Sunday 15 September 2024

A Former President of Nagercoil Bar Association and Past Governor of Rotary District 3212 ,M.P.H.F. Rtn. M. Ashok Padmaraj, B.Sc, B.L ,.

Introduction     : A Former President of Nagercoil Bar Association and  Past Rotary Governor of Rotary District 3212 , M.P.H.F. Rtn. M. Ashok Padmaraj, B.Sc, B.l,  is dynamic personality and one of the illustrious sons of Kanyakumari district. Indeed he is a multi faceted personality, he is an eminent Lawyer, eloquent  Speaker both in Tamil and English, dynamic  Rotarian ,  great Christian Believer, efficient Administrator and a good unassuming Human-being . His life story and accomplishments will galvanise the readers with new goals, hopes, and mission and vision to live a meaningful life.

                                           MPHF . Rtn. Mr. M. Ashok Padmaraj , B,Sc, B.L,.

Mr. M. Ashok Padmaraj's Parents and His Birth    : There lived a gentleman by name Mr. Manas with his beautiful wife by name Ms. J. Carlin Ramani Bai   in Nagercoil and God blessed this blissful couple with all the connubial blessings and this couple gave birth  to Mr. Rtn. M.Ashok Padmaraj  on 16th May 1963.

Mr. Ashok Padmaraj's Educational track       :  Mr. M. Ashok Padmaraj  pursued his School Education   at the famous S.L.B Higher Secondary School, Nagercoil .and passed his Plus Two Govt Examination with high  marks.  After having passed his Plus Two examination with high marks he pursued his B.Sc [ Mathematics] at the famous S.T. Hindu College Nagercoil [ 1980-1983] and passed his B.Sc[Maths ] meritoriously..  Then Mr. M. Ashok Padmaraj did his B,L at the famous Government Law College Madurai  and passed his B.L ,

His Siblings   :   Mr .Manas and his wife Mrs Carolin  Ramani Bai Manas couple gave birth to the  following children namely  ;- [1] Mr. Ashok Macrin,  B.Sc [ Horticulture ] and he served in the Department  of Horticulture, Govt of Tamil Nadu and after  having served  in the Horticulture  Dept  for 36 years with great devotion and distinction he retired as Deputy Director of  Horticulture and after retirement he lives with his family in Nagercoil. and [2]  Mr. M.Ashok Padmaraj, B.Sc, B.L , [ He is the Hero of this Article ] ,

His Wife and Children        :   Mr. Ashok Padmaraj married  Ms. R.D. Sunitha on 13th January , 1994 and Mr Ashok Padmaraj and Mrs R.D. Sunitha Ashok Padmaraj couple gave birth to the  following children namely ;- [1] Ms .Dr. Shammy Caroline, M.B.B.S, and she married Mr. Laji Kumar and this couple gave birth to a cute son by name Yahin and Mr. Ashok Padmaraj likes his Grandson Yahin so much beyond words   [ 2] Mr. Shamin Samuvel , B.B.A, L.L.B[ Hons] and he is blooming as a  promising Lawyer.  Mrs. R.D. Sunitha Ashok Padmaraj is  a member of the Rotary Club of Nagercoil Mid Town. 

Mr. M. Ashok Padmaraj's Legal Career   :  After having passed his B.L, Mr. M. Ashok Padmaraj started his professional career as a Junior Lawyer at the Nagercoil District Court.  Mr. Ashok Padmaraj picked up the intricacies of the legal profession and  bloomed as an adept  Lawyer in interpreting the  provisions, sections  and acts of law . He started his own Law firm by name ,  " Manas Law Firm " just in front of the District and Sessions Court Nagercoil, Court Road Nagercoil . Since 1991 for the last 33 years he has been  practising  both as a Civil Lawyer and Criminal Lawyer with great legal efficacy and acumen. .He is the Senior Jurist of the Young Jurist Firm , a Pan India Law Firm in New Delhi.  As he is blessed with an excellent debating and arguing skill both in English and Tamil, he  won many important Law Suits and bloomed as a  famous  Lawyer in Kanyakumari district and Tamil Nadu  He won the love and respect of the Judges, fellow Lawyers and the general Public.  .. Mr. M. Ashok Padmaraj, B.Sc, B.L, was elected as the President of the famous  Nagercoil Bar Association for the year 2014-2015.  It would be useful to the historians and readers to remember a historical fact here that late Marshal ANesamony, B.A, B.L, also had served as the President of the Nagercoil Law Association in the year 1943..Mr.M. Ashok Padmaraj  had the rare privilege to serve as the President of Nagercoil Bar Association for three terms with great distinction. In every  working day  People throng the Manas Law Firm for legal advice  and filing Law Suits for redressal. and  justice.. .

Rtn. M. Askpk Padmaraj as  a Rotarian     :  Mr. M. . Ashok Padmaraj , B.Sc, B.L, joined the Rotary Club of Nagercoil Mid Town during the Rotary year 1994- 95  and afterwards there was no turning back . He had  decorated all the important positions in R.C of Nagercoil Mid Town  such as Secretary, President, Chairman of all Avenues, etc,. By his eloquent and mesmerising Speeches, very soon he became very popular  Rotarian in R.I. District 3212 and  became  a much sought after Speaker in Rotary Club meetings.. He had also served as Rotary District  Chairman [3212 ] for Club Services with great enthusiasm and efficiency.. Deservingly he got the privilege and honour  to serve  as an Assistant Governor of the R.I. District 3212.  Finally he was elected as the Rotary Governor of the Rotary District 3212  for the Rotary year of 2014 -2015..  MPHF Rtn.. M. Ashok Padmaraj succeeded Major Donor Rtn Jessiah Villavarayan as the Rotary Governor of Rotary District 3212 . District Governor  MHPF Rtn. M. Ashok Padmaraj, discharged all of his official duties as  Governor of Rotary district 3212 with great distinction and efficacy.. .During his Governorship he did so many worthwhile projects for the welfare of the people, for example  he established a Mother Feeding Centre at Nagercoil  Bus Stand for the first time in Tamil Nadu and later the Tamil Nadu State Govt also adopted the "Mother Feeding Centre Project" as a Government Project,.

Conclusion     : MPHF Rtn .M.  Ashok Padmaraj, B.Sc, B.L  is a remarkable and charismatic Rotarian , Lawyer and a good Human-being  . Rtn. M. Ashok Padmaraj had the privilege to visit the  following countries and cities namely ;-[a] Germany, Brussels, Paris, Switzerland and Holland. Mr. Ashok Padmaraj is really one of the best Lawyers in Tamil Nadu. and the Nagercoil Bar Association rightly recognised his legal acumen and administrative efficiency by electing Him  as its President for three times.   He is a powerful speaker and preacher.,  a lover of Books and a good Reader of valuable Books .. He is a staunch Christian Believer; Christian  Churches invite him to deliver sermon in the Church services.  PDG. Rtn. Mr. Ashok Padmaraj loves his wife , children and grandson Yahin  very much.  .Mrs R.D. Sunitha Ashok Padmaraj   plays a vital role  in his life and we can call her as the backbone of Rtn. Ashok Padmaraj.. He is invited as Chief Guest at Installation ceremonies in Rotary Clubs,   main Speaker at Pre- President Elect Training Seminars [ PETS], Rotary District  Seminars, etc.  He is also invited as Chief Guest  by Colleges, Schools etc. As a Rotarian his fame has reached beyond the borders of the Rotary District  3212 and he is invited as Chief Guest or main Speaker  by other other Rotary Districts also.. As he is an eloquent , elegant, inspiring and convincing speaker , people call him as ," Chollin Selvar " with great affection and admiration . He is a public spirited Lawyer and Rotarian and he balances his Legal profession  and Rotary career harmoniously . It is not possible to cover all the chapters and accomplishments of PDG .Rtn.M. Ashok Padmaraj, B.Sc, B.L,  within the space of this Article and so I will end this Article with the  following sentence .  " Dear and respected  PDG.Rtn. Ashok Padmaraj, I thank God  for you and proud of you " . 
By. P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,.[ All rights are reserved. This article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed]. 

