrum in the year 1896.  During this period of time, Jesudasan's relative   and author of the the Church History of Travancore, Mr. C.M. Agur ,B.A., was functioning as the Office Manager in the British Resident's office at Trivandrum and  Jesudasan's brother Mr. Gnanamuthu Joshua , B.A., was serving as a Secretary to the Government of Travancore .

Jusudasan's marriage: In the year 1901 , Jesudasan married Christina Manononmani, the grand-daughter of the great Christian   poet   Mylaudy John Palmer at Christ Church , Trivandrum and the marriage was  solemnized by an English Missionary by name   Revd. Boyer.  Five children were born to him including the great Organist , Violinist and Flutist  Mr. J.  Sam Raj, B.A, L.T

Jesudasan resigned  his respectable job:  He believed  that Christianity will  empower  the neglected sectionof his community educationally and socially ; and as  he was displeased  with  the working design and style of the London Missionary Society in Kanyakumari district,  he wanted to bring   a new Christian Mission.  to Kanyakumari district  to work among and for  his poor people. .

Invitation to MELIM Missionaries:
Jesudasan was an  voracious reader and writer ; and he had good command over English language. He was contributing  English  Articles  regularly in a magazine called" The Chritian Patriot ", published from Madras; and one day while reading that magazine he came across an Article  about MELIM and it's missionary field. Since 1895 The MELIM missinaries  like Theodre Naether were doing evangelical service and work in Krishnagiri and Ambur areas in the  northern Tamilnadu   .He instantly wrote an invitation letter to the MELIM missionaries who were working in  Krishnagiri area. . After some  initial clarification the MELIM missionaries accepted the invitation of Jesudasan and sent  two  MELIM missionaries , Rev. Huebener, and Rev .Nau to  South Travancore [Kanyakumari  district]and  Jesudasan went to Aralvaimozhi and received the MELIM missionaries on 21st February , !907 .  And these MELIM missionaries started the Lutheran Mission's missionary work in Nanjil Nadu in Kanyakumari district   with the help of Jesudasan. In order to assist the Lutheran missionaries Jesudasan  resigned his  respectable and remunerative British Government job after one year  in 1908. Really it was a historical sacrifice.

MELIM Churches were established in Kanyakumari district[South Travancore]:  The first MELIM church was established at Vadesery in 1907  and  staring from  Vadasery many  Lutheran churches and side by side many Primary Schools and some High Schools  were also  established  in Kanyakumari district, within a short span of time . The Lutheran missionary fields were extended to the Tiunelvelli and Trivandrum areas also, due to the tireless efforts of the MELIM missionaries  and Jesudasan . The MELIM missionaries gave short theological training to Jesudasan  and  in  recognition of his valuable missionary work and his deep Bible knowledge, Jesudasan was ordained as  the first  Indian   MELIM  Pastor in 1921 by the MELIM   missionaries even before the establishment of the Concordia Theological Seminary at Nagercoil in 1924.   Jesudasan as a dedicated social and Christian Missionary worked for the comprehensive  and total progress and development  of the  poor  people,through his tireless  missionary service.  This great visionary and missionary Gnanamuthu Jesudasan  passed away in 1955.

Conclusion :
In 1958 ,  The Missouri Evangelical India  Mission  changed its name as India Evangelical Lutheran Church. Since then the IELC has been continuing its religious , social and educational goals and commitments with new scope and spirit.  Now IELC has three Synods namely: Ambur Synod, Nagercoil Synod andTrivandrum Synod.   In the IELC  there  are about  114600 members  today and it has 764   congregations . There 61 Elementary and middle schools; 12 High Schools and Higher Secondary Schools, 8 Schools for the  mentally challenged people and 3 prestigious  Hospitals  and   a  Theological College by name the Concordia Theological  College at Nagercoil [affiliated to the Serampur University,India] and so on Many  doctors , scientists , university and college and school   teachers, para- medical professionals , pastors and engineers of  IELC  and specially from Nagercoil Synod are working through out the world including the  countries like U.K, U.S.A., Canada , Gulf countries and so on . To cite one example , I am proud to say that  Dr. R.  John, B.Tech, M.S , Ph.D,. a    Lutheran Christian from Vadesery congregation , after having received a Ph.D  in Aerospace Engineering from Georgia Tech, U.S. in1984 ,  worked as a Scientist in the world famous NASA , USA from 1986 to 1994.  Gnanamuthu Jesadasan's vision is being actuated by the younger generations of the IELC and so long  as there is IELC,   Gnanamuthu Jesudasan's name will be also remembered  by the Lutheran Christians  , general public ,historians  and social  activists of Kanyakumari district and India .

P.BABU MANOHARAN, M.A,{Rights reserved- This Article will be modified or altered if needed later].

Saturday, 26 October 2013

Great  Journalists of Kanyakumari : Part III:

Kodikal Sheik Abdullah :   He   is not only a great   journalist  but also a great social revolutionary, social reformer ,social and political activist, orator,   and educationist and he was born on 2nd February, 1937 in Kanyakumari district.  He was  originally named  as Kodikal Chellappa,  but  on certain social compulsion  and at a historical occasion he changed his name  from Kodikal Chellapa, to Kodikal Sheik Abdullah, in 1980.  Its  is not simply a change of  Kodikal's name but it is a change of his  conviction and execution of that  social  conviction  on the open social dais of the society. The change of  his name  is not an event but it is a history and a  preface to a silent  social  revolution. But even today he is fondly  called as Kodikal  by his friends ,relatives and admirers.