Friday 13 September 2024

Former Student of Madurai American College, Former Medical student of Christian Medical College [ C.M.C, ] Vellore , Former Acting Chief Medical Officer of C.B.H. Nagercoil , General and Orthopaedic Surgeon ," Ministry of health', Muscat [ 1981- 1995] and Chief Medical Officer, Carmel Hospital. Manalikarai .Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan, B.A., M.B.B.S, D. Ortho, M.S

Introduction     ;  Late  Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan, B.Sc, M.B.B.S, D.Ortho, M.S,  was a famous Surgeon , he was a colourful multifaced personality and he hailed from an illustrious Christian family from  Kanyakumari District .He was very intelligent , hard worker, voracious Reader , Author of a Book in English,  efficient Administrator, a  staunch Christian believer , social Thinker and a bold positive Thinker who faced the challenges with great grit and hope . He was generally called as Dr. Lawrence,. A perusal of his marvellous  life travel  will galvanise the readers with new goals , hope and grit to live a meaningful life. 

                                Dr. M. lawrence Packia Seelan, B.Sc, M.B.B.S, D.Ortho, M.S,.

Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan's  Parents and Birth       :      Some decades ago there lived  a dedicated Man of God  by name SrMaj. G.S. Manuel with his pious wife by name Mrs. M. Yesudial in Kanyakumari district  and this blessed couple gave birth  to Dr. Lawrence Packia Seelan on 26 th August , 1935.

Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan's Siblings   ;    God blessed Mr. G.S. Manuel and Mrs M. Yesudial Manuel couple with all the conjugal blessings and this couple gave birth to the following children namely ;-[1]  Late.Mr. M.Victor Gunaseelan [  Indian Air Force] , [2] Late Mr. M. Allan and he served in the Indian Navy  and he married  Dr. Geetha Sornbai , M.B.B.S, [ a granddaughter of the former  Moderator of S.I.U.C and great Tamil Christian Poet Rev. Prof. V. Santiago ], [3] Late Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan, [ The Hero of this Article ], [4] Mrs. Annie, M.Ped, [ N.C.C, Officer ], [5] Mr. M. Thomas Sathiya Seelan  [ He resides in U.K with his family  ],.

Dr. M. Lawrence's  Educational Track        : Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan did his Primary School Studies at the Primary School at kadamalai kunnu . Due to his father's frequent Transfers he did his High School Studies in different Schools.  And after having passed his P.U.C, Dr. M. Lawrence  Packia Seelan pursued his B. A,[ Zoology] at the famous American College , Madurai and passed his B.A in 1956.  Due to the encouragement given by Dr. Harry Williams, F.R.C.S, [ The  then Chief Medical Officer, at C.B.H, Nagercoil,  Dr. lawrence, B.A,  pursued his M.B.B.S,  at the prestigious Christian Medical College at Vellore and passed his M.B.B.S in 1966. It would be interesting to mention here about two of his illustrious M.B.B.S, classmates . A famous  former  HOD of General Surgery Department, CMC, Vellore   Dr S.R.  Banerjee Jesudason, M.B.B.S, M.S, F.R.C.S and the world famous Tamil Christian Singer and Accordionist late Dr. Anand Chellappa , MBBS, were Dr. M Lawrence Packia Seelan's MBBS Classmates in CMC, Vellore.    Then he did his D. Ortho  in C.M.C, Vellore  and passed his D.Ortho in 1970.. In line with his thirst for specialised medical Knowledge he pursued his M.S,[ General Surgery] at the famous Stanley Medical College  and passed his M.S in 1976..

                                Dr.M. Lawrence Packia Seelan with his Wife and Children 

Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan's  Wife and Children    :  Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan, M.B.B.S, D. Ortho, married Ms  Rajamma , daughter of late Mr.. Arumainayagam and Mrs. Sornam Arumainayagam on 16th April, 1971 at the Catherine Booth Hospital  Chapel , Nagercoil . God blessed Dr. Lawrence Packia Seelan and Mrs Rajamma Lawrence couple with all the connubial blessings and this couple gave birth to the   following children namely :- [1]  Ms. Dorothy Lawrence , B.Sc, M.A,{ Eng] , M.Phil, M.Ed, and currently she is working as a Teacher at the Adarsh Vidyal Kendra School, [CBSE Syllabus ] , at Punnarkulam, [2] Mr. L. Immanuel, B.E and he works in a  reputed company in Bangalore , and [3] Ms. Asha Lawrence, M.B.B.S, [ U,K],. 

Dr. M. Lawrence's Professional Track   :   After having passed his M.B.B.S, Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan  joined the famous Catherine Booth Hospital in Nagercoil as a Medical Officer in the year 1967 and served in CBH  nearly for two years [ 1967--1968] with great enthusiasm .Then he moved to C.M.C, Vellore and did his D. Ortho [1968-1969] and passed his D. Ortho in 1970. . In 1969, Dr. M Lawrence joined CBH as a Senior Medical Officer and served in CBH for nearly three years  [1969- 1971], . Then he moved to the Evangeline Booth Hospital at Idubrolu in Andra Pradesh and worked as Chief Medical Officer with great devotion.  Then on his own initiative he took a break and joined the famous Stanley Medial College Madras in 1972, and pursued his M.S[ General Surgery ] and passed his M.S, in 1976.. As soon as he  completed  his M.S, degree Course  , Dr.M. Lawrence  Packia Seelan joined the CBH as a General Orthopaedic Surgeon  served in CBH  until he left CBH,  with great distinction. Then Dr. M Lawrence served as the Chief Medical Officer at the famous Carmel Hospital, at Manalikara. for a short span of time..  Afterwards Dr. M. Lawrence moved to Muscat and worked in a Private Hospital as General and Orthopaedics Surgeon during the period 1977- 1981.. Then Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seeelan ,got a job as General and Orthopaedics Surgeon at the Ministry of Health, Muscat,  [ Government Service]  and served as a General and Orthopaedics \Surgeon nearly for fifteen years with great enthusiasm and efficiency [ 1981- 1995],. Then he returned from Muscat to India  and joined the Evangeline Booth Hospital at Kattakada , near Trivandrum  and served as its Chief Medical Officer for some period of time . Then he worked aa a Medical Doctor  at the Mission Hospital at kavalkinaru for a few years. In the year 2003, Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan joined the famous 50 bedded R.C.  Carmel Hospital , Manalikarai   as a General and  Orthopaedics Surgeon and worked for some years and  finally retired from his active Medical Service. and settled in Nagercoil with his family .

Conclusion       :    Dr. M.  Lawrence Packia Seelan, B,Sc, M.B.B.S, D.Ortho, M.S, was not only a great Medical Doctor and Surgeon but also  was a great Christian Believer. While he was working in the Catherin Booth Hospital , Nagercoil , Dr.M. Lawrence Packia Seelan  had the privilege to work as Acting Chief Medical Officer of C.B.H, Nagercoil for nearly six months. .He had monetarily helped many Christian Missionary Organizations namely , TVGM , Jesus Reems Ministry, GEMS to build  a few small Chapels / House of Worships in needy places. . Dr. M. Lawrence was privileged and blessed to be born on the Birthday of Mother Teresa [ Mother Teresa'a Birth day was 26th August ,1910]  and Dr. M. Lawrence also was very kind towards the poor people and had helped many poor people secretly . He was also concerned  about the  welfare and salvation of the poor Tribal people and accordingly Dr. M. Lawrence had helped a Tribal Evangelist  to build a small Prayer House, by name " Manuel Prayer House" at Koothakattu kulam, in memory of his beloved father Mr. G.S. Manuel .  In addition he had helped to build  a few  more small Chapels for the Tribal people in some other places. More over he had been helping a tribal boy through  "Hope For India" missionary organization and after his death his wife and children continue to support that Tribal boy  for his education. His benevolent helping actions might inspire  many Christians to come forward and help the poor children for their education .   He was a great patriot like his brothers . Dr. Lawrence had passed his N.C.C, B Certificate . He  was a good Throw Ball Player. he loved music, he was a key Board Player,  and he was a good Singer of English Christian Songs. and  he also had served as a Sunday School teacher at BTH  Church for English medium Senior Sunday School Class,  Dr. M. Lawrence was voracious Reader and his command over English language was laudable and he had authored  a Book in English.  He was a real Searcher of Knowledge .and he had a good collection of Books in his house  at Victory Lane , Nagercoil . He loved his family so much and his wife Mrs Rajamma Lawrence stood as a Pillar behind him in all weathers and situations. Dr. M. Lawrence Packia Seelan breathed his last breath on 29th September , 2023, at C.B.H, Nagercoil.  It is not possible to record all the  chapters of his life and accomplishments within the  space of this Article and so I will end this Article with the following sentence," Dear Dr. Lawrence Packia Seelan, I miss you, I thank God for you and I am proud of you "
By P. Babu Manoharan, M.A, { All rights are reserved . This Article will be enlarged , modified or  corrected later  if needed ].l

Thursday 22 August 2024

University Gold Medalist in M.E [ Structural Engineering] , A Chartered Engineer {U.K} , Principal Engineer / Structural Lead - Offshore Substructures and Topside and Bid Strategy Solution Manager at WORLEY Ltd, London , U.K , Er. I. Alexandar Noel Suresh , B.E, M.E, M.S, [U.K].

Introduction      : Er. I. Alexandar Noel Suresh , B.E, M.E. M.S,[U.K] is a multifaceted personality and  he is an outstanding  Structural Engineer and an efficacious Chartered Engineer,  voracious Reader, Thinker, wise Planner ,  efficient  Administrator,  a staunch Christian believer and so on.  Currently he serves as a Technical Lead Engineer and Manager at the famous multinational Company, Worley Ltd, London  U.K.,, managing Engineering Offices across U.K. India , Australia U.S. Thailand , and south Korea , with great efficacy , enthusiasm and distinction.. Mr. I. Alexandar Noel Suresh  is generally known  as Mr. Alex Immanuel . .His educational and professional accomplishments will galvanise the readers and the young Engineers and technocrats with  new  vision , mission and hope  and enlighten them to live a meaningful and successful life,  

                            Chartered Engineer I. Alexandar Noel Suresh, B.E, M.E, M.S [ U. K],.

Er. I. Alexandar Noel Suresh's  Parents and his Birth         : Layam  Puzhiyanvilai   is a beautiful idyllic village situated   between Vellamadam  and Cholapurm in Thovalai taluk , Kanyakumari district, and in this village there lived a rich Agriculturist by name Mr E. Subbiah  with his wife Mrs. Marthal and this couple gave birth to Rev.  Dr. S. Immanuel and he married Ms. Y. Devanesam [ Staff Nurse]. Rev. Dr. S. Immanuel and Mrs Y. Devanesam Immanuel couple gave birth to Mr. Er. I. Alexandar Noel Suresh , M.E. M.S, on 14th July 1977  [ He is the Hero of this Article ].  Since 30th November 2019 Rev. Dr. Immanuel has been serving as Bishop of the Integrated Union of Anglican  Diocese , Kanyakumari district with great distinction and dignity.

Er. Alexander Noel Suresh's Siblings   ; God blessed Rt. Rev. Bishop Dr. S. Immanuel and Mrs Y. Devanesam Immanuel couple with all the connubial blessings and this couple  gave birth to the following children namely :- [1] Mr. Er. Alexandar Noel Suresh , M.E, M.S,[ U.K,... he is the Hero of this Article ], [2] Ms. Anita Merline Pevinson, M.E, [Ph.D] and she married Er. Dr. P. Pevinson , B.E, M.B.A, Ph..D and this couple is blessed with two children namely :-[a] Mr. P. Paul Samuel, and [b] Ms.  P. Pauline Geona , and  [3] Mr. Er. I. Marshal Joel Sudha, M.Tech, and currently he serves in Infosys and he is  married to Ms Nancy , B.B.A and this couple is blessed with a son by name Mr . Manuel. 

Er. I. Alexandar Noel Suresh's Educational Track Phase  1      : Er. I. Alexandar Noel Suresh did his High School studies at the Carol Matriculation School at Thituvilai  and after having passed his 10th Std he pursued his Plus Two [11th and 12th] at the famous  Scott Christian Higher Secondary School ,Nagercoil and passed his Plus Two examination  with flying colours in 1995. Then he pursued his B.E[ Civil] at the  Karunya Institute of Technology , Coimbatore [1995----1999] and passed his B.E in 1999. He did his M.E[ Structural Engineering]  at the famous S.R.M Institute of Technology , Chennai  and he passed his M.E,  with University rank  and  bagged the University Gold Medal.  

His Professional Track, Phase  1     : From 2001 to 2007 , Er. Alexandar Noel Suresh worked  as a Structural Engineer in a Norwegian  Engineering and Construction Services Company called , KVAERNER, in Mumbai. with great distinction and gained sound working experience.

Er. Alexander Noel Suresh's  Higher Studies in U.K         : In line with his natural quest for knowledge he pursued his M.Sc[  Advanced Structural Engineering ] at the famous University of Sheffield, U.K, and passed his  M.S,[ Advanced Structural Engineering ]meritoriously in the year 2009. .

Licenses and Certifications  Obtained by Er Alexandar Noel Suresh    ;  Er. Alexander Noel Suresh has obtained the following Licenses  and Certifications :- [1] Chartered Engineer: Institute of Marine Engineering , Science and Technology [I MarEst],  issued on April 2015, [2]Chartered Marine Engineer : Institute of Marine Engineering , Science and Technology [ I MarEST], issued  April 2015, [3] the Association for Proposal Management Professional] Certification. [APMP} [4] Charted Engineer:- Royal College of Engineering and Technology , U.K..

Courses Done by Er. Alexandar Noel Suresh    : [1] Construction  Design and Management Regulations [ CDM ], Institute of Civil Engineering , U,K, [2] Construction Contract , Institute of Civil Engineering , U.K,. [3]  Designing of Offshore Wind Farm, WTG Substructure and Foundation Engineering - AsraWst- U.K,  [4] Health and Safety Regulations Course , Institute of Civil Engineering , U.K, [5]P,G. Diploma in Business Analytics and  Data Science, 2021, University of Austin , Texas, USA, [ Online], and [6] Tendering and Estimation  Course, Institute of Civil Engineering , U.K,. 


                                 Er. I. Alexandar Noel Suresh with his Wife and Children

Er. Alexandar Noel Suresh's Wife and Children   :  Er. Alexandar Noel Suresh married Ms. Dr. P. Ponmalar, M.B.B.S, at Vadakkankulam [ Daughter of Mr. P. Perumal and Mrs. Regina Perumal ]on 14th July 2011.   God blessed this couple with all the conjugal blessings and this couple gave birth to the following children namely :-[1] Ms. Lydia Alexandar and [2] Ms . Lynda Alexandar [ Both of are studying in U.K]. After  her marriage Dr. Ponmalr Alexandar pursued her M.D, in U.K and passed her M.D and currently she is working in N.H.S, UK as a Medical  Doctor  with great efficacy.. 