Kodikal  Sheik Abdullah was born on 2nd February,1937 at Vazhavilai, Thakalai,  in Kanyakumari district. But as he changed his permanent residence to Kodikal village near Eethamozhi  in kanyakumri district,  from his place of birth and stayed there for very long period of time , he got the prefix 'Kodikal" in front of his name .Due to  poverty  and other social conditions he could not  continue his formal school education beyond certain limit  but he became a great scholar by reading books on various interested subjects. He was a born journalist and social and  political  activist

His journalistic accomplishments:   While he was 14 years old his friends and he  , started  an Youth Organization at Ammacharkovil village, near Eethamozhi and  he served as one of the edditorial board members  of "Mantam" the  journal of that youth organization .  During 1971-1972 , Kodikal Chellappa started  a  bi- monthly in Tamil  called  'Puthumai Thai" [Modern Mother ], the name of this journal reminds us, about  the impact that the great  novel' Mother', authored by the great writer Maxim Gorky, on Kodikal. In the beginning days of " Puthumai Thai  "  it was published as a  News Paper  only, with a capacity of 20 pages. In the first year 500 copies were sold  but  in the third  year 1500 copies were sold  . The copies of "Puthumai Thai" were sold in  book stalls in  towns and rural betel shops  .The people of sea-shore villages gave strong support to "Puthumai Thai".

Kodikal Chellappa  , in tune with journalistic dharma boldly published  many stories and articles  highlighting the problems connected with the mounting  corruption charges  of the Government officials and  the problems faced by the poor people and voiceless  village  people. As an editor kodikal  not only  wrote many thought provoking editorials and  articles but also he  encouraged  many  writers  and journalists to write in Puthumai Thai.  The article written by the great Trade Unionist  K.LS. Santhanam  were well received by the readers. During the period 1972-1974 , great writers like Ponneelan,  Poet Rajamarthandan,  Vanamamalai,  Thathaththiri,  Prof. A. Sivasubramanian, Vanna Nilavan and some others ,  wrote many thought provoking articles in Puthumai Thai.  Due to some  obstacles the publication of "Puthumai Thai " was stopped in 1976.  Again  Kokodikal   restarted his" Puthumai Thai" , in1984 and  he was forced by circumstances  to stop its publication  in 1986 once for all.  After some break, the sleeping journalistic urge in him forced to start another magazine in Tamil called  "Ungal Thuthuvan "[Your Ambassador] and it's first issue was released in 1992, at Nagercoil  and continued till 1997. and it was an Islamic religious Magazine and  he published  many articles  highlighting the practical social  life problems faced by the Muslims along with religious articles.  Kodikal had the privilege to serve as the Secretary of the Writers Association of Kanyakumari district for some period of time.

Kodikal's political life:  The communism attracted  the radical mind  of  young Kodikal  even when he was very young  and he believed that Communism and Communist  Party rule would establish an egalitarian society in tune with his vision , and  so he became a member in The Communist Party of India. Kodikal  participated in the All India Conference of The Communist Party of India  held at Cochin in 1971and in that  Conference , Delegates from !9 foreign countries  also participated.  As he was a tireless and dynamic   worker  he was elected as the Kanyakumari District Executive Committee member of the Communist Party., and then as the District Deputy Secretary of the Communist Party of India and finally as the District Secretary. However due to some  reasons he did quit the Communist Party.

Kodikal Chellappa  changed himself as Kodikal Sheik Abdullah:    As a natural and creative thinker,  since his birth he was restless , longing for  liberation  and self dignity . He wanted to come out the clutches of social chain and stigma and  his mind convinced   him to come out from  his original  religion  was the only way to escape from  the clutches of caste system and so he embraced Islam in 1980. He changed his name from Kodikal  Chellapa to Kodikal sheik Abdullah  as a social metamorphosis  and liberation and became one of the tallest milestones in the social history of Kanyakumari district and Tamilnadu.

Conclusion  & Educational Service of  Kodikal Sheik Abdullah :    Kodikal  Sheik  Abdullah was a born thinker , visionary ,a  man of action and social activist. As a boy who lost his parents at an early age he did not get proper guidance and monetary support for his education . However the natural urge  and thirst for knowledge forced him to become a great reader and a knowledgeable person . As a good human being he wanted to do useful educational service to the society and specially to the poor sections.  Mr. Kodikal Sheik Abdullah was responsible  for starting some important  Engineering Colleges in Kanyakumari and Tirunelvelii districts .Kodikal  Sheik Abdullah  was one of the founding  fathers of the  famous P.E.T. Engineering College [1993]. He had the privilege to serve as a Director M.E.T. Engineering College , Chenpaharamanputhur[2006-2013]. At present he is serving as the Director of the Universal Engineering College , Vallioor and also as a member of the Executive Committee of the Muslim Arts  & Science College ,Thiruvithancode . Mr. Kodikal Sheik Abdullah  was an old student of the then AVD High School, Ganapathipuram,   the mother institution of the present   A.V.D. College , Ganapathipuram.. As Kodikal played a vital role for the  approval of the A.V.D  Teacher Training College , Ganapathipuram ,  the College Executive Committee gave him the privilege to open the main  building of the College recently .Now Kodikal Sheik Abdullah  serves as an Advisor to the  AVD College .  Really Kodikal sheik Abdullah is a remarkable person ..

P.S.Mani   : P.S.Mani  was the editor of the famous  magazine "Kanyakumari"  and  he  was a native of Kanyakumari district and was a   multifaceted  personality. He was one of the founding fathers of Travancore Tamilnadu Congress Party and was also the The Central Executive Committee  Memmber of Tamilarasu Party founded by Ma.Po. Sivagnanam.   He was the Editor of two Tamil magazines namely ," Mani "and "Kanyakumari".  By his tireless writings in  his magazine , Kanyakumari , he championed the cause of  the Tamil people of kanyakumari district  regarding  the merger of  kanyakumari district with Tamil Nadu along with other leaders.

Eraniel Kalaithozhan :   Earniel   Kalaithozhan  is one of the unsung heroes of Kanyakumari district; he is a Tamil writer,  dramatist, short story writer, editor of magazines,  journalist and so on . Definitely  he is a versatile personality  and he was  born on 3rd September , 1930  at  Mangkuzhi,  near Neyoor,  in Kanyakumari district. He is generally known by his pen name as  Eraniel Kalaithozhan .  He is not  only  one of  the greatest   Dramatists of   Kanyakumari  district but also Tamilnadu.