Er Alexandar Noel Suresh's Professional Track Phase 2       :  In line with his love  and thirst for knowledge Er Alexander Noel Suresh went to England and pursued his MSc[  Advanced Structural Engineering ]at the University of Sheffield U.K. and passed his  M.S[ advanced structural engineering . After having passed his M.S[UK] he joined the famous A.B.S. Consulting company , U.K,  as a Senior Structural Engineer in 2009  and worked with great  efficacy and devotion till 2012..   ABS's core business is providing global classification services to the Marine, Offshore and Gas industries.  From 2012 till 2022 he worked in some reputed companies in U.K. and gained sound experience and expertise.  Since September 2022 to present Er. Alexandar Noel Suresh Immanuel has been working as Principal Engineer / Technical lead - Offshore Wind farm , Substructures, at the famous multinational Company Worley , London with great distinction and professional  efficacy . He is managing Engineering Offices across UK, India, Australia, U.S. Thailand Singapore,  and South Korea and also managing and executing Design and Engineering Projects and also  serves as Bid Strategy Solution Manager in Worley , Ltd, U.K . Worley is a Global Company that provides Professional, Project and Asset services in the Energy, Chemical, and Resource Sectors . 

Conclusion      :   Er. Alexandar Noel Suresh Immanuel is a Chartered Engineer with 20 years of experience in delivering technically complex projects for Offshore Wind Farm, Oil and Gas and  Industries.  He manages engineering Teams towards Concept Development, FEED  and Detailed Engineering and Installation Packages for Offshore Wind farm , Oil and gas projects . He is experienced in managing projects, Bid and tender packages , Stage gate reviews and Finance reports, preparing Schedules , Deliverable list, Budget estimates, progress and productivity Reports as part of the ongoing Projects and experienced in working on Offshore locations such as U.K, North Sea, Middle East, China , Taiwan and Atlantic ocean.  He has reached this high position by virtue of his hard and honest work .He is a Voracious reader .  Cycling is his favourite hobby and he loves Music and he is a good Guitarist and key Board player . He is a creative and innovative  Thinker . While he was a student at the Bharathiar University , Tamil Nadu, he won the University First Prize for MINE Competition. and also he bagged the University First Prize for MINE competition  in the Cultural Event conducted by the I.I.T,  Madras . He is a good Christian believer and he has a plan to write a Commentary Book on the book of Roman [ New Testament ] .Er. I, Alexander  Noel Suresh's educational and professional reach from an unknown Indian Village arrest our attention with admiration . It is not possible to accommodate all the chapters and aspects of his real life travel within the space  of this Article and so I will end this Article with the following sentence,. "Dear Er. I. Alexandar Noel Suresh we thank God for you,  we firmly hope you will reach even greater heights in your life travel and  we are proud of you "


By. P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,[ All Rights are reserved. This article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed].



Tuesday 13 August 2024

A Scion of an Illustrious Indian Christian Family, Author, True Christian Believer, A Dedicated Indian Naval Officer Commodore Dr. Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job, M.B.B.S, D.A,.

Introduction   :  Late Naval Commodore Dr. Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job, M.B.B.S, D.A   was a remarkable and multi-talented personality. He was intelligent, tall, handsome, a man of character, Author, Patriotic ,Lover of nature, Administrator and a devoted and efficacious Naval Medical Doctor . He hailed from one of the illustrious Christian families in South India and his exemplary personal  and professional life will galvanise the readers with  grit, patriotism  and hope to lead a fruitful and meaningful life .

Dr. Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job

 Dr. E.J Chandran Job's Parents and His Birth  :     Great Christian Leader, Evangelist and Tamil Christian Poet late Rev. S.  George Vethanayagam and Mrs Asirvathammal [She was an adopted daughter of Rev. Chandler of the Madura Mission] couple gave birth to  Mr G.V. Job and Mr. G.V Job, M.A,  L.T,  served as the Head Master of the St Columbus High School at Chengalpattu . Mr. G.V Job played a crucial part for the  formation of Church of South India in 1947 and also had the privilege to serve as the  first General Secretary of the Church of the South India. [CSI]. Mr. G. V Job  married Ms. Esther Gertrude from Madurai and this couple gave birth to Dr. Ernest .Jesudasan Chandran Job, in the year 1924 at Thirupathur Christukula Ashramam , Tamil Nadu; this Christukula Ashrama was founded by the Scottish United Free Church Medical Missionary Dr. Ernest Forrrester Paton along with Dr. S. Jesudasan a fellow Tamil Missionary.  Dr. Ernest Jesudason Chandran Job was named  Ernest after Mr. Ernest F. Paton and  Jesudasan after Dr. Jesudason. and Chandran a common beautiful Tamil name.. Mr. G,V.Job was working as Head Master of the Church of Scotland  Mission High School at Chengalpattu  by name St. Columbus High School  at Chennalpattu  As persons working in the institutions connected with the Church of Scotland Mr G.V Job  and Dr. Ernest F Paton and Dr..S. Jesudason became great friends. and their intellectual and theological views effected , impacted and affected each other mutually.

Dr. E.J. Chandran Job's Siblings       : God blessed Mr. G.V.Job and Ms Esther Getrudee Job with all the connubial blessings Mr. G.V.Job and Ms Esther Getrude Job  couple  gave birth to the  following children namely:-[1] Ms. Jemmi Job Rajamanickam , [2] Ms. Dr. Leela Kezia Job and she did her M.B.B.S, at the prestigious Christian Medical College Vellore and she was privileged to be trained under the the great Dr.  Ida Scudder, [3] Ms .Kirubavathi Job , [4] Mr Dr. Samuel Vedanayagam Job, M.Sc, Ph.D [ Canada],  and he is generally called as Dr. S.V.Job. It will be appropriate to record some lines about Dr. S.V. Job . Dr. S.V Job was born in the year 1922 and he had an outstanding educational record and career and  he was the winner  of the Caithness Gold Medal in his P.G. Degree in Zoology from the University of Madras . by winning the prestigious Vincent Masseey Award he did his Doctoral research in the Dept of Zoology , University of Toronto Canada and was awarded  his prestigious Ph.D degree . He served in the Madras Christian College as a Lecturer in Zoology, Department. Then he worked  as a Reader in the Madras University and  while he was working in the University of Madras he was transferred to Madurai University and after having worked for many years in the Madurai University Dr. S.V Job was promoted as Head and Coordinator of the School of Biological Sciences and a Professor and retired. During his prolific teaching career Dr. S. V. Job had guided and  produced 25 Ph.D degree holders. To his credit he had authored an epoch making book titled," THE SEED; Evolution: fact or Fiction ?' .Dr. Prof. S.V. .Job married Ms Marjorie a daughter of Mr. Paul and Mrs Gloria Paul in January 1950 at the Madras Christian College chapel . Dr.S.V.Job  and Ms Marjorie Job couple gave birth to the following children namely :- [1]Mr. Noel , [2] Mr Alan, [3] Ms. Phebe and [4] Mr. Danny [ Daniel Job ]. .Dr. S.V .Job and Ms Marjorie Job  were closely  connected with the Laymen Evangelical fellowship of India and its founder Bro Joshua Daniel [5] Mr. Commodore Dr. Ernest Chandran Job, M.B.B.S, [ he is the Hero of this article ] [6] Ms Sarojini Asirvatham and [7] Mr. Basil Gunaseelan Job

                      Dr, E.J. Chandran Job [Left] with his Wife. Ms Abranam Vedavathy 

  • Dr. E. J.Chandran Job's Wife and Children   : Dr. Ernest Jesudason  Chandran Job , MBBS, married Ms Abranam Vethavathi, M.A, { mathematics -- Presidency College, Madras] , daughter of  Advocate Mr.  Devadasan, B.A, B.L, and Ms. Annamuthu Devadasan{ Ms. Annamuthu  hailed from an illustrious family in Nanjil Nadu, K.k.Dist] on 26th May 1950 at the Holy Trinity Cathedral , Palayamcottai.. .  This marriage proposal was initiated and brought by Bihsop Rt.Rev. A.J. Appasamy .and his wife Mrs Grace Appasamy .God blessed  Dr. Chandran  Job and his wife Mrs Vedavathy and Mrs  Vedavathy used to tell her children that they owed the success of their marriage to their obedience to the will of God . Dr. E.J Chandran Job and Ms Abranam Vedavathi Job couple gave birth to the following children namely :-[1] Dr. Sheila Sekar, M.B.B.S  and she married Mr. Abraham Sekhar, M,Tech [ IIT--Mumbai] and this  couple is blessed with a son and a daughter namely ;[a] Mr. Peter and [b] Ms. Mercy  and [2] Mr. Prabhu Job, B.E and he married Ms Sheila Prabhu, B.E .and this couple is blessed with a daughter by name Ms Rachel Chitra. [ Journalist ].
Dr. E.J. Chandran's education       : Dr. E. J. Chandran Job was brought up inside the School campus of St Columbus High School in Chengalpattu. Dr. Chandran Job did his Schooling during the years 1930 --1940 . Dr. Chandran Job pursued his MBBS in the prestigious Madras Medical College and passed his MBBS  course.

Dr. .J Chandran Job's Professional Track   : After having successfully completed his House Surgency at the CMC in 1950, Dr. E.J. Chandran  Job joined the Indian Army and he was posted in many different places in North India . Dr. E.J. Chandran Job was selected  and transferred to the fledgeling Indian Navy and he served in the Indian Naval ships and Naval Hospitals . For two years he served as a naval medical Officer in Vizag[ INS  Circars] and developed  a lasting friendship with his colleague Dr. Christian and his wife Regina and she later qualified as a Surgeon. with them Dr Chandran Job's family shared accommodation In1958  shortly before  the birth of David Prabhu Dayal, Dr. Chandran Job was asked to do his Senior medical Officer's training in Pune and he was selected to do a Diploma Course in Anaesthesia in the Armed Medical College Hospital in Pune. After  having passed his D. A, Course he was posted to a Naval Ship to serve as the INS Investigator and his main job was to  measure the depth of the coastline all around India and to help the construction work of the Palk Trait Bridge. The other Indian naval Ships that Dr. Chandran Job had sailed are :[1] the INS Rohilkand, ,[2] the INS Trishul, [3] and shortly before his retirement he sailed in the INS Vikrant. The Indian naval hospitals Dr. Chandran Job worked were :- [1] INHS Aswini- Bombay, Sanjivani - Cochin, Jeevanti, - Goa , kalyani - Vizag.

Dr. E.J.Chandran Job Had the Privilege to Chat with Mrs Indra Gandhi  : Dr. Ernest J Chandran Job had many privileges to meet and chat with some illustrious personalities and  while Dr.E.J Chandran was serving in the INS Vikrant  in the year 1969 as naval doctor Chandran job was designated as the Mess officer for that week along with his regular Medical  duty. During this week surprisingly the then Prime Minister of India  Mrs Indra Gandhi made a surprise visit to INS Vikrant .  In line with naval Tradition the Mess officer of the Week heads the table and as Mrs Indra  Gandhi was the Guest of Honour of that day she was seated on the left side of Dr, Chandran Job the mess Officer , facing the Captain of the ship . During the meal time Mrs Gandhi  asked many rapid fire questions to Dr. Chandran Job and the Captain of the ship. , Dr Chandran job  in his reply requested  some Measures that would benefit the Sailors . Dr, Chandran did not expect that Mrs Gandhi will take quick actions to fulfil his requests for the cause of the sailors , but to the great surprise of Dr. E.J. Chandran Job , Orders came in the next week, from the Top officials to implement the beneficial measures for the cause of the Sailors  that Dr Chandran Job wanted . . 

Dr. E.J. Chandran Job was an Author    ;   Naval Commodore Dr. Chandran Job was a creative  Thinker and Author like his scholar  father Mr. G.V. Job , M.A. L.T.. [ Mr. G.V Job was one of the Authors of the epoch making Book, " Rethinking Christianity in India "   Dr. Chandran Job was a Spiritual Thinker, Theologian  , a shrewd Interpreter of the Scripture.. Dr. Chandran Job had authored two books namely ;-[1] GUIDE TO DIVINE HEALING and [2] Unveiling of Bible Truths Concealed by Man made CHURCH TRADITIONS.  A perusal of these books will help us to  understand the enlightening theological thoughts and his views on baptism and Spiritual Rebirth, Divine Healing and Medicine etc,.. 

Conclusion   :  Indian Naval Commodore Dr. Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job , M.B.B.S, D.A ,was a  born again Christian , Theological Thinker, Unassuming, a Man of Prayer, intelligent,  and his command over English language was commendable .He is not alive today but he lives in our memories and in the mind of Mother India.   We can understand about his spiritual views, and enlightenment through his Books. He was a Born Searcher and Seeker of truth and by  consistent search and personal experience  he found out Christ was the Truth . Physically , intellectually an spiritually Dr,Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job was a beautiful man , He was blessed with all the blessings told in the Psalm 128.  He  was a great patriot and he had served for the cause of the Defence of Mother India  at crucial times with great dedication, boldness, strategy  and efficacy. He respected  his parents, loved his  wife, children and his grandchildren very much . He was an excellent and eloquent Letter Writer. It is not possible to cover all  the important  chapters and aspects of his personal and professional life within the space of this Article and so I will end this Article with the  following sentence ;. "Dear and respected Commodore Dr. Ernest Jesudasan Chandran Job  and we are proud of you "

By..P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,.[All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later if needed ].

Saturday 27 July 2024

An Outstanding , Unsung Indian Lady and Social Worker and Co-Founder of Anbagam [ A Home For Mentally Retarded Children ], Madurai, late Mrs. Mary Thangaraj, M.Sc[ Nursing, Toronto, Canada].

Introduction: The present day Indians hardly remember the Great Unsung Achiever  and remarkable  Social Worker and thinker Mrs.Mary Thangaraj; wife of the  renowned Physicist and former Principal of the American college, Madurai. Dr.Manuel Amirthavasagam Thangaraj and Co-Founder of Anbagam,  Madurai.Unfortunately  she had become one of the  unsung female Achievers  of India.  In this context, I remember the famous lines of the great Dramatist and Poet William Shakespeare, 'The great is oft interred with their bones. So let it be with Caesar "[ William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar  ] .So I do not like to forget the valuable services rendered by Mrs Mary Thangaraj, go  unnoticed and interred deep inside  the earth.  She  was really a remarkable lady and her life and service will definitely  inspire many people to do service for the cause of Mentally handicapped and  Challenged people .

Mrs. Mary Thangaraj and  Her Birth and Parents: Ms Mary's father Mr.Dominic and her mother Ms. Magdalene Coelho were native of Mangalore, Karnataka State  and  Mary  was born to her parents in Mangalore. Mary's Parents christened her as  Mary Monica Coelho , but generally she was called as Mary only.. Ms. Mary Monica's mother Ms Magdalene Coelho hailed from an illustrious Catholic Christian family from  Mangalore, karnataka State .

Ms Mary Monica's Education: Ms. Mary Monica Coelho moved to Madras [ Chennai ]along with her parents in 1938. After her School education Ms Mary Dominic studied Nursing and started to work as a qualified Staff Nurse at the General Hospital Madras. She was very brilliant in her studies and very smart in her work . She wanted to do her higher education in Nursing in a foreign Country , so she applied for  an Educational Scholarship, and Ms.Mary Monica  won  the Prestigious Rockfeller Foundation Scholarship and joined at the famous Vaderbilt University in USA to pursue her graduate study in Nursing and she passed her B.Sc [Nursing ] meritoriously . In line with her higher life goals she wanted to do  her Post Graduate Course in Nursing and accordingly  Ms. Mary Monica pursued her M.Sc [ Nursing ],  at the famous  University of Toronto, Canada during 1946-1948.  and passed her M.Sc [Nursing] meritoriously.