Eraniel  Kalaithozhan  and his writing record:  He is   a great dramatist and he has written more than 75 dramas in Tamil and they have been staged nearly 2000 times in states like  Tamilnadu, Kerala, Andra Pradesh and Maharshtra.  He has been in the drama field for nearly 56 years. The  Tamil  poetical dramas written by him are: Kal Nenchan[ Man of stone mind], Tholilazhi [Labourer], Mannippu[ Forgiveness], Nalmanam Good mind],  Kalaithantha  Parisu [The prize of art],  Inbathental [ Joyful breeze],  Gnana soundari,  Rupah 2000[ Rupees 2000],  and  Anbin Aatchi[ The reign of love].

His published short stories are more than 80 and poems more than 30.  He has worked as  editor in three Tamil monthly magazines namely: Roja,  Nadahakalai{The art of drama],  Nadahaththirai[Drama Screen]. He has also worked as joint editor in  four Tamil monthly magazines namely;  Ythaya tharahai, Sirumalar, Cheithimalar, and Helen.Six of his books including Kalnenchan have found  their places in Govt libraries. He has received many honours and awards like    Nadaha Kalai mani, Nadaha kalai venthan , Masco Manivarman ninivu  Paratithazh and so on.  Many university students  have done research study on his dramas including his son who got a Ph.d  degree award for his  research study  about the dramas of Eraniel kalaithizhan .His profile have been published in popular Tamil magazines like  Ananthavikadan, Amuthasurabi, Dinamalar,  Rani and so on

A.P. Edward :  A.P. Edward  is one of the unsung  heroes of Kanyakumari district. He was born at Nagercoil on 25th June , 1925.  As a student leader he  led the students' agitation for India's independence in 1942.  He was expelled from the College  and  in  1945 he got his B.A. Degree from a famous   University , U.S.   He has written two books namely : " As I watch the world in 1946  and   "Toward the Indian Republic"  He  worked as a  Reporter in  " Dinamalar" and also worked as the  Special Correspondent of Dinamalar at Trivandum in 1955.  He  had the privilege and honour of working as the Secretary of  the 'South Travancore Journalists Association"  in 1952.

Other  Journalists: There are so many unsung great journalists in kanyakumari district.  G.A. Britto, the editor of the Tamil monthly "Amutham ",  Kunjan Nadar [Thenkural],  Kulaintha Swamy{Iykia Thamilaham], R.K.Ram[Puthumai], Thopoor Subramaniam[Ilainjar Murasu],  Sri.V.Dhas{Venadu], Nathaniel[Savukku], Nesamani[Thingal], J.D. Raj[Express], K.P.Jeganathan {Election  Express] , Pithalis  [Ozhi vellam] , V.M. Jesudhas [Then Thilaham], Sivani Satheesh [ Mutharchangu] and so  many others .

P. BABU MANOHARAN,M.A,.[ Rights reserved-  this Article will be modified or altered later if needed].

Wednesday, 23 October 2013

C.M.Agur, Rev.C.Masillamani and Rev.Charles Mead or Son, Father, and Father-in-law:

The legendary church historian Mr. C.M.Agur,  his illustrious father Rev.C.Masillamani  and his father-in-law  Revd.  Charles  Mead  of  England,  had made lasting  contribution  in their respective fields  for the cause of  the  cultural,  social , educational , religious and intellectual  renaissance  in Kanyakumari district and India . They laid the foundation for the silent but steady social and educational and intellectual  revolution in this part of India.

Revd . C. Masillamanri:

     It is said  that  only such  those great people who know the history of their family , district , and their country alone could become a permanent  part of the history of their country. There  are so many unsung stalwarts in Kanyakumari district , and  Revd. C. Masillamani was one the unsung heroes of our district.  and it is our moral duty to remember  such  those great souls in order  to  cherish and continue their unfinished tasks.

Revd. C .Masillamani,  the father of the  great  Church  historian C.M.Agur, was born at the historical village Mylaudy in October 1833, as the grand-son of the first Protestant Fruit of   South Travancore,   Maharasan Vethamanickam. He had the rare privilege of  to be baptized by the legendary Revd. Charles Mault , the father in law of  Bishop. Revd. Dr. Robert Caldwell, on the 25th May 1851. He had his higher education at the  LMS  Seminary at Nagercoil,  during the period 1844-1852.  He was one of the first four native Pastors ordained by the Revd. Dr. Mullens  on the 13 February, 1866.

Revd . C. Masillamani  and his married life  and children : Rev. C. Masillamani married Esther  Fanny Paramanadam , the daughter of Mr. Daniel Paramanadam [The first Indian Deacon of the Nagercoil Home Church] on 29th March 1855 and  as Esther Fanny  Masillamani died in 1870 , Rev. C. Masillamani married Esther's sister, Jocabed  Fanny  Paramanadam in 1872. Rev . C. Masillamani  was blessed with 10 children  ; namely : [1] Mr. C. M Agur, B.A,[The Author of Church History of Travancore , pages 1183+, Madras, 1903 in English] ,[2]Annie, [3]Ayi,   [4]Mr . Ezra Masillamani, B.Sc[Geology, London], [5] Nanny, [6] Fanny, [7] Ratnam ,[8]] Apollos  Masillamani , and [9] RaoSahib. Dr. Samuel George Masillamani, and [10]] Mrs. Leela Edwin[Papa,  Her son and family moved  to Canada ].