Ms Mary Monica met Dr. M.A. Thangaraj at the Toronto University in Canada :  Ms. Mary Monica Coelho pursued her M.Sc[ Nursing] at the famous University of Toronto during the period from 1946 to 1948. But in line with  the pre-determined plan of Almighty God Ms Mary Monica's future husband Mr. Manuel Amirthavasagam Thangaraj was pursuing his Ph.D[ Physics] in the same university during the same period . [1945--1948]. M.A .Thangaraj met his future wife Ms Mary Monica Coelho at Toronto University.. As a doctoral student Mr. M.A. Thangaraj was required to give some talk to the students of the Toronto University occasionally.. The smart and intelligent   Ms Mary  Monica ardently attended the lectures of M..A. Thangaraj and used to ask so many questions to M.A Thangaraj. on his lectures. . Her questions  first disturbed  his head and finally it disturbed his heart  and gave him sleepless nights and this acquaintance united them  in  Matrimony .

Ms Mary Monica married Dr. M.A Thnagaraj   :   The marriage of Dr. Manuel A .Thangaraj,S/o Mr Manuel Amirhtavasagam of Erode and Mrs Navaneetham Amirthavasagam with  Ms. Mary Monica Coelho, D/o Mr.Dominic and Mrs Magdalene Coelho Dominic  was solemnised at the historical Santhom  Cathedral in Madras on 29th December, 1948. This lovely couple gave birth to two sons namely ;[1] Mr. Arun Thangaraj  [ U.S.A.]   , and [2]Suresh Bernard Thangaraj . But their second son was born as a mentally retarded  child   and his challenging birth ,changed the goal and course of Thnangaraj couple's life.

Ms Mary Monica Thangaraj moved to Madurai   :
Dr M.A. Thangaraj  moved to Madurai  from Madras Christian College, Tambaram to take charge as Principal of the American college. Dr. M.A Thangaraj assumed  charge as Principal of the famous American College Madurai in 1967 and so Ms Mary Thangaraj also moved to the Historical city Madurai along with their sons. Dr. M.A. Thangaraj  served as a  visionary and innovative Principal of Madurai American College  till his retirement in 1979. and Mrs Mary Thangaraj took active interest in Church related activities and  Social Service. 

Ms Mary Thangaraj co-founded of Anbagam in Madurai         :Dr.M.A.Thangaraj and his wife Mrs Mary Thangaraj founded Anbagam [ A Home For Mentally T Retarded Children ], in Madurai . The mental and physical condition of Thangraj Couple's  second son Suresh  Bernard Thangaraj deeply and adversely affected and impacted  Dr. Thangaraj and his beloved wife Ms Mary Thangaraj to a great  and irrecoverable level  .As good compassionate Parents they empathised with all the mentally retarded Children. They both spontaneously thought to do some  ameliorating  service for the cause of mentally retarded Children, including their own beloved son Suresh Thangaraj. So as soon as they moved  to Madurai from Madras they planned to start an Institution to serve the mentally Handicapped children  and accordingly Mrs Mary Monica Thangaraj and Dr. M.A. Thangaraj started "Anbagam" to serve the cause of the mentally and physically challenged children  and to protect the Rights of mentally and physically challenged persons and to create equal opportunities for the mentally handicapped persons.. Ms Mary Thangaraj and Dr, M.A. Thangaaraj  founded Anbagam[ Home of Love] for the cause of the mentally retarded children in 1970 with 7 retarded children .Since then there was no turning back, Dr Thangaraj assumed charge as the First Director of Anbagam . Thangaraj couple's soul and mind were soulfully involved in the affairs of ANBAGAM.  Dr Thangaraj and his beloved wife Mary, with the support of their  friends and well wishers built their own Building for Anbagam .As a highly qualified and foreign educated Post Graduate Nurse Mrs Mary Thangaraj served as a Guiding Force for the proper planning,  administration and development of Anbagam and its inmates. ..  Every year the number of  children accommodated in Anbagam had been  increasing . Anbagam needed more suitably qualified teachers to teach the mentally retarded children and so "Suresh Bernard Thangaraj Teachers Training College [SBTTC]"  was started in 1991 by Mrs. Mary Thangaraj and  Dr Thangaraj  to impart special training to selected candidates to teach mentally retarded Children .  And this Special Training College was affiliated with the Madurai Kamaraj University and now this college offers B.Ed  degree course of special education to the students of this B.Ed college. In the smiles of the mentally handicapped persons, Ms Mary Monica Thangaraj found the presence of God .

Conclusion   :   Currently Anbagam and the SBTTC  are functioning in Madurai  in line  with the visionary objectives and goals envisaged by the Founders Ms. Mary Monica Thangaraj, and Dr. M.A. Thangaraj . Ms. Mary Monica Thangaraj and Dr. M.A Thangaraj  are not living today in this World to physically witness the day today affairs of Anbagam and to see the activities and progress of the the Physically handicapped persons of their brain child "ANBAGAM.".Today Anbagam serves nearly 275 affected children  with great concern and loving kindness. The Sisters of St. Anne's of Tiruchinopoly are managing Anbagam since 1987. Anbagam is governed by an Inter-Faith Governing Council with representation from several  communities . Anbagam and SBT College and their Founders have won many Awards and had received  national and international recognition for their noble efforts and service.  Anbagam Children have also won many medals at the State Level in the Special Olympics for the Disabled.  Of course it would be appropriate to remember  the understanding  of the Founding Fathers of Anbagam, that God has created all of us in His own image and Likeness . Thus all human beings are equal , including differently able children and so the disabled  persons must be treated with respect and  dignity.  It is not possible to cover all the chapters of Ms Mary Monica Thangaraj within the space of this Article and  so I will end this Article with the following sentence  " Dear Akka  Ms Mary Thangaraj, we thank God for your compassionate mind and  service for the cause of the mentally retarded people . We are proud of You "

By. P. Babu Manoharn, M.A, [ All rights are reserved . This Article will be modified, enlarged or corrected later if needed ]. 

Monday 22 July 2024

A Promising Entrepreneur, Keen Observer, Cultural Explorer , Psychologist, Philosopher,,Founder and Director of UXMINT LLC, Chennai Mr. Sathish kumar Kingsley , B.Sc, M.A, [Psychology] ,Diploma in Digital Design,. .

Introduction    :  Founder and Director of UXMINT LLC [A Design Consulting & Academy] at  OMR,  , Chennai Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley, B.Sc, M.A, Diploma in Textile Design, Diploma in Digital Design , is a remarkable man and a  multi talented. personality  Mr Sathish kumar Kingsley is a creative Thinker, innovative Designer,  Teacher , Speaker,  Entrepreneur,  and  positive Dreamer. and he is passionate towards  Human Computer Interaction., he dreams to  realise a  Utopian world by convergence of both  the physical and virtual realms..  But before reaching his present place in his professional career, he faced many challenges and blocks , but he surmounted all those obstacles and challenges with great mental grit, hope and optimism.  His enviable entrepreneurial accomplishment in the field of "Design making and Consultancy" will galvanise the readers, young technicians, engineers, creative thinkers to become great Designers , Entrepreneurs. and optimistic hard Workers.

                                                            Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley 

Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley's Parents  and His Birth     ;    Many decades ago there lived a gentleman  by name Mr. Philip and he was generally called as Philip Writer an he hailed from a pioneer and illustrious Christian family in Nanjil Nadu, Agastheeswaram Taluk, K.K.Dist. . Mr. Philip Writer was an Estate Owner and he gave birth to Mr. Kingston and Mr. Kingston  Married Mrs Anbaiyee  and this couple gave birth to Mr. Kingston Sivaji, M.A, B.L, and Mr Kingston Sivaji married Mrs Thangammal and Mr.  Kingston Sivaji and Mrs Thangamammal Sivaji couple gave birth to Mr Sathish Kumar Kingsly. in  the year 1973. 

Mr. Sathish Kumar kingsly's Siblings ;  Mr. Kingston Sivaji and Mrs Thangammal couple gave birth to  the following children namely ;-[1]Mr Sathish Kumar Kingsley [ The Hero of this Article],  [2] Ms. Vanthana,  [Nurse]and [3] Ms.Dr. Jeyanthi, B.P.T,

Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley's Educationnal Track   :   Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley  did his High school  Studies up to his 10th Standard at the Model Higher Secondary Government School at Saidapet, Chennai,; and then he did his 11th and 12th Standards at Anjuham Higher Secondary School, West Mambalam, Chennai . After having passed his Plus Two examination with good marks he wanted to do his B.F.A, [ Bachelor of Fine Arts] but he was not allowed to do and  so he pursued his B.Sc[ Zoology] at the famous Madras Christian College, Tambaram, , Chennai [ 1991-1994] and passed his B.Sc[Zoology] in the year 1994. In line with his heart's cherished desire he has  successfully done a Diploma Course in Textile Design .  Before starting his Digital career he was weaving his design for the wrap and welt . But slowly the Digital  Era  started to bloom in the 90s which made Mr. Sathish to take up a Diploma in Digital Designing.. 

Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley's  Wedding and His Wife   :  Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley married Ms Rubella Devakani in the year 1998 and God blessed this couple with all the conjugal blessings and this couple gave birth  to the following children namely :-[1] Ms. Annya Pearl  and she has passed her B.Arch , and had secured 4th rank in the National Ranking for Master's degree [Master of Interaction Design] in the  renowned National Institute of Design [NID] and currently she is working in Fin/Tech Company as UX Design Consultant, ; [2] Ms. Catherine Pearl  and currently she is doing her B.Des, [ Industrial Design] .

Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley's  Main Life Motivators  Mr. Sathish Kumar kingsley considers his paternal Uncles namely Mr. Alagappan , Mr Chandran Philip and Ananda Mohan as his principal and pioneer motivators .. Late Mr. Alagappan taught Mr. Sathish Kingsley about  the value of life and the grit to fight for his rights . Mr. Chandran Philip  instilled  the spirit of Never Give Up Attitude and Dream Chasing spirit in the young  mind of Mr. Sathish Kumar Kinsley.  Mr Anantha Mohan , gifted Mr. Sathish Kumar kingsley a copy of the  famous book, "Wren and Marin" when Mr.Sathish  was a young boy ,which empowered the young Sathish Kumar Kingsley to believe in himself that one day he will be able to speak  flawless and fluent English in front of educated people and that dream is realised now Mr Sathish Kumar Kingsley can talk eloquent English even  in a crowded Hall of 500 elite knowledgeable audience. Mr.Sathish Kumar Kingsley  remembers his Uncles with great gratitude and love...

Professional Inspiration : According to Mr. sathish Kumar Kingsley his Professional Inspiration starts from Socrates who taught him to be curious, to Raja Raja Chola the Sculpture of Big Tanjore Temple; and they  made him a keen Observer, cultural explorer ,and a Searcher of knowledge and direction for unknown answers .

Mr.Sathish Kumar Kingsley's early Struggles in his  Professional Journey   :  When Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley started his career, it was a Zero Start. He did not have  a podium or cushion to fall back . Immediately after his marriage he lost his Job .and there were days he and his family struggled for single meal but he never lost his hope. and he surmounted all the uncertainties and hardships . Now he has established his Company [Uxmint Design Company Chennai ]  and creating careers for others . But this  was not an over night magic or miracle but behind  this great transformation, lies his consistent hard-work  of 10 years  From 1995 to 1998 Mr. Kingsley worked in Garment Industry as Pattern Designer and  from 1998 to 2014 he worked in Information Technology Industry as User Experience Designer in Satyam , Cognizant and Accenture . .

Transition From Employee to Employer  & Uxmint  Design Company, Chennai  :  Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley, in line with his vision and mission started Uxmint Design Company in Chennai  in 2014,  Uxmint is a Designer Research Academy in Chennai involved in User Experience Training and Consulting   He  is poised towards Human Computer Interaction and dreams to realise the Utopian world and dreams to realise the Utopian World by converging the physical and virtual realms.. UXmint provides meaningful Design solution for products which amplify human ability resulting  in harmony between human beings and Technology . Uxmint creates  Design for solving problems, design for emotions, design for Culture and Design for better tomorrow. Mr Sathis Kumar Kingsley's  brain Child Uxmint Design transforms and invokes design thinking through process and bring innovation to Schools, Colleges and working professional and helps them to build a better environment and future . Uxmint  Design Company, Chennai has been building Digital Products for both Indian and International Clients, to name a few :- TVS, Sify, Fiat, Chrysler, Alshaya Group, and many more. Mr. Sathis Kumar Kingsley's Mission is not just to build Digital Poducts but also to contribute to the Society as a part of their C.S.R. initiative . UXmint Design Company has built products for Cerebral Palsy kids and had contributed to Startup TN Mobile Medical initiatives.. 

Mr. Sathish is a Sought  After Motivational Talker ; Mr. Sathish Kumar Kinnsley is being  invited  for Motivational Lecture and Talk by renowned educational Institutions.. He has been giving motivational Lectures, across Colleges and Universities like, Loyolla College , Anna University , I.I.T , Satyabama University, Hindustan University,etc,.. He has written and created Curriculum for User Experience Design and Creative Thinking for Under Graduate Course in International Institute of Film and Culture [IIFC] in association with VEl's University.  

Conclusion   :Throughout his  innovative Design creating  journey Mr Sathish Kumar Kingsley and his Team have not had any external investment or venture capital Mr Sathish Kumar. Kingsley had  the sheer gift to survive the  personal or professional struggles  and he proudly and politely says that he has been running his Design Company UXmint bootstrapped for the past 10 years.  Actually he has been making every Today better than the Yesterday and with this hope he sails towards a better tomorrow for himself and people around him. Apart from running a  Business , what makes Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley  to  run  constantly is his passion to chase  the horizons and one such passion which took up in his late 40s  was Cycling which took him to places close to his heart  He went  a Soul Cycling trip from Chennai to Kanyakumari on a Mission to raise Cancer Awareness among the people.. And this Cycling mission led him to meet people from different walks of life and different social strata, and gained rich experience that cannot be bought with money. Mr. Sathish Kumar  Kingsley has 29  years of experience in  Design working under various banners including Accnture, Cognizant, Satyam who worked for  leading brands from Fortune 500 Companies.  He had travelled and worked across the globe learning the different cultures and their values .on leading.  He strongly believes and hope  that his Company's  service in the field of Design should reach masses without being restricted by the feasibility of current Technology or boundaries of the Digital World. His Company experiment a lot in terms of Social Design , Cognitive Science, Behavioural Change , and emotional satisfaction . He loves his wife and children so much.  Mr. Sathish Kumar kingsley is a highly talented Artist also.. In 2014 Mr. Sathish kumar Kingsley started his company UXMINT LLC  at  OMR, Chennai with one Design employee but in 2024 from a single member it has bloomed  to a 35 Member Design Company spreading the wings to USA and UK. by the unrelenting  innovative efforts taken by Mr. Sathish kumar Kingsley. In short we say that Mr . Sathish Kumar Kingsley  has become a Hero from Zero .  It is not possible to accommodate all the chapters and  accomplishments of Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley's real life story. .within the space of this Article and so I will end this Article with the following sentence , "Dear Mr. Sathish Kumar Kingsley, and we thank God for you, you are really a great Designer and we are proud of you "


By. P. Babu Manoharan.M.A,.[ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged , modified or corrected later if needed ].



Saturday 20 July 2024

Church Planter, Administrator, Former I.E.L.C. Youth Director [1989-1991] , I.E.L.C, Church Council Member and President of India Evangelical Lutheran Church [I.E.L.C ].Rev. S. Rajagambeeram.

Introduction     :  Former President of India Evangelical Lutheran Church Rev. S. Rajagambeeram is a multifaceted personality. He was a Dynamic Youth Leader , Church Planter  and has established 10  new IELC Congregations in Ambur Synod, Social Thinker , convincing Preacher, and able Administrator.  Definitely a perusal of his galvanising profile will  help to rejuvenate the conditions of the present I.E.L.C. and motivate the current I.E.L.C.  Pastors and Church Leaders  to make a self survey of their inner minds and rededicate their service for the cause of I.E.L.C and its congregational members.