Revd. C  Masillasmani served as  the pastor of Dennispuram, near Boothapandi village , Thovala taluk, in a dynamic and fruitful way  for two decades from 1866-1886.  Her was a multifaceted personality.  He was an  erudite scholar  and  a creative thinker. He had written numerous number of  lasting books. He was a versatile writer of poetry and prose.  He wrote 316 tracts on various subjects ranging  from Christianity, Hinduism, Brahminism, Caste, Romanism and general topics. He has written 59 original poetical works in Tamil.   Siluvaithiynam[Thoughts on Calvary], Thevarapetti[Casket of Praise],  ,Atmanivethanam[dedication of the soul to Christ],  Christhuva Samasthamum[Christ all in all],  Jeevamirthagaram[The Mine of Nectar of life],   Thiruchiluvai Yanthathi[Thoughts on Calvary],  Gnanamirtha chunai[The Fountain of Scriptural Nectar ] and so many other compelling poetical works.  He  has also written a theological disquisition  of highest order and elegance  on creation in poetry, the  Part I of this work describes the origin of the Universe,  Part II  the creation of man , Part III  the origin of life and Part IV   how man became a living soul. As a fearless thinker he has written some thought provoking controversial poems also  like  Bramanathwa  Nirakaram [Metrical adress to Brahmins].

Mr. Masillamani  was the  Editor  of  some Monthly and Quartely Journals  in Tamil .  He was a prolific prose writer also. , His main prose work in Tamilis  Sattya Prakasika or the Light of Truth[Demy 12mo 622 pages, published in1892] .  He had a good command over English Language.  He  wrote profusely  and profoundly. No doubt he is one the greatest Christian  writers  of his time.

Last days of C. Masillamani:
Due to some strong misunderstanding with the LMS Mission, he resigned from  the Mission in June 1886 and settled at Madras  as the Agent of the Scriptural Publication Society, Yarmouth, Maine, U.S.A.  After 12 years of active and tireless life , due to  ill health he paid a visit to his native  Travancore, and  and after preaching  on The Second Coming of Christ, his fascinating subject ,  in the LMS Church  at Trivandrum , he again  started to proceed to Madras via Nagercoil;, but due a sudden attack of apoplexy  he passed away at Nagercoil on Wednesday the 10th of August 1898 and his  dead body was interred in the LMS Home Church, [Nagercoil ]  cemetery on the next day . A great poem is sleeping in a grave, expecting the second coming of his Lord Jesus Christ.  A Tamil  Poem written by him is written on his historical tomb.

Concise estimate about Revd C. Masillamani:  He was indeed a towering and many-faceted personality. In the original words of his worthy son C. M. Agur, "From the beginning of his ecclesiastical career, Mr. Masillamani never confined his knowledge and belief to the narrow limits  of popular and dogmatic theology. He was an ardent student of the Bible and searched it's treasures for himself,  which led him to accept many truths which his brethren in the Mission were unwilling to examine  or accept"[Church history of Travancore by CM Agur  Page 1113] . For the development and amelioration of the condition of the poor people under his  spiritual supervision  he designed many means and tirelessly worked for them in a successful manner.  He was a champion for the cause of social justice.  His sympathy for the poor was boundless..He left his worthy son C.M. Agur as his legacy along with his good deeds and  voluminous  and valuable writings.

Revd. Charles Mead , the Father-in law of the historian  C.M.Agur:
Charles Mead the  Father  of South Travancore LMS Mission was born on the 1st October 1792  at Bristol, Gloucestershire in England.  While  studying in a Grammar School in London  , he received an invitation from the London Missionary Society and he accepted the invitation.  He completed a theological course in a Seminary in England.  He was ordained  in 1816 at the chapel at Chicheter,  England.   Mr. Mead was sent as a missionary to India by the  London Missionary Society . As a LMS Missionary  Mr. Mead and his companion  .landed on the shores  of India on 28th Agust 1816 and landed at Colachel  in South  Travancore in December 1817.   Vedamanickam  and his friends gave a touching welcome to  Mr. Mead  at Colachel    But unfortunately Mead's first wife died on  the 26th October , 1817 on her way to South  Travancore.  Mr. Mead  stayed at the  house used by Ringletaube at Mylaudy and  started his missionary work  with  great missionary zeal.

Mr. Mead shifted  the Mission head-quarters from Mulaudy to Nagercoil in April, 1818 and expanded the missionary field to the other parts of  kanyakumari district. Mr. Mead tirelessly  continued his  varied missionary  work , but he was in need of a life -partner to share his joy and sorrows ; so he married Miss. Johanna Coelestina  ,the third daughter of a German missionary,  the Revd. Christopher Henry Horst of Tanjore and sister -in-law of the Revd. J.C. kohlhof on the 13th of January , 1819.   This marriage helped Mead in many meaningful ways.

In order to give a helping hand to  Mead in his missionary work the LMS   in London sent Mr  Charles Mault from England to south Travancore , and accordingly Mr. and Mrs  Mault  reached SouthTravancore in December 1819.  The LMS churches  were growing  in number day  by day in  South Travancore[Kanyakumari district ].  In 1818 Mr. Mead established  a Seminary at Nagercoil, which later produced great Tamil poets and  writer like  Mr. Devavaram, Moses, John Palmer, C, Masillamani  and others.

For some  administrative reasons  the LMS  Mission field in kanyakumari district was divided into two parts as Eastern division and Western division  in1828, and for the eastern division,  Nagercoil was the Head quarters and for the western  division  Neyoor was the Head quarters. Leaving the eastern division to the care  of  Mr. Charles Mault ;  Revd Charles Mead moved  to  Neyoor in 1828   with his family along with   his native Assistant Devavaram's family.  Charles Mead  established many  churches and schools and also accomplished  many   remarkable  things in the social and educational  map  of theWestern division . Mead championed the cause of social justice in Kayakumari district  with the help of his fellow mission workers and Mrs. Mead.   Mrs. Mead    laboured for about 29 long years  with her husband tirelessly and she died at Neyoor on the 6th February 1848 aged 45 years.  The Christians  of  Kanyakumari district  abd  South India  are  indebted to her very much for her charity, liberality and motherly affection .

Revd. Charles Mead's controversial  and historical third marriage:  Following the death of his  wife Johanna , Mead  continued his missionary work as a widower for about five years,  and  due some reasons he decided to marry Miss Lois Biddulph , the daughter of Mr. Devavaram Biddulph the learned Christian Poet and the nephew of Mylaudy Maharaqsan Vedamanickam.  This marriage proposal was opposed by the local christians ,  fellow  pastors , and by the Directors of the LMS, London.  However sidelining and sidetracking all hurdles and opposition Charles Mead boldly married   Miss Lois Biddulph  in   September 1852 and resinged from the  Travancore Mission and went to Trivandrum and settled there.

Revd,Charles Mead's marrriage with Lois Buddulph  needs a careful re-reading  and critical review and perusal.  Probably   Mead's marriage with Lois , was the most revolutionary christian marriage in the annals of the  history of Christan marriages..   Actually such type intercaste and inter continental  marriages should have been encouraged among the Indian Christians by the foreign and local missionaries and Christians . Even today physical affinity wields  more influence than the spiritual affinity .  Mead's mental courage  to rise above racial barriers , colour confrontations, caste  and other man made petty differences,   deserve great appreciation and social appraisals and review. Had the Indian Christians Missionaries  and Church Leaders established a Casteless Christian community, the Indian Christians and Church   could have been  cited as the living and witnessing  example for communal harmony, fraternity , equality   and  peace.

C.M. Agur married Charles Mead's daughter:  Charles Mead and his wife Lois Mead were blessed with four children.  Mrs Lois Mead led a happy life with Mead and consoled and comforted  him  in his old age as compassionate wife.  The great Church  historian C.M. Agur married Ms. Joanna Carolata Mead, a daughter of Mr.Charles Mead and Lois  Biddulph Mead of Mylaudy.. This marriage helped C.M. Agur in so many ways to write the epoch making historical book , "The Church History  of Travancore". ; this book has  IV parts and  deals with the history of  Syrian Christian Church,  Roman Catholic Church, The London Missionary Church and The Christian Literature . C.M. Agur. B.A.,  worked as the  Office Manager of  The British Residents' office, at Trivandrum,   for nearly 20 years.


Following the publication of his historical book , The Church History of  Travancore in 1903 ,  he suddenly passed away  from this  world in 1904 and his his body was interred in  The Christ Church Cemetery at Trivandrum.  He lives invisibly  in his master-piece  " The  Church History Of Travancore" as a part of Church History . Probably Agur's book  is  one   the most quoted  book as reference by the Researchers. Historians and Writers .

P.BABU MANOHARAN, M.A,  [Rights reserved]{This article will be altered or modified if needed later]

Sunday, 20 October 2013

Great Journalists  From Kanyakumari,  Part Two:

Sundara Ramaswamy [1931—2005]. : Sundara Ramaswamy was a native of Kanyakumari district, and he was born at Thazhuviya Mahadevar Kovil village at Nagercoil, Kanyakumari district on 30,May,1931. He was a great writer, social and political analyst, literary critic, essayist, artist , journalist and magazine editor.

 The writings and the thoughts of Mahatma Gandhi, E.V.Ramasamy Naicker , Arbindo, Jiddu Kris hnamoorthy, P.Jeevanandam, Puthumaipithan, and poet Bharati, highly influenced  Sundara Ramaswamy . In order to give expressions to his creative thoughts and to provide an encouraging platform to the young promising writers , he started a Tamil literary magazine , “ Kalachuvadu” in1988.   Sundara Ramaswamy was popularly called as Soora.  He was the founder editor of Kalachuvadu and he used Kalachuvadu to achieve his burning literary and social goals. He was a radical thinker and a talented artist and painter. He had written three great thought provoking novels in Tamil; Oru Pulia Marathin Kathai;     J.J. Silakurippukal and Kulainthakal, Penkal, Ankal and also numerous articles on various subjects including literary criticisms short stories and poems. In recognition of his literary and journalistic achievements, he was honoured with many awards: Kumaran Asan Memorial Award;   Iyal Award by Tamil Literary garden ,    Katha Chudamani Award in 2004 and some other awards.. He developed a distinctive Tamil style and used it in his writings and speeches. Definitely he was taller than all awards he received, and he was an institution and inspiration to thousands of his literary fans .He has become an indelible milestone in the literary and journalistic map Tamil speaking world.   Sundara Ramaswamy passed away on 14 October, 2005. Now his worthy son Kannan has succeeded his father as the Publisher and Editor of Kalachuvadu and so far Kannan is really doing well .

Nandhu Sundaram :      Nandhu Sundaram is the grandson of the legendary Sundaram Ramaswamy. Nandhu Sundaram is now working as the Principal Correspondent at The Times Of India, Coimbatore , Tamil Nadu. He is a product of Manonmaniam Sundaranar university during 1994-1999[B.Sc. Physics] ;Madras Christian college [ PG Diploma in Journalism and Mass Communication --1999-2000 ]and Asian college of journalism[ Broadcast Journalism-- 2000-2001] . He is having a checkered journalistic career,  he has worked with the Sun TV, New Indian Express , and Deccan Chronicle. Now he is the Principal Correspondent of the Times Of India, Coimbatore and looks after the stories connected with art and culture, agriculture , highways and higher education . Definitely he will be having a promising future in the field of journalism

Babu Jeyakumar :   Babu Jeyakumar is working as the Deputy Resident Editor at The New Indian Express, Chennai and he was born in Kanyakumari district , and now he is well known as a celebrated English language journalist throughout the length and breadth of our country.
He was a student of the famous Scott Christian College, Nagercoil during 1978-1984; ; and he did his M.A. in English literature in Scott Christian College. His journalistic travel is closely connected with The new Indian Express. Under various designations he has worked with the New Indian Express, and at present he is working as the Deputy Resident Editor at the New Indian Express, Chennai since December 2010. Politics is his favourite and specialized field and he is well remembered for his shrewd political articles published in the New Indian Express.{ Now he is not working with the New Indian Express.]

K.B.Mohan :    K.B. Mohan is one of the tallest journalists of Kanyakumari district. He was born on 24 September, 1955. at Nagercoil, Kanyakumari district.  Now he is working as Senior Assistant Editor at The Hindu, Coimbatore.
He had his early education in Kendriya Vidyalaya and Carmal Garden Matriculation School, Coimbatore [1966-1972]. He did his M.A. in English literature in the famous Scott Christian College , Nagercoil, 1972-1978. He started his journalistic career as a sport reporter at the Indian Express . He had also worked as the News Editor at the New Indian Express , Chennai for a long period of time. Now K.B.Mohan is woking as the Senior Assistant Editor at The Hindu news paper, Coimbatore .  The inspiring sport related articles written by him in the Indian Express still linger in the minds of sport lovers and paper readers. Definitely he will go miles and reach peaks the field of journalism.[ Now he has left the Hindu News Paper ]

Krishnamurthy Ramasubbu :   Krishnamurthy Ramasubbu is the grandson of the great news paper doyen T. V. Ramasubbuaiyar of Dinamalar. As a Columnist he had written many articles in The New Indian Express. Now he is working as the Chief of News Bureau  of  Dinamalar news paper.

Sangeetha Neeraja :  Sangeetha Neeraja is a developmental journalist and two time winner of the prestigious"  Laldli Media Award " instituted by the Population First, supported by the United Nations Population Fund . She was born at Nagercoil, Kanyakumari district as the eldest daughter of Mr.P. Babu Manoharan and Mrs. Vanitha Babu. Sangeetha Neeraja  was a product of the Holy Cross College, Nagercoil [B. Sc. Chemistry] and Bishop Heber College , Trichy[M.S.W.] . She started her journalistic career as a Correspondent with the Indian Express, business division , Mumbai.  Then she joined The Times of India, Chennai, and then she shifted to the New Indian Express Chennai, as News Reporter.  During her tenure with The New Indian Express for her work in developmental journalism,  she received many awards , including “ The Growing Up In War –Media Fellowship, to study the impact of conflict on children of  the Maoist corridors of India , instituted by CRY.

Other Journalists: There  are many other great journalist in Kanyakumari district and their profiles will be dealt with in another post.

 P.BABU MANOHARAN,.M.A,  [Rights reserved This Article will be enlarged , modified and corrected , later if needed}

Monday, 14 October 2013

Great Journalists from Kanyakumari - Part 1

Introduction : Kanyakumari  district has produced  some outstanding journalists    of national and global stature  like Comrade  P. Jeevanandam , T.V.Ramasubbaiyar,   David Davidar,  and the present Chairman of the Board Directors  of Press Trust of India  R. Lakshmipathy  and some others ..As conscience keepers of the people , these journalists by their  shrewd  and  effective writings  have enlightened the general public on all vital issues and served  as the voice of the people  on all important occasions.

P. Jeevanandam [1907-1963]  He was a great socialist  thinker, writer and journalist  and he was born on 21 august 1907 in a beautiful idyllic village called   Boothapandi  in Thovalai Taluk of  Kanyakumari district in an orthodox family  and his original name was Sorimuthu Pillai and later he changed his name as Jeevanandam. . Jeevanandam was affectionately called as  Jeeva  by the people.  As a born social and political activist Jeeva used journalism   as a powerful  weapon to express his views  and fight against social political and economic injustices.

P. Jeevanandam

Jeeva was the founder  editor of  the news paper called Janasakthi , which means the power of the people and  also a  literary  magazine called Thamarai.. As a fire brand writer,  without any fear or compromise Jeeva wrote many articles for the cause the working class people .  He also encouraged  many young budding writers   to write in   journals including Janasakthi and Thamarai. and many of those young people later flourished as great writers and journalists of national stature, like    Sundra Ramasamy , Ponneelan and others.  The political contribution of Jeeva will be  dealt in another  Post.. He died on 18 January, 1963.

T.V. Ramasubbaiyar  [1908--1984]:     Ramasubbaiyar  was  born on 2 October , 1908   , at Thazhuvic Mahadevar Koil Village , Nagercoil , Kanyakumari District . As a  tryst with destiny  ,  he was fortunate  to share his birthday with Mahatma Gandhi. He was  affectionately called by the people as TVR.

T.V. Ramasubbaiyar 

He was a great patriot and so  spontaneously he loved his country men  by  rising above all petty narrow domestic walls .   As a born thinker and journalist  TVR started the  famous Tamil daily   news paper Dinamalar , in1951 in Trivandrum,  to voice for the legitimate  cause  of the people of Kanyakumari district and the general public; and  the historical first copy  of Dinamalar  was  released by the great Tamil  historian and scholar  Prof. Vaiyapuri Pillai.

TVR's  powerful writings  in Dinamalar, caused and  facilitated to a great extent , the merger of Kanyakumari district with Tamil Nadu.. Since 1951 without  any  turning back , Dinamalar  has been growing in a spectacular way   and now it is one the most popular  Tamil   news papers  in  India, read by lacks of people daily through out the world. .     Dinamalar is known for it's fair political criticism . 

TVR and  his famous  children  : The journalistic   mission of Ramasubbaiyar is being continued with  the same spirit and new scope  by his sons and grand-sons.

TVR's son Shri. R. Lakshmipathy , is the  Chairman of the Board of Directors of the  Press Trust of India and he was the President of the Indian News Papers Association[INS] and Indian Languages News Paper Association [ILNA]and also he  is a  member of the Press Council  of India.  He  is doing his best for the cause of free and fair journalism  in India
Likewise  TVR' other sons R.Venkitapathy ,R. Krishnapathy, R.  Raghavan and R. Sathyamoorthy   have made lasting contribution for the cause fearless and fair journalism . TVR's grand-sons  L. Ramasubbu and K.Ramasubbu  have been showing great promises in the field of journalism  following the foot-steps of their grandfather TVR.  Definitely  TVR and his children have become  shining milestones in the journalistic and general history of  Kanyakumari  and India.

David Davidar:  David Davidar was  born  on 27 September 1958 at  Nagercoil,   Kanyakumari district . In the field of journalism and book publishing he is an international figure today . He studied in Harvard university and Madras Christian College. He is a great novelist , editor , columnist and publisher .

David Davidar

Davidar  as a journalist worked  in some important magazines like Himmat [founded by Rajmohan Gandhi, the grandson of  Gandhiji and Rajaji], Keynote [ edited by the famous writer Dom Moraes and his actress wife Leela Naidu] in various capacity and has published many articles written by him  in those magazines.   He  also worked in Gentleman as the executive editor, moreover Davidar has contributed many articles in the Hindu,   and apart from these   he has written numerous articles  both in  the  Indian  national magazines and international journals..  He served as the first editor of the famous  Penguin India  and later as it's publisher.   He has  also written three internationally acclaimed   novels in English  : "The  House of Blue  Mangoes";  "The Solitude of Emperors "  and "Ithaca ".  He is the co-founder of  the famous  Alep Book  Company. Kanyakumari district  can be really proud  of David Davidar.

D.C. Joseph:  D.C .Joseph  was one of the tallest social thinkers and journalists of Kanyakumari district and he was  the founder and editor of the English news paper , "Travancore Times" , and that was the first English news paper in the then Travancore state.  He  also served as the  editor of  the Tamil news paper "Thiruvithancore  Abimani ", and  due to some reason  later he changed it's name as " Thiyahanadu.".  He wrote many articles both in English and Tamil in the respective News Papers for the cause of the  poor people and social justice.  He was  a many faceted personality. He a was the son-in-law of  the famous Head-Master of Scott Christian High School , Sri . Paul Daniel  , M.A .    D.C. Joseph had the privilege to  serve as a  Member of Travancore Legislative Assembly.  Really he was a great journalist  and a noble  man  in all sense of the term He passed away in 1959.  .

The profiles of the remaining journalists  will be continued in the next Post.

P .BABU MANOHARAN,M.A,.[Rights reserved. This Article will be altered or modified later if needed].

Wednesday, 9 October 2013

Daniel Paramanandam the first deacon of Home Church, Nagercoil (19th century)

Introduction :Kanyakumari district  has produced   many remarkable   personalities  who had become milestones in the political, social, religious, educational  and intellectual map of our district and country. And through this post I want to share the accomplishments of  the great men  of Kanyakumari district with my country men.

I would like to salute the great souls of our district by  highlighting their  invaluable contributions   in their respective fields  for the cause of our district and our country. I am  neither  following chronological seniority nor the merit of  the personalities, but here I  present  the  profiles and accomplishments of them as it comes to my mind.

I would like to introduce  a great  unsung  personality, Daniel  Paramanandam of  Nagercoil, who was chosen as the first deacon of the  historical Nagercoil Home Church. By becoming the first deacon of Nagercoil Home Church, Daniel Paramanandam had become a historical  milestone in  the Church  history of Kanyakumari  district.

The history of the London Missionary  Society began in South Travancore in the year 1806 with the arrival of  the legendary  LMS missionary  Ringeltaube at Mylaudy  in 1806, in  kanyakumari District.  Ringeltaube supported by Mylaudy Vethamanickam started the evangelical work in Kayakumari district  and established the first  7  LMS churches  and some primary schools in  the district .  Charles Mead and Charles Mault succeeded  Ringeltaube and  expanded the missionary work throughout  Kanyakumari  district in a successful manner.  As a result there  arose a big gap between the demand  and supply of LMS  pastors.  In this context, the Deputation of Dr. Mullens of LMS arrived at Kanyakumari District in 1866.

A new era began  in the history of  of the LMS in Kanyakumari District  in the year  1866, in connection with the arrival  of  Revd. Dr. Mullens  in February 1866 as a Deputation  from the Directors of the London Missionary Society.   As a result  of the discussions between the  Missionaries  of the Travancore District Committee and  Revd. Mullens ,   the Deputation   willingly agreed to establish a Native Pastorate  in the LMS  Mission in Kanyakumari district. Accordingly  Devadasan, Zachariah, C. Masillamani  and Yesudian were ordained  as Native Ministers  in 1866. Like the ordination of the above four Native Ministers,  the offices of the deacons  in each important Church were also established  in 1866 in the District. The first three deacons of the Nagercoil Home Church  were Messrs. Daniel Paramanandam,  Nathaniel, and P.D. Devasahayam.

Daniel Paramanandam  was a contemporary of Bishop Caldwell ,  Rev Charles Mault and Rev. Charles Mead. Mr. Daniel Paramanadam  was a great  friend and close companion of Rev. Charles Mault and Rev.Charles Mead of the London Missionary Society and he  was very much loved by them. He was known in short as Paramanandam deacon.

Daniel Paramandam  deacon's family :   Mr.  Daniel Paramandam's wife  Mrs.  Paramayee Fanny was a blood relative of the great Maharasan Vethamanickam of Mylaudy, the first Protestant Christian of South Travancore.  They were blessed with  seven daughters and one son. The  famous  christian writer and poet Rev. C .Masillamani , the grandson of Mylaudy Maharasan Vethamanickam , married  Esther Fanny Paramanandam , a daughter of Paramanandam deacon on the 29th March 1855  and then after her demise he married her sister  Jocabed Fanny in 1872.  And Rev C. Masillamani's  first son was the great church historian Mr.C.M.Agur, B.A. who wrote the monumental 1188 pages book  called  Church History Of Travancore , in 1903, in English.   I  will deal with Rev. C. Masillamani and his remarkable   son  Church Historian Mr. C.M.Agur ,  separately later in another post.

Paramanandam Deacon's great grandson Padmasri Handel Manuel: Mr.Joseph Munshi  married Marthal Fanny Paramanandam , a beautiful daughter of Paramanandam deacon and  this loving couple had nine children namely Jonadab,  Ambrose, Robert,  Joshua,  Lysa,  Schaffter,  Packiam,  Muththa,and Sohusa.

Mr. Ambrose's daughter Daya  married   Dr. Manuel and this couple's first son was the world famous pianist organist, music conductor and music composer Padma Sri  Handel Manuel.  Handel Manuel became as the first Indian  Conductor of the Madras Musical Association, at the age of 23 and also Handel served as the Choirmaster  and organist at St. Andrew's Church , Chennai ,  till death.  Moreover Handel the great-grandson of Mr Daniel  Paramanandam and   was the founder Director  of the Madras Philharmonic  and Choral Society.  In recognition of his western musical  genius  , the Government of India honoured  Handel Manuel  with the prestigious Padma Sri Award in 1983.  Handel was  recognized  throughout  the world  for his musical genius and the Government of UK ,  honoured  him with a life  membership  of  the Royal School of Church Music, London, in1987,  a unique and rare honour  for any non British  citizen . Moreover when Sri.  C. Rajaopalachariar, the first and the last  Indian Governor General  of the Republic Of India  composed a song to be sung by the famous  Bharat Ratna  M.S.Sublakshmi in United  Nations Organization ,  Sri. Rajaji invited  Handel Manuel  to compose music for  that song , and Handel composed music for the song and won the applause  internationally.   Handel Manuel  passed away  on 22nd October , 1994 and the Hindu , published  a half a page tribute  about him.  Mr. Vijay Manuel the worthy son Handel Manuel has been associated with the great Music Composer Ilyaraja for the last forty years and Vijay has been serving as the main  Organist and Pianist  in Ilyararaja's  musical team. There is hardly any music composition by Ilayaraja without   Vijay's  musical accompaniment.

Paramanandam deacon  and Dr. Robert Caldwell :    Paramanandam and his family enjoyed the love and confidence of  The LMS.  Missionary Rev. Charles Mault and his wife  and their daughter  Elysa was practically brought up in the house of Mr. Paramanandam . As a result Elysa Mault became very fluent in speaking Nageroil Tamil.   Bishop Dr. Robert  Caldwell  married Elysa  Mault and this historical  marriage was  conducted in the  Home Church, Nagercoil  on 20th March, 1844.  Mrs Elysa Caldwell  moved to Edayangudi after  the marriage, and  helped Dr. Caldwell in many useful ways.

Dr. Robert  Caldwell wrote the monumental and epoch making  book, A  Comparative Grammar of Dravidian Languages  and laid the foundation for the Dravidian cultural and political renaissance. Whenever Dr Caldwell and Elysa  visited  their  Woodlands Estate in Asambu hills , Kanyakumari district, they  used to visit  Paramandam's family whenever possible. While  Paramanandam was very sick and nearing  his demise Dr. Caldwell and his wife visited  Paramanandam and prayed  for him  .Paramanandam's family treated   these  visits of Dr. Caldwell as a mark of  great honour .

Conclusion :Mr . Daniel Paramanandam had the privilege of moving with great religious and intellectual leaders of his time like Dr. Caldwell , Charles  Mault ,Charles  Mead  and  others   and made a lasting impact  in the church and social    history  of Kanyakumari disrtict.  
He and his  grandsons  C.M.Augur and London educated geologist Ezra Masillamani  and his   great- grandson  Padma  Sri Handel Manuel  had become milestones  in the history of Kanyakumari district.
P. BABU MANOHARAN, M.A,.[Rights reserved. This Article will be altered or modified if needed later].

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

Welcome !

I am  P. Babu Manoharan , and I am glad to welcome all of you to my Blog 

Kanyakumari District is the southern most district in the state of Tamil Nadu  and also in India. It is known for its ancient culture, educational advancement, historical significance and heritage.

I am P. Babu Manoharan  and I reside in Nagercoil , Kanyakumari district,Tamil Nadu, India . I am really excited to meet all of you through my Blog   I was born on the 20th September, 1945 in Nagercoil to Mr Paulwilliam and Ms Packiamuthu Paulwilliam . I did my High School studies at the famous S.M.S.M English High School, Suchindrum in Kanyakumari  District.. I did my undergraduate  college studies { PUC and BA ] at the famous Scott Christian College in Nagercoil and passed my BA in 1967, and I did my M.A [ Economics ] at the famous Jamal Mohamad College Trichy, [1967- 1969  ] and passed my MA in 1969
I married Ms  Ann Vanitha Selvados, B.Sc. B.Ed, on the 10th October 1973 at Calvary Lutheran Church , Nagercoil  and  we are blessed with three children namely :-[1] Ms. Sangeetha Neeraja , B.Sc, MSW, M.Sc [UK], [2] Mr Praveen Reuben , B.Sc [ Nursing ] and [3] Ms Anuraga  B.Pharm, .P.G. Diploma in Pharmacy [UK ] .   My daughter Sangeetha has successfully defended her PhD, viva , in UK; my son Reuben is working as Nursing Supervisor in U.K and my youngest daughter Anuraga is working as a registered Pharmacist in U.K . 

I have written some  Articles in English in Home Rule, my short stories had been published in Amuthasurabi, Pookkoodai [CLS], broadcasted in All India Radio,  etc, I have authored one Tamil Novel called Neeril Varaintha Oviyangal and three  books in English namely, [1]A Political Sling, [2]  Cry of an Artist's Palette and [3] Mr. C.M.AGUR, B.A and MANY OTHER MILESTONES .. I was a Rotarian and had served as the Secretary of the Rotary Club of Yarncity Nagercoil and also had served as the  Editor of the Rotayarn [ The  Club's Official News Bulletin ] for three times.
I love Reading, Painting, and Writing  

Since the days of the great Tamil scholar Tholkappiar till today, Kanyakumari District has been producing great personalities in various fields like Religion, Politics, Science, literature, Education etc. 

I would like to write about the valuable contributions and accomplishments made by the achievers known to me from Kanyakumari.Dist,  from  Tamil Nadu , India. and abroad,   for the joy of your reading and comments.

I hope you will enjoy my Blog\ and encourage me by your valuable and constructive  comments .

P.Babu Manoharan,M.A,. .