                                         Former IELC President Rev.S. Rajagambeeram. .

Rev. S. Rajagambeeram's Parents and his Birth     : M.V. Kuppam is an unsung tiny village that lies near Gudiyatham, in  Vellore district and in this beautiful tiny village there lived a farmer and small Trader  by name Mr.  Samuel with his beloved wife by name Ms. Gnanapushpam and this couple gave birth to Res. Rajagambeeram on 2nd December 1954..

Rev. s. Rajagambeeram's Siblings   : Mr. Samuel and Mrs Gnanapushpam  Samuel couple gave birth to the following children namely :- [1] Ms. Ruth Sironmani and she married Mr. Sam  Padmanabhan and this couple is blessed with 2 sons and 3 daughters. Mr. Sam Padmanabhan is working in Newzealand as a Technician,[2] Ms. Vimala and she married Mr karunakaran and this couple is blessed with 4 sons, [3] Ms. Violet and she married Mr Edwin Jeyakar and this couple is blessed with the following children namely ;[ a] Ms. Sharmila  Babu and she is working in Australia, [-b ] a Son and [c ]  a son,,.[4]  Mr. Gabriel Andrew and he is working is Dubai in  I.T. field, [5] Rev. Rajagambeeram [ He is the Hero of this Article], [6] Mr. Sounderarajan and he worked and retired as Manager, Tamil Nadu Tourist Corporation and his wife Ms. Valli Gandhi is working as a Pharmacist in a Government Hospital, and this couple gave birth to the following children namely ;-[a]Dr. Sowkanth, M.D, [ Indian medicine ], and Dr. Sowkanth married Ms Shirley , B.E,[ I.T], and [b] Ms. Sowmiya , B.Sc[Nursing], and she married Mr. Carlo and he  is working in Gulf as an  I.T. Professional, [7] Mr. Martin, M.A, Ph.D [Community Development],and he is working in Philippines and he has married a Philippines lady and settled in Philippines, and this couple is   blessed with on smart son ,[8] Mr. Pravin Alexander and he  married Ms Suguna  and this couple is  blessed with one son, by name Mr. David kapil Dev, and Mr. Kpil Dev is working in Titans Jewellery in Hosur, [9]Ms. Lavanya, and [10] Ms Regina kalavathy and she married Mr Ravi, and he worked in BHEL and retired. This couple gave birth to the following children namely ;-[a] Ms. Sneha, B.E,[Civil]. and [b] Krithika and she is working in GSK. 

Educational track of Rev. S. Rajagambeeram     :  Rev. S. Rajagambeeram did his primary School Education at the R.V. Kuppam Panchayat Primary School, and did his 6th Std to 8th Std at the Concordia Middle School at Ambur as a Boarder.. He pursued his High School at the Government Board High School at Melpattinam.  After having passed his S.S.L.C,  meritoriously he pursued his P.U.C, at the famous Islamiya College at Vaniyambadi .. 

His Theological Education    :   Rev. S. Rajagambeeram joined the Concordia Theoloical Seminary at Nagercoil to do his B.Th Course. . While he was pursuing his BTh, Dr,.B.H. Jackkayya was serving as the Principal of Concordia Theological seminary, Ngercoil . Rev. S. Rajagambeeram passed his B.Th[ Senate of Serampore College] in 1981. 

                        Mrs.W. Prema Vijaya Kumari  Rajagambeeram and Rev. S. Rajagambeeram.

Rev. S. Rajagambeeram's Wife and Children   :  Rev. S. Rajagambeeram married Ms W. Prema Vijaya  Kumari, M.A, B.Ed, daughter of Mr. Wilson Arul Doss [Rtd Military Clerk]  and Mrs  Ranjitham Wilson [Teacher at Lutheran Primary School Nagercoil].  from Nagercoil  and she did her Primary School studies at the Lutheran Primary School Nagercoil and then did her VI Std --VII Std  at Concordia High School Nagercoil and did her VIII Std  --XI Std  at St Joseph's Convent Nagercoil . She did her P.U.C. at the famous Scott Christian College Nagercoil, She pursued her B.A[ Economics] at Holy Cross College, Nagercoil and did her M.A [ History] , Madras University . She worked as Secondary grade Teacher at Vaniyambadi Concordia Hr. Sec School from 1998 to 2009 and Secondary  Grade Teacher at Concordia Higher secondary School Ambur [ 2009-  2013], and retired in 2013. currently since 2013  she has been  working as the Correspondent of Concordia Higher Secondary School at Amber,[2023-- 2025] .. Rev. S. Rajagambeeram and Ms Prema Vijaya Kumari couple gave birth to  the following children namely ;- [1] Mr. R.G. Navin Samson,  he did his Nursing Course at CMC and he married Ms.Annet Margaret, B.Sc[ Nursing] and both of them are working in Kuwait [ MOH], [2] Mr R.G. Pravin Ranjith, B.Tech , GSK, London , UK..

 Rev. S. Rajagambeeram's  Pastoral  Track    :  After having passed his BTh, Rev. S. Rajagambeeram was posted  to work as a probationary Lutheran Pastor at the Vellore Christ Lutheran Church and he worked in this church from 1981 to 1983 and successfully completed his probation period and then he was appointed as Lutheran[IELC] Pastor at the Alan Kuppam Pastorate and he was ordained and installed in 1984 and he worked as IELC Pastor  of the Allan Kupam Lutheran Congregation, Chantore Kuppam congregation and Vinnamangalm Congregation in the Allankuppam Pastorate for a record period of  35 years [ 1984- 2019] and retired in 2019. 

Rev. Rajagambeeram as a Church Planter  :   Rev. S. Rajagambeeeram is really a great Church Planter in IELC. He had established 10 new IELC congregations namely :- St. Luke Lutheran Church at Solur , Yesu Nathar Lutheran Church at Nachiyar Kuppam ,St Zion Lutheran Church at Sandorkuppam, etc,..He had  not only planted 10  New IELC churches[ Congregations]  but also constructed Church Buildings  for those  10 IELC  Congregations established by him in Ambur Synod.

Rev. S. Rajagambeeram's  Administrative Career in IELC   ;  Rev. S. Rajagambeeram had served IELC in various capcities such as ;- :- [1] Youth Director, Ambur Synod, [2] IELC , Youth Director [ 1989--1991] , [3] Secretary and Treasurer of Pastor's Conferences , Ambur Synod, [4] Served as IELC, Church Council Member, [5]  He was elected to serve as President of  I.E.L.C. [ 2004-- 2007] and again he was elected  as IELC President  [2017 to 2020] and Rev. S. Rajagambeeram   served as President of I.E.L.C with great devotion , dedication and Vision. 

Conclusion        : Rrev. S. Rajagambeeram served I.E.L.C. as a dedicated IELC Pastor with great vision, mission and dedication. He lovedIELC and its congregational members and he really did his best for the cause of IELC congregations and their members. He arranged educational Scholarships for many IELC boys and girls to do their  B.Sc[ Nursing] Courses. He also encouraged IELC Pastors to do their Higher Theological studies, by giving Educational Scholarships. . He had visited many foreign countries such as ;-[a]  Germany [2 times], [b] U.S.A, [5 times],[c]Hong Kong [ 2 times], [d] Bangkock,[e] Thailand, and [f]Sweeden. .By his hard work he developed his hold and command over English language . He is powerful Writer  and Preacher in Tamil.  His smiling face,  and friendly words helped him to earn many friends both within the Church and outside the Church. He is a convincing Preacher , he is compassionate and unassuming and an able  administrator. God blessed his family .It is not possible to cover all the aspects and chapters of his real life story within the space of this article and so I will end this Article with the following sentence, : "Dear Rev. S. Rajagambeeram, we thank God for you, we like your  smile and proud of you :"
by P. Babu Manoharan, M.A,. [ All rights are reserved. This Article will be enlarged, modified or corrected later, if needed